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Publication of Atmospheric Model Data using the ATMODAT Standard

2022, Ganske, Anette, Heil, Angelika, Lammert, Andrea, Kretzschmar, Jan, Quaas, Johannes

Scientific data should be published in a way so that other scientists can benefit from these data, enabling further research. The FAIR Data Principles are defining the basic prerequisite for a good data publication: data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Increasingly, research communities are developing discipline-specific data publication standards under consideration of the FAIR Data Principles. A very comprehensive yet strict data standard has been developed for the climate model output within the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), which largely builds upon the Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions (CF conventions). There are, however, many areas of atmospheric modelling where data cannot be standardised according to the CMIP data standard because, e.g., the data contain specific variables which are not covered by the CMIP standard. Furthermore, fulfilling the strict CMIP data standard for smaller Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) requires much effort (in time and manpower) and hence the outcome of these MIPs often remains non-standardised. For innovative model diagnostics, preexisting standards are also not flexible enough. For that reason, the ATMODAT standard, a quality guideline for atmospheric model data, was created. The ATMODAT standard defines a set of requirements that aim at ensuring the high reusability of atmospheric model data publications. The requirements include the use of the netCDF file format, the application of the CF conventions, rich and standardised file metadata, and the publication of the data with a DataCite DOI. Additionally, a tool for checking the conformity of data and metadata to this standard, the atmodat data checker, was developed and is available on GitHub under an open licence. By using the more flexible ATMODAT standard, the publication of standardised datasets is simplified for smaller MIPs. This standardisation process is presented as an example using the data of an aerosol-climate model from the AeroCOM MIP. Furthermore, the landing pages of ATMODAT-compliant data publications can be highlighted with the EASYDAB logo. EASYDAB (Earth System Data Branding) is a newly developed quality label for carefully curated and highly standardised data publications. The ATMODAT data standardisation can easily be transferred to data from other disciplines and contribute to their improved reusability.

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ATMODAT Standard v3.0

2020, Gasnke, Anette, Kraft, Angelina, Kaiser, Amandine, Heydebreck, Daniel, Lammert, Andrea, Höck, Heinke, Thiemann, Hannes, Voss, Vivien, Grawe, David, Leitl, Bernd, Schlünzen, K. Heinke, Kretzschmar, Jan, Quaas, Johannes

Within the AtMoDat project (Atmospheric Model Data), a standard has been developed which is meant for improving the FAIRness of atmospheric model data published in repositories. The ATMODAT standard includes concrete recommendations related to the maturity, publication and enhanced FAIRness of atmospheric model data. The suggestions include requirements for rich metadata with controlled vocabularies, structured landing pages, file formats (netCDF) and the structure within files. Human- and machine readable landing pages are a core element of this standard, and should hold and present discipline-specific metadata on simulation and variable level. This standard is an updated and translated version of "Bericht über initialen Kernstandard und Kurationskriterien des AtMoDat Projektes (v2.4)