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    A graphene-based hot electron transistor
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2013) Vaziri, S.; Lupina, G.; Henkel, C.; Smith, A.D.; Östling, M.; Dabrowski, J.; Lippert, G.; Mehr, W.; Lemme, M.C.
    We experimentally demonstrate DC functionality of graphene-based hot electron transistors, which we call graphene base transistors (GBT). The fabrication scheme is potentially compatible with silicon technology and can be carried out at the wafer scale with standard silicon technology. The state of the GBTs can be switched by a potential applied to the transistor base, which is made of graphene. Transfer characteristics of the GBTs show ON/OFF current ratios exceeding 104.
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    X-ray nanodiffraction on a single SiGe quantum dot inside a functioning field-effect transistor
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2011) Hrauda, N.; Zhang, J.; Wintersberger, E.; Etzelstorfer, T.; Mandl, B.; Stangl, J.; Carbone, D.; Holý, V.; Jovanović, V.; Biasotto, C.; Nanver, L.K.; Moers, J.; Grützmacher, D.; Bauer, G.
    For advanced electronic, optoelectronic, or mechanical nanoscale devices a detailed understanding of their structural properties and in particular the strain state within their active region is of utmost importance. We demonstrate that X-ray nanodiffraction represents an excellent tool to investigate the internal structure of such devices in a nondestructive way by using a focused synchotron X-ray beam with a diameter of 400 nm. We show results on the strain fields in and around a single SiGe island, which serves as stressor for the Si-channel in a fully functioning Si-metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor.
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    Impact of the precursor chemistry and process conditions on the cell-to-cell variability in 1T-1R based HfO2 RRAM devices
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Grossi, A.; Perez, E.; Zambelli, C.; Olivo, P.; Miranda, E.; Roelofs, R.; Woodruff, J.; Raisanen, P.; Li, W.; Givens, M.; Costina, I.; Schubert, M.A.; Wenger, C.
    The Resistive RAM (RRAM) technology is currently in a level of maturity that calls for its integration into CMOS compatible memory arrays. This CMOS integration requires a perfect understanding of the cells performance and reliability in relation to the deposition processes used for their manufacturing. In this paper, the impact of the precursor chemistries and process conditions on the performance of HfO2 based memristive cells is studied. An extensive characterization of HfO2 based 1T1R cells, a comparison of the cell-to-cell variability, and reliability study is performed. The cells’ behaviors during forming, set, and reset operations are monitored in order to relate their features to conductive filament properties and process-induced variability of the switching parameters. The modeling of the high resistance state (HRS) is performed by applying the Quantum-Point Contact model to assess the link between the deposition condition and the precursor chemistry with the resulting physical cells characteristics.