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Intersubband Transition Engineering in the Conduction Band of Asymmetric Coupled Ge/SiGe Quantum Wells

2020, Persichetti, Luca, Montanari, Michele, Ciano, Chiara, Di Gaspare, Luciana, Ortolani, Michele, Baldassarre, Leonetta, Zoellner, Marvin, Mukherjee, Samik, Moutanabbir, Oussama, Capellini, Giovanni, Virgilio, Michele, De Seta, Monica

n-type Ge/SiGe asymmetric coupled quantum wells represent the building block of a variety of nanoscale quantum devices, including recently proposed designs for a silicon-based THz quantum cascade laser. In this paper, we combine structural and spectroscopic experiments on 20-module superstructures, each featuring two Ge wells coupled through a Ge-rich SiGe tunnel barrier, as a function of the geometry parameters of the design and the P dopant concentration. Through a comparison of THz spectroscopic data with numerical calculations of intersubband optical absorption resonances, we demonstrated that it is possible to tune, by design, the energy and the spatial overlap of quantum confined subbands in the conduction band of the heterostructures. The high structural/interface quality of the samples and the control achieved on subband hybridization are promising starting points towards a working electrically pumped light-emitting device. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Transceivers in SiGe BiCMOS Technologies

2021, Kissinger, Dietmar, Kahmen, Gerhard, Weigel, Robert

This invited paper reviews the progress of silicon–germanium (SiGe) bipolar-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology-based integrated circuits (ICs) during the last two decades. Focus is set on various transceiver (TRX) realizations in the millimeter-wave range from 60 GHz and at terahertz (THz) frequencies above 300 GHz. This article discusses the development of SiGe technologies and ICs with the latter focusing on the commercially most important applications of radar and beyond 5G wireless communications. A variety of examples ranging from 77-GHz automotive radar to THz sensing as well as the beginnings of 60-GHz wireless communication up to THz chipsets for 100-Gb/s data transmission are recapitulated. This article closes with an outlook on emerging fields of research for future advancement of SiGe TRX performance.

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Modulation Linearity Characterization of Si Ring Modulators

2021, Jo, Youngkwan, Mai, Christian, Lischke, Stefan, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young

Modulation linearity of Si ring modulators (RMs) is investigated through the numerical simulation based on the coupled-mode theory and experimental verification. Numerical values of the key parameters needed for the simulation are experimentally extracted. Simulation and measurement results agree well. With these, the influence of input optical wavelength and power on the Si RM linearity are characterized.

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Editors' Choice - Precipitation of Suboxides in Silicon, their Role in Gettering of Copper Impurities and Carrier Recombination

2020, Kissinger, G., Kot, D., Huber, A., Kretschmer, R., Müller, T., Sattler, A.

This paper describes a theoretical investigation of the phase composition of oxide precipitates and the corresponding emission of self-interstitials at the minimum of the free energy and their evolution with increasing number of oxygen atoms in the precipitates. The results can explain the compositional evolution of oxide precipitates and the role of self-interstitials therein. The formation of suboxides at the edges of SiO2 precipitates after reaching a critical size can explain several phenomena like gettering of Cu by segregation to the suboxide region and lifetime reduction by recombination of minority carriers in the suboxide. It provides an alternative explanation, based on minimized free energy, to the theory of strained and unstrained plates. A second emphasis was payed to the evolution of the morphology of oxide precipitates. Based on the comparison with results from scanning transmission electron microscopy the sequence of morphology evolution of oxide precipitates was deduced. It turned out that it is opposite to the sequence assumed until now. © 2020 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited.

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Si photonic-electronic monolithically integrated optical receiver with a built-in temperature-controlled wavelength filter

2021, Kim, Hyun-Kyu, Kim, Minkyu, Kim, Min-Hyeong, Jo, Youngkwan, Lischke, Stefan, Mai, Christian, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young

We present a Si photonic-electronic integrated ring-resonator based optical receiver that contains a temperature-controlled ring-resonator filter (RRF), a Ge photodetector, and receiver circuits in a single chip. The temperature controller automatically determines the RRF temperature at which the maximum transmission of the desired WDM signal is achieved and maintains this condition against any temperature or input wavelength fluctuation. This Si photonic-electronic integrated circuit is realized with 0.25-µm photonic BiCMOS technology, and its operation is successfully confirmed with measurement.

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Quantitative protein sensing with germanium THz-antennas manufactured using CMOS processes

2022, Hardt, Elena, Chavarin, Carlos Alvarado, Gruessing, Soenke, Flesch, Julia, Skibitzki, Oliver, Spirito, Davide, Vita, Gian Marco, Simone, Giovanna De, Masi, Alessandra di, You, Changjiang, Witzigmann, Bernd, Piehler, Jacob, Capellini, Giovanni

The development of a CMOS manufactured THz sensing platform could enable the integration of state-of-the-art sensing principles with the mixed signal electronics ecosystem in small footprint, low-cost devices. To this aim, in this work we demonstrate a label-free protein sensing platform using highly doped germanium plasmonic antennas realized on Si and SOI substrates and operating in the THz range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The antenna response to different concentrations of BSA shows in both cases a linear response with saturation above 20 mg/mL. Ge antennas on SOI substrates feature a two-fold sensitivity as compared to conventional Si substrates, reaching a value of 6 GHz/(mg/mL), which is four-fold what reported using metal-based metamaterials. We believe that this result could pave the way to a low-cost lab-on-a-chip biosensing platform.