Non-thermal plasma treatment induces MAPK signaling in human monocytes


The application of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma raises a hope for the new wound healing strategies. Next to its antibacterial effect it is known to stimulate skin cells. However, monocytes are also needed for the complex process of a wound healing. This study investigates the impact of plasma on the intracellular signaling events in the primary human monocytes. The proliferative MEK-ERK (MAPK/ERK kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway was activated by short plasma treatment times. In contrast, an induction of the apoptotic JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) cascade as well as activation of caspase 3 were observed after long plasma exposure. These findings indicate that monocytes can be differentially stimulated by plasma treatment and may contribute to the proper wound recovery.

Human monocytes, MAPK signaling, Non-thermal plasma, Plasma medicine, Wound healing
Bundscherer, L., Nagel, S., Hasse, S., Tresp, H., Wende, K., Walther, R., et al. (2014). Non-thermal plasma treatment induces MAPK signaling in human monocytes. 13(1).
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