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    Tungsten as a chemically-stable electrode material on Ga-containing piezoelectric substrates langasite and catangasite for high-temperature saw devices
    (Basel : MDPI, 2016) Rane, Gayatri K.; Seifert, Marietta; Menzel, Siegfried; Gemming, Thomas; Eckert, Jürgen
    Thin films of tungsten on piezoelectric substrates La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS) and Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) have been investigated as a potential new electrode material for interdigital transducers for surface acoustic wave-based sensor devices operating at high temperatures up to 800 °C under vacuum conditions. Although LGS is considered to be suitable for high-temperature applications, it undergoes chemical and structural transformation upon vacuum annealing due to diffusion of gallium and oxygen. This can alter the device properties depending on the electrode nature, the annealing temperature, and the duration of the application. Our studies present evidence for the chemical stability of W on these substrates against the diffusion of Ga/O from the substrate into the film, even upon annealing up to 800 °C under vacuum conditions using Auger electron spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, along with local studies using transmission electron microscopy. Additionally, the use of CTGS as a more stable substrate for such applications is indicated.
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    Ti/Al multi-layered sheets: Differential speed rolling (Part B)
    (Basel : MDPI, 2016) Romberg, Jan; Freudenberger, Jens; Watanabe, Hiroyuki; Scharnweber, Juliane; Eschke, Andy; Kühn, Uta; Klauß, Hansjörg; Oertel, Carl-Georg; Skrotzki, Werner; Eckert, Jürgen; Schultz, Ludwig
    Differential speed rolling has been applied to multi-layered Ti/Al composite sheets, obtained from accumulative roll bonding with intermediate heat treatments being applied. In comparison to conventional rolling, differential speed rolling is more efficient in strengthening the composite due to the more pronounced grain refinement. Severe plastic deformation by means of rolling becomes feasible if the evolution of common rolling textures in the Ti layers is retarded. In this condition, a maximum strength level of the composites is achieved, i.e., an ultimate tensile strength of 464 MPa, while the strain to failure amounts to 6.8%. The deformation has been observed for multi-layered composites. In combination with the analysis of the microstructure, this has been correlated to the mechanical properties.
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    Role of 1,3-dioxolane and LiNO3 addition on the long term stability of nanostructured silicon/carbon anodes for rechargeable lithium batteries
    (Pennington, NJ : ECS, 2016) Jaumann, Tony; Balach, Juan; Klose, Markus; Oswald, Steffen; Eckert, Jürgen; Giebeler, Lars
    In order to utilize silicon as alternative anode for unfavorable lithium metal in lithium – sulfur (Li–S) batteries, a profound understanding of the interfacial characteristics in ether-based electrolytes is required. Herein, the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) of a nanostructured silicon/carbon anode after long-term cycling in an ether-based electrolyte for Li–S batteries is investigated. The role of LiNO3 and 1,3-dioxolane (DOL) in dimethoxy ethane (DME) solutions as typically used electrolyte components on the electrochemical performance and interfacial characteristics on silicon are evaluated. Because of the high surface area of our nanostructured electrode owing to the silicon particle size of around 5 nm and the porous carbon scaffold, the interfacial characteristics dominate the overall electrochemical reversibility opening a detailed analysis. We show that the use of DME/DOL solutions under ambient temperature causes higher degradation of electrolyte components compared to carbonate-based electrolytes used for Li–ion batteries (LIB). This behavior of DME/DOL mixtures is associated with different SEI component formation and it is demonstrated that LiNO3 addition can significantly stabilize the cycle performance of nanostructured silicon/carbon anodes. A careful post-mortem analysis and a discussion in context to carbonate-based electrolyte solutions helps to understand the degradation mechanism of silicon-based anodes in rechargeable lithium-based batteries.
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    Toward edges-rich MoS2 layers via chemical liquid exfoliation triggering distinctive magnetism
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2016) Gao, Guanhui; Chen, Chi; Xie, Xiaobin; Su, Yantao; Kang, Shendong; Zhu, Guichi; Gao, Duyang; Eckert, Jürgen; Trampert, Achim; Cai, Lintao
    The magnetic function of layered molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been investigated via simulation, but few reliable experimental results have been explored. Herein, we developed edges-rich structural MoS2 nanosheets via liquid phase exfoliation approach, triggering exceptional ferromagnetism. The magnetic measurements revealed the clear ferromagnetic property of layered MoS2, compared to the pristine MoS2 in bulk exhibiting diamagnetism. The existence of ferromagnetism mostly was attributed to the presence of grain boundaries with abundant irregular edges confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy, magnetic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which experimentally provided reliable evidences on irregular edges-rich states engineering ferromagnetism to clarify theoretical calculation.
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    Ti/Al multi-layered sheets: Accumulative roll bonding (Part A)
    (Basel : MDPI, 2016) Romberg, Jan; Freudenberger, Jens; Bauder, Hansjörg; Plattner, Georg; Krug, Hans; Holländer, Frank; Scharnweber, Juliane; Eschke, Andy; Kühn, Uta; Klauß, Hansjörg; Oertel, Carl-Georg; Skrotzki, Werner; Eckert, Jürgen; Schultz, Ludwig
    Co-deformation of Al and Ti by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) with intermediate heat treatments is utilized to prepare multi-layered Ti/Al sheets. These sheets show a high specific strength due to the activation of various hardening mechanisms imposed during deformation, such as: hardening by grain refinement, work hardening and phase boundary hardening. The latter is even enhanced by the confinement of the layers during deformation. The evolution of the microstructure with a special focus on grain refinement and structural integrity is traced, and the correlation to the mechanical properties is shown.
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    Verbundprojekt: Batterie – Stationär in Sachsen (BaSta), Teilvorhaben: Leibniz IFW : Schlussbericht ; Berichtszeitraum: 01.11.2012-30.04.2016
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2016) Eckert, Jürgen; Giebeler, Lars
    Die Entwicklung und Umsetzung umfasst eines völlig neuartigen Batteriekonzeptes, der die Vorteile der bisherigen Na-S-Hochtemperaturbatterien (z.B. niedrige Kosten und hohe Verfügbarkeit der notwendigen Rohstoffe) mit der Performance moderner Lithium-Ionenbatterien, jedoch auf Na-Ionenbasis, im Niedertemperaturbereich verknüpft. Dazu müssen neue Elektroden- bzw. Separatormaterialien mit vorteilhafter Interaktion und Degradationsstabilität in verschiedenen neuartigen Elektrolyten entwickelt werden. Darüber hinaus werden geeignete Verfahren zur Herstellung und Fertigung dieser Komponenten zu Niedertemperatur-Na-S-Batterien generiert. Die Ziele sollen durch die außerordentlich enge Vernetzung mehrerer Professuren der TU Dresden mit verschiedenen Instituten der Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, dem Leibniz IFW Dresden e.V. und der TU Bergakademie Freiberg erreicht werden. Der Arbeitsplan sieht eine 'bottom up' Strategie von der Materialentwicklung und Charakterisierung über die Werkstoffprozessierung hin zur Systementwicklung und -charakterisierung vor. Die universitären Einrichtungen arbeiten dabei vorwiegend grundlagenorientiert auf dem Gebiet der Materialentwicklung für einen völlig neuen Batterietyp. Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden unmittelbar in die anwendungsorientierte Forschung überführt. Entscheidend ist die interaktive Zusammenarbeit zu allen Zeitpunkten und auf allen Ebenen des Gesamtvorhabens.
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    Correlation between structural heterogeneity and plastic deformation for phase separating FeCu metallic glasses
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Peng, Chuan-Xiao; Song, Kai-Kai; Wang, Li; Şopu, Daniel; Pauly, Simon; Eckert, Jürgen
    Unlike crystalline metals, the plastic deformation of metallic glasses (MGs) involves a competition between disordering and structural relaxation ordering, which is not well understood, yet. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the evolutions of strain localizations, short-range order (SRO) as well as the free volume in the glass during compressive deformation of Fe50Cu50 MGs with different degrees of phase separation. Our findings indicate that the free volume in the phase separating MGs decreases while the shear strain localizations increase with increasing degree of phase separation. Cu-centered clusters show higher potential energies and Voronoi volumes, and bear larger local shear strains. On the other hand, Fe-centered pentagon-rich clusters in Cu-rich regions seem to play an important role to resist the shear transformation. The dilatation or annihilation of Voronoi volumes is due to the competition between ordering via structural relaxation and shear stress-induced deformation. The present study could provide a better understanding of the relationship between the structural inhomogeneity and the deformation of MGs.
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    Towards the better: Intrinsic property amelioration in bulk metallic glasses
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Sarac, Baran; Zhang, Long; Kosiba, Konrad; Pauly, Simon; Stoica, Mihai; Eckert, Jürgen
    Tailoring the intrinsic length-scale effects in bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) via post-heat treatment necessitates a systematic analyzing strategy. Although various achievements were made in the past years to structurally enhance the properties of different BMG alloys, the influence of short-term sub-glass transition annealing on the relaxation kinetics is still not fully covered. Here, we aim for unraveling the connection between the physical, (thermo)mechanical and structural changes as a function of selected pre-annealing temperatures and time scales with an in-house developed Cu46Zr44Al8Hf2 based BMG alloy. The controlled formation of nanocrystals below 50 nm with homogenous distribution inside the matrix phase via thermal treatment increase the material’s resistance to strain softening by almost an order of magnitude. The present work determines the design aspects of metallic glasses with enhanced mechanical properties via nanostructural modifications, while postulating a counter-argument to the intrinsic property degradation accounted for long-term annealing.
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    High pressure die casting of Fe-based metallic glass
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Ramasamy, Parthiban; Szabo, Attila; Borzel, Stefan; Eckert, Jürgen; Stoica, Mihai; Bárdos, András
    Soft ferromagnetic Fe-based bulk metallic glass key-shaped specimens with a maximum and minimum width of 25.4 and 5 mm, respectively, were successfully produced using a high pressure die casting (HPDC) method, The influence of die material, alloy temperature and flow rate on the microstructure, thermal stability and soft ferromagnetic properties has been studied. The results suggest that a steel die in which the molten metal flows at low rate and high temperature can be used to produce completely glassy samples. This can be attributed to the laminar filling of the mold and to a lower heat transfer coefficient, which avoids the skin effect in the steel mold. In addition, magnetic measurements reveal that the amorphous structure of the material is maintained throughout the key-shaped samples. Although it is difficult to control the flow and cooling rate of the molten metal in the corners of the key due to different cross sections, this can be overcome by proper tool geometry. The present results confirm that HPDC is a suitable method for the casting of Fe-based bulk glassy alloys even with complex geometries for a broad range of applications.
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    Local microstructure evolution at shear bands in metallic glasses with nanoscale phase separation
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) He, Jie; Kaban, Ivan; Mattern, Norbert; Song, Kaikai; Sun, Baoan; Kim, Do Hyang; Eckert, Jürgen; Greer, A.Lindsay
    At room temperature, plastic flow of metallic glasses (MGs) is sharply localized in shear bands, which are a key feature of the plastic deformation in MGs. Despite their clear importance and decades of study, the conditions for formation of shear bands, their structural evolution and multiplication mechanism are still under debate. In this work, we investigate the local conditions at shear bands in new phase-separated bulk MGs containing glassy nanospheres and exhibiting exceptional plasticity under compression. It is found that the glassy nanospheres within the shear band dissolve through mechanical mixing driven by the sharp strain localization there, while those nearby in the matrix coarsen by Ostwald ripening due to the increased atomic mobility. The experimental evidence demonstrates that there exists an affected zone around the shear band. This zone may arise from low-strain plastic deformation in the matrix between the bands. These results suggest that measured property changes originate not only from the shear bands themselves, but also from the affected zones in the adjacent matrix. This work sheds light on direct visualization of deformation-related effects, in particular increased atomic mobility, in the region around shear bands.