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Produkthaftung in der Apotheke

2005, Diebold, Steffen M.

Stellt ein Apotheker Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte oder andere apothekenübliche Waren (z.B. Kosmetika oder Mixturen nach Angaben von Heilpraktikern, Homöopathen oder Anthroposophen) in seiner Offizin selbst her, so haftet er (grundsätzlich) einem dadurch ggf. geschädigten Kunden (auch) nach den Vorschriften des Produkthaftungsgesetzes. Diese Haftung besteht unabhängig vom eigenen Verschulden. Sie greift auch bei der Einfuhr von Arzneimitteln aus Staaten, die nicht zum Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum gehören, sowie bei Import und Abgabe von aus Drittländern eingeführten und im Geltungsbereich des Arzneimittelgesetzes (AMG) nicht zugelassenen Fertigarzneimitteln nach § 73 (3) AMG.

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Werbung für den Apothekenbetrieb in örtlichen Festschriften

2004-09, Diebold, Steffen M.

Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich einem Aspekt der Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte, der bislang weder von der volkskundlichen noch von der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung aufgegriffen worden ist. Am Beispiel von Vereinsfestschriften des 20. Jahrhunderts wird demonstriert, wie sich Apotheken außerhalb von Fachkreisen der Öffentlichkeit präsentierten und dadurch für ihr Unternehmen warben. Über den alltagshistorischen Aspekt hinaus vermitteln die Annoncen der Festschriften en passant damit auch einen Einblick in wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche oder soziale Verhältnisse im Deutschland der Nachkriegszeit.

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Corona-Krise? - Welche Krise? Zum Umgang mit einer Pandemie

2022, Diebold, Steffen M.

The corona pandemic poses major challenges for society. Many people lack (basic) scientific knowledge. They are skeptical and distrust fundamental research principles and concepts. Esotericism and superstition replace them access to reality. Not only facts are recently considered "alternative". Pseudo-scientific healing methods and occult procedures have long been presented to the public as equivalent alternatives to modern medicine, despite the lack of evidence of their effectiveness. Just as if reason or nonsense were just a question of personal taste, a different world view. Seconded by talk of an "exaggeratedly scientific world view", empiricism and logic were systematically defamed. As a result of this distorted picture, all kinds of conspiracy theories are now rampant. Spiritual healers, seers, shamans, charlatans, quacks, sectarians, and zealots of all stripes and persuasions are in demand. Diffuse pandemic management and miserable communication do the rest and contribute to the fact that infection control measures are often flatly rejected and vaccination rates can hardly be increased significantly.

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Physiological Parameters Relevant to Dissolution Testing - Hydrodynamic Considerations (rev. and suppl. version)

2023, Diebold, Steffen M.

The first two sections of the monograph present an introduction into basic hydrodynamics relevant to in vitro dissolution testing including V. G. Levichs convective diffusion theory and the authors combination model. This part is followed by hydrodynamic considerations of in vivo dissolution including hydrodynamic problems inherent to in vivo bioavailability of solid oral dosage forms. Hydrodynamics in the upper GI tract contribute to in vivo dissolution. Our ability to forecast dissolution of poorly soluble drugs in vitro depends on our knowledge of and ability to control hydrodynamics as well as other factors influencing dissolution. Provided suitable conditions (apparatus, hydrodynamics, media) are chosen for the dissolution test, it seems possible to predict dissolution limitations to the oral absorption of drugs and to reflect variations in hydrodynamic conditions in the upper GI tract. The fluid volume available for dissolution in the gut lumen, the contact time of the dissolved compound with the absorptive sites and the particle size have been identified as the main hydrodynamic determinants for the absorption of poorly soluble drugs in vivo. The influence of these factors is usually more pronounced than that of the motility pattern or the gastrointestinal flow rates per se.

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Das Freiburger Magisterdiplom für den Pharmazeuten Johann Christoph Friedrich Weissmann (revidierte und vermehrte Fassung)

2023, Diebold, Steffen M.

Bei dem hier wiedergegebenen Diplom für einen Apotheker handelt es sich um eine handschriftliche Urkunde vom 16. Juni 1803 aus Freiburg im Breisgau, der damals bedeutendsten Stadt in Vorderösterreich. Der pharmaziehistorisch interessante Schriftsatz bietet ein Beispiel universitären Verwaltungshandelns zum Ende des Alten Reichs, des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Deutscher Nation (Sacrum Imperium Romanum Nationis Germaniae). Auf eine kurze Beschreibung der lateinischen Urkunde (Diplomatik) folgt eine (textnahe Gebrauchs-) Übersetzung durch den Autor.

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Intestinal flow rates, absorption of felodipine from the small intestine and attributes of chyme collected at midgut from Labradors

2023, Diebold, Steffen M.

The objectives of the present study were (1) to investigate gastrointestinal hydrodynamics of Labradors as a model for human midgut (2) to examine various attributes of intestinal fluids in vivo and (3) to study the influence of hydrodynamics on the dissolution and absorption of a poorly soluble drug from various suspensions. Gastrointestinal flow rates were determined volumetrically using an aspiration method. Isotonic saline and 20 % glucose solutions were used to alter gastrointestinal hydrodynamics. Felodipine, a BCS class II substance, was suspended in these fluids. Osmolality, pH, bile acid concentration and drug solubility in various chyme samples were determined. Blood plasma levels of felodipine were recorded while gastrointestinal dissolution was ongoing. Fluid recovery at midgut fistula was significantly higher (>100 %) for glucose 20 % than for isotonic saline solutions (70 %). After administration of 200 ml glucose 20 % the (overall) grand median of differential gastrointestinal flow rates (DFR) was 8.3 ml/min.. Individual spike flow ranged from 20 up to 60 ml/min. Corresponding flow rates after administration of 200 ml isotonic saline were 35.0 ml/min. for the grand median including individual spike flows beyond 100 ml/min.. Within and between-dog variability in flow rate data was similar. In general, glucose solutions released more evenly. Following oral administration of glucose solution 20 % osmolality of intestinal fluids decreased within 40 min. from about 1000 mOsm. towards more physiological values of about 350 mOsm.. Saturation solubility of felodipine (Cs) in jejunal chyme after administration of either solution (saline or glucose) was determined to be about 10 (µg/ml) on average (median), exposing high variability with time! The intestinal solubility varied greatly within the course of an experiment. However, a strong correlation was observed between the aspirated fluid volume and the dissolved amount of felodipine confirming the well known relationship of Noyes, Whitney, Nernst and Brunner in-vivo. Grand median of pH in jejunal chyme of labradors was determined to be 6.68. Median values range from 4.38-7.62. The pharmacokinetic data showed a slight trend to differences based on particle size and on fluid administered.