Ti/Al multi-layered sheets: Accumulative roll bonding (Part A)


Co-deformation of Al and Ti by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) with intermediate heat treatments is utilized to prepare multi-layered Ti/Al sheets. These sheets show a high specific strength due to the activation of various hardening mechanisms imposed during deformation, such as: hardening by grain refinement, work hardening and phase boundary hardening. The latter is even enhanced by the confinement of the layers during deformation. The evolution of the microstructure with a special focus on grain refinement and structural integrity is traced, and the correlation to the mechanical properties is shown.

Romberg, J., Freudenberger, J., Bauder, H., Plattner, G., Krug, H., Holländer, F., et al. (2016). Ti/Al multi-layered sheets: Accumulative roll bonding (Part A) (Basel : MDPI). Basel : MDPI. https://doi.org//10.3390/met6020030
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