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    Silica nanoparticles for intracellular protein delivery: A novel synthesis approach using green fluorescent protein
    (London : BioMed Central, 2017) Schmidt, Sarah; Tavernaro, Isabella; Cavelius, Christian; Weber, Eva; Kümper, Alexander; Schmitz, Carmen; Fleddermann, Jana; Kraegeloh, Annette
    In this study, a novel approach for preparation of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-doped silica nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution is presented. GFP was chosen as a model protein due to its autofluorescence. Protein-doped nanoparticles have a high application potential in the field of intracellular protein delivery. In addition, fluorescently labelled particles can be used for bioimaging. The size of these protein-doped nanoparticles was adjusted from 15 to 35 nm using a multistep synthesis process, comprising the particle core synthesis followed by shell regrowth steps. GFP was selectively incorporated into the silica matrix of either the core or the shell or both by a one-pot reaction. The obtained nanoparticles were characterised by determination of particle size, hydrodynamic diameter, ζ-potential, fluorescence and quantum yield. The measurements showed that the fluorescence of GFP was maintained during particle synthesis. Cellular uptake experiments demonstrated that the GFP-doped nanoparticles can be used as stable and effective fluorescent probes. The study reveals the potential of the chosen approach for incorporation of functional biological macromolecules into silica nanoparticles, which opens novel application fields like intracellular protein delivery.
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    The synergistic effect of chlorotoxin-mApoE in boosting drug-loaded liposomes across the BBB
    (London : BioMed Central, 2019) Formicola, Beatrice; Dal, Magro, Roberta; Montefusco-Pereira, Carlos V.; Lehr, Claus‑Michael; Koch, Marcus; Russo, Laura; Grasso, Gianvito; Deriu, Marco A.; Danani, Andrea; Bourdoulous, Sandrine; Re, Francesca
    We designed liposomes dually functionalized with ApoE-derived peptide (mApoE) and chlorotoxin (ClTx) to improve their blood-brain barrier (BBB) crossing. Our results demonstrated the synergistic activity of ClTx-mApoE in boosting doxorubicin-loaded liposomes across the BBB, keeping the anti-tumour activity of the drug loaded: mApoE acts promoting cellular uptake, while ClTx promotes exocytosis of liposomes. © 2019 The Author(s).
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    Thermal decomposition of the amino acids glycine, cysteine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine, arginine and histidine
    (London : BioMed Central, 2018) Weiss, Ingrid M.; Muth, Christina; Drumm, Robert; Kirchner, Helmut O.
    Background: The pathways of thermal instability of amino acids have been unknown. New mass spectrometric data allow unequivocal quantitative identification of the decomposition products. Results: Calorimetry, thermogravimetry and mass spectrometry were used to follow the thermal decomposition of the eight amino acids G, C, D, N, E, Q, R and H between 185 °C and 280 °C. Endothermic heats of decomposition between 72 and 151 kJ/mol are needed to form 12 to 70% volatile products. This process is neither melting nor sublimation. With exception of cysteine they emit mainly H2O, some NH3 and no CO2. Cysteine produces CO2 and little else. The reactions are described by polynomials, AA→a NH3+b H2O+c CO2+d H2S+e residue, with integer or half integer coefficients. The solid monomolecular residues are rich in peptide bonds. Conclusions: Eight of the 20 standard amino acids decompose at well-defined, characteristic temperatures, in contrast to commonly accepted knowledge. Products of decomposition are simple. The novel quantitative results emphasize the impact of water and cyclic condensates with peptide bonds and put constraints on hypotheses of the origin, state and stability of amino acids in the range between 200 °C and 300 °C.
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    Visualisation of HER2 homodimers in single cells from HER2 overexpressing primary formalin fixed paraffin embedded tumour tissue
    (London : BioMed Central, 2019) Peckys, D.B.; Hirsch, D.; Gaiser, T.; De, Jonge, N.
    Background: HER2 is considered as one of the most important, predictive biomarkers in oncology. The diagnosis of HER2 positive cancer types such as breast- and gastric cancer is usually based on immunohistochemical HER2 staining of tumour tissue. However, the current immunohistochemical methods do not provide localized information about HER2's functional state. In order to generate signals leading to cell growth and proliferation, the receptor spontaneously forms homodimers, a process that can differ between individual cancer cells. Materials and methods: HER2 overexpressing tumour cells were dissociated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) patient's biopsy sections, subjected to a heat-induced antigen retrieval procedure, and immobilized on microchips. HER2 was specifically labelled via a two-step protocol involving the incubation with an Affibody-biotin compound followed by the binding of a streptavidin coated quantum dot (QD) nanoparticle. Cells with membrane bound HER2 were identified using fluorescence microscopy, coated with graphene to preserve their hydrated state, and subsequently examined by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to obtain the locations at the single molecule level. Label position data was statistically analysed via the pair correlation function, yielding information about the presence of HER2 homodimers. Results: Tumour cells from two biopsies, scored HER2 3+, and a HER2 negative control sample were examined. The specific labelling protocol was first tested for a sectioned tissue sample of HER2-overexpressing tumour. Subsequently, a protocol was optimized to study HER2 homodimerization in single cells dissociated from the tissue section. Electron microscopy data showed membrane bound HER2 in average densities of 201-689 proteins/μm2. An automated, statistical analysis of well over 200,000 of measured protein positions revealed the presence of HER2 homodimers in 33 and 55% of the analysed images for patient 1 and 2, respectively. Conclusions: We introduced an electron microscopy method capable of measuring the positions of individually labelled HER2 proteins in patient tumour cells from which information about the functional status of the receptor was derived. This method could take HER2 testing a step further by examining HER2 homodimerization directly out of tumour tissue and may become important for adjusting a personalized antibody-based drug therapy. © 2019 The Author(s).