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Time Optimization of Seed-Mediated Gold Nanotriangle Synthesis Based on Kinetic Studies

2021, Podlesnaia, Ekaterina, Csáki, Andrea, Fritzsche, Wolfgang

The synthesis of shape-anisotropic plasmonic nanoparticles such as gold nanotriangles is of increasing interest. These particles have a high potential for applications due to their notable optical properties. A key challenge of the synthesis is usually the low reproducibility. Even the optimized seed-based methods often lack in the synthesis yield or are labor- and time-consuming. In this work, a seed-mediated synthesis with high reproducibility is replicated in order to determine the necessary reaction time for each step. Online monitoring of the reaction mixtures by UV–VIS spectroscopy is used as a powerful tool to track the evolution of the synthesis. The kinetics of the individual stages is elucidated by real-time investigations. As a consequence, the complete synthesis could be optimized and can now be realized in a single day instead of three without any loss in the resulting sample quality.

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Propagating and localized surface plasmon resonance sensing — A critical comparison based on measurements and theory

2016, Jatschka, Jacqueline, Dathe, André, Csáki, Andrea, Fritzsche, Wolfgang, Stranik, Ondrej

With its potential for ultrasensitive, label-free detection of molecular interactions, sensing methods based on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect fully meet the requirements for modern analytical techniques. Already established by using propagating SPR in thin gold layers, the last years witnessed the emergence of another related technique utilizing extremely miniaturized noble metal sensor structures, based on a localized SPR. This paper provides a critical comparison of these kinds of SPR sensing, reviews the foundation of both general approaches, presents experimental data on exactly the same molecular model system using both techniques, as well as theoretical considerations in order to allow reasonable comparison. It highlights the specific features and effects, in order to provide guidance in choosing the right technique for given bioanalytical tasks. The study demonstrated the capabilities of LSPR for sensing of molecular layers even in the lower nanometer dimension. For the detection of small (bio)molecules, smaller particle diameters are favored regarding highest sensitivity. It also presents an approach to obtain refractive index and the thickness of a molecular film by analyzing the signal response of plasmonic sensors with metal nanoparticles. Moreover, an additional method for the improvement of the parameters' determination is introduced.

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DNA-Biofunctionalization of CTAC-Capped Gold Nanocubes

2020, Slesiona, Nicole, Thamm, Sophie, Stolle, H. Lisa K.S., Weißenborn, Viktor, Müller, Philipp, Csáki, Andrea, Fritzsche, Wolfgang

Clinical diagnostics and disease control are fields that strongly depend on technologies for rapid, sensitive, and selective detection of biological or chemical analytes. Nanoparticles have become an integral part in various biomedical detection devices and nanotherapeutics. An increasing focus is laid on gold nanoparticles as they express less cytotoxicity, high stability, and hold unique optical properties with the ability of signal transduction of biological recognition events with enhanced analytical performance. Strong electromagnetic field enhancements can be found in close proximity to the nanoparticle that can be exploited to enhance signals for e.g., metal-enhanced fluorescence or Raman spectroscopy. Even stronger field enhancements can be achieved with sharp-edged nanoparticles, which are synthesized with the help of facet blocking agents, such as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide/chloride (CTAB/CTAC). However, chemical modification of the nanoparticle surface is necessary to reduce the particle’s cytotoxicity, stabilize it against aggregation, and to bioconjugate it with biomolecules to increase its biocompatibility and/or specificity for analytical applications. Here, a reliable two-step protocol following a ligand exchange with bis (p-sulfonatophenyl) phenyl phosphine (BSPP) as the intermediate capping-agent is demonstrated, which results in the reliable biofunctionalization of CTAC-capped gold nanocubes with thiol-modified DNA. The functionalized nanocubes have been characterized regarding their electric potential, plasmonic properties, and stability against high concentrations of NaCl and MgCl2.

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Modification of Surface Bond Au Nanospheres by Chemically and Plasmonically Induced Pd Deposition

2021, Stolle, Heike Lisa Kerstin Stephanie, Csáki, Andrea, Dellith, Jan, Fritzsche, Wolfgang

In this work we investigated methods of modifying gold nanospheres bound to a silicon surface by depositing palladium onto the surfaces of single nanoparticles. Bimetallic Au-Pd nanoparticles can thus be gained for use in catalysis or sensor technology. For Pd deposition, two methods were chosen. The first method was the reduction of palladium acetate by ascorbic acid, in which the amounts of palladium acetate and ascorbic acid were varied. In the second method we utilized light-induced metal deposition by making use of the plasmonic effect. Through this method, the surface bond nanoparticles were irradiated with light of wavelengths capable of inducing plasmon resonance. The generation of hot electrons on the particle surface then reduced the palladium acetate in the vicinity of the gold nanoparticle, resulting in palladium-covered gold nanospheres. In our studies we demonstrated the effect of both enhancement methods by monitoring the particle heights over enhancement time by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and investigated the influence of ascorbic acid/Pd acetate concentration as well as the impact of the irradiated wavelengths on the enhancement effect. It could thus be proven that both methods were valid for obtaining a deposition of Pd on the surface of the gold nanoparticles. Deposition of Pd on the gold particles using the light-assisted method could be observed, indicating the impact of the plasmonic effect and hot electron for Pd acetate reduction on the gold particle surface. In the case of the reduction method with ascorbic acid, in addition to Pd deposition on the gold nanoparticle surface, larger pure Pd particles and extended clusters were also generated. The reduction with ascorbic acid however led to a considerably thicker Pd layer of up to 54 nm in comparison to up to 11 nm for the light-induced metal deposition with light resonant to the particle absorption wavelength. Likewise, it could be demonstrated that light of non-resonant wavelengths was not capable of initiating Pd deposition, since a growth of only 1.6 nm (maximum) was observed for the Pd layer.