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Single molecule level plasmonic catalysis – a dilution study of p-nitrothiophenol on gold dimers

2015, Zhang, Zhenglong, Deckert-Gaudig, Tanja, Singh, Pushkar, Deckert, Volker

Surface plasmons on isolated gold dimers can initiate intermolecular reactions of adsorbed p-nitrothiophenol. At the single molecule level when dimerization is not possible an intramolecular reaction can be observed. Experimental evidence indicates that plasmon-induced hot electrons provide the required activation energy.

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Solar spectral conversion for improving the photosynthetic activity in algae reactors

2013, Wondraczek, L., Batentschuk, M., Schmidt, M.A., Borchardt, R., Scheiner, S., Seemann, B., Schweizer, P., Brabec, C.J.

Sustainable biomass production is expected to be one of the major supporting pillars for future energy supply, as well as for renewable material provision. Algal beds represent an exciting resource for biomass/biofuel, fine chemicals and CO2 storage. Similar to other solar energy harvesting techniques, the efficiency of algal photosynthesis depends on the spectral overlap between solar irradiation and chloroplast absorption. Here we demonstrate that spectral conversion can be employed to significantly improve biomass growth and oxygen production rate in closed-cycle algae reactors. For this purpose, we adapt a photoluminescent phosphor of the type Ca 0.59Sr0.40Eu0.01S, which enables efficient conversion of the green part of the incoming spectrum into red light to better match the Qy peak of chlorophyll b. Integration of a Ca 0.59Sr0.40Eu0.01S backlight converter into a flat panel algae reactor filled with Haematococcus pluvialis as a model species results in significantly increased photosynthetic activity and algae reproduction rate.