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    The multi-photon induced Fano effect
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2021) Litvinenko, K.L.; Le, Nguyen H.; Redlich, B.; Pidgeon, C.R.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Andreev, Y.; Huang, Zhiming; Murdin, B.N.
    The ordinary Fano effect occurs in many-electron atoms and requires an autoionizing state. With such a state, photo-ionization may proceed via pathways that interfere, and the characteristic asymmetric resonance structures appear in the continuum. Here we demonstrate that Fano structure may also be induced without need of auto-ionization, by dressing the continuum with an ordinary bound state in any atom by a coupling laser. Using multi-photon processes gives complete, ultra-fast control over the interference. We show that a line-shape index q near unity (maximum asymmetry) may be produced in hydrogenic silicon donors with a relatively weak beam. Since the Fano lineshape has both constructive and destructive interference, the laser control opens the possibility of state-selective detection with enhancement on one side of resonance and invisibility on the other. We discuss a variety of atomic and molecular spectroscopies, and in the case of silicon donors we provide a calculation for a qubit readout application.
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    Terahertz absorption spectroscopy for measuring atomic oxygen densities in plasmas
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2023) Wubs, J.R.; Macherius, U.; Weltmann, K.-D.; Lü, X.; Röben, B.; Biermann, K.; Schrottke, L.; Grahn, H.T.; van Helden, J.H.
    This paper describes the first implementation of terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy on plasmas. Absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen were directly obtained by using the fine structure transition at approximately 4.75 THz. Measurements were performed on a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency oxygen discharge. The detection limit in this arrangement was found to be 2 × 10 13 cm−3, while the measurement accuracy was within 5%, as demonstrated by reference measurements of a well-defined ammonia transition. The results show that the presented method is well suited to measure atomic oxygen densities, and it closes the THz gap for quantitative atomic density measurements in harsh environments such as plasmas.