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Exponential decay of covariances for the supercritical membrane model

2016, Bolthausen, Erwin, Cipriani, Alessandra, Kurt, Noemi

We consider the membrane model, that is the centered Gaussian field on Zd whose covariance matrix is given by the inverse of the discrete Bilaplacian. We impose a delta-pinning condition, giving a reward of strength " for the field to be 0 at any site of the lattice. In this paper we prove that in dimensions d ≥ 5 covariances of the pinned field decay at least exponentially, as opposed to the field without pinning, where the decay is polynomial. The proof is based on estimates for certain discrete weighted norms, a percolation argument and on a Bernoulli domination result.

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Extremes of the supercritical Gaussian free field

2015, Chiarini, Alberto, Cipriani, Alessandra, Hazra, Rajat Subhra

We show that the rescaled maximum of the discrete Gaussian Free Field (DGFF) in dimension larger or equal to 3 is in the maximal domain of attraction of the Gumbel distribution. The result holds both for the infinite-volume field as well as the field with zero boundary conditions. We show that these results follow from an interesting application of the Stein-Chen method from Arratia et al. (1989).

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Rates of convergence for extremes of geometric random variables and marked point processes

2015, Cipriani, Alessandra, Feidt, Anne

We use the Stein-Chen method to study the extremal behaviour of univariate and bivariate geometric laws. We obtain a rate for the convergence, to the Gumbel distribution, of the law of the maximum of i.i.d. geometric random variables, and show that convergence is faster when approximating by a discretised Gumbel. We similarly find a rate of convergence for the law of maxima of bivariate Marshall-Olkin geometric random pairs when approximating by a discrete limit law. We introduce marked point processes of exceedances (MPPEs), both with univariate and bivariate Marshall-Olkin geometric variables as marks and determine bounds on the error of the approximation, in an appropriate probability metric, of the law of the MPPE by that of a Poisson process with same mean measure. We then approximate by another Poisson process with an easier-to-use mean measure and estimate the error of this additional approximation. This work contains and extends results contained in the second authors PhD thesis under the supervision of Andrew D. Barbour. The thesis is available at 1310.2564.

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Thick points for Gaussian free fields with different cut-offs

2014, Cipriani, Alessandra, Hazra, Rajat Subhra

Massive and massless Gaussian free fields can be described as generalized Gaussian processes indexed by an appropriate space of functions. In this article we study various approaches to approximate these fields and look at the fractal properties of the thick points of their cut-offs. Under some sufficient conditions for a centered Gaussian process with logarithmic variance we study the set of thick points and derive their Hausdorff dimension. We prove that various cut-offs for Gaussian free fields satisfy these assumptions. We also give sufficient conditions for comparing thick points of different cut-offs.

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The divisible sandpile with heavy-tailed variables

2016, Cipriani, Alessandra, Hazra, Rajat Subhra, Ruszel, Wioletta M.

This work deals with the divisible sandpile model when an initial configuration sampled from a heavy-tailed distribution. Extending results of Levine et al. (2015) and Cipriani et al. (2016) we determine sufficient conditions for stabilization and non-stabilization on infinite graphs. We determine furthermore that the scaling limit of the odometer on the torus is an alpha-stable random distribution.

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Scaling limit of the odometer in divisible sandpiles

2016, Cipriani, Alessandra, Hazra, Rajat Subra, Ruszel, Wioletta M.

In a recent work Levine et al. (2015) prove that the odometer function of a divisible sandpile model on a finite graph can be expressed as a shifted discrete bilaplacian Gaussian field. For the discrete torus, they suggest the possibility that the scaling limit of the odometer may be related to the continuum bilaplacian field. In this work we show that in any dimension the rescaled odometer converges to the continuum bilaplacian field on the unit torus

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A note on the Greens function for the transient random walk without killing on the half lattice, orthant and strip

2016, Chiarini, Alberto, Cipriani, Alessandra

In this note we derive an exact formula for the Greens function of the random walk on different subspaces of the discrete lattice (orthants, including the half space, and the strip) without killing on the boundary in terms of the Greens function of the simple random walk on Zd, d ≥ 3.

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Fluctuations near the limit shape of random permutations under a conservative measure

2014, Cipriani, Alessandra, Zeindler, Dirk

In this work we are considering the behavior of the limit shape of Young diagrams associated to random permutations on the set {1, . . . , n} under a particular class of multiplicative measures. Our method is based on generating functions and complex analysis (saddle point method). We show that fluctuations near a point behave like a normal random variable and that the joint fluctuations at different points of the limiting shape have an unexpected dependence structure. We will also compare our approach with the so-called randomization of the cycle counts of permutations and we will study the convergence of the limit shape to a continuous stochastic process.