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    Spinel bricks for highly stressed roofs in glass melting furnaces
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 2000) Boymanns, Gerda; Gebhardt, Franz; Dunkl, Michael; Schlacht, Hans Dieter
    New challenges are raised to the refractory materials in the crown and superstructure of oxy-fuel fired glass melting furnaces in comparison to air-fuel fired glass melting furnaces. In glass melting furnaces which are oxy-fuel fired the water steam partial pressure above the melt increases very strongly. In the case of soda-lime-silica glass melts together with the water steam partial pressure the alkaline hydroxide partial pressure increases with a factor of three in comparison to an air-fuel firing system. This leads to an aggressive action on the refractory lining in the crown and superstructure. After extensive thermodynamic calculations and laboratory tests a pure spinel refractory material (MgO ∙ AI2O3) was developed for the application in the crown and superstructure of oxy-fuel fired glass melting furnaces. The chemical and physical properties as well as the results of corrosion tests under oxy-fuel conditions of this direct-bonded fused spinel material will be discussed. Because of the high corrosion resistance to alkaline attack and the excellent behaviour of the creeping under load even at a temperature of 1650 °C, this spinel material can be proposed for the successful application as crown and superstructure refractory for oxy-fuel fired glass melting furnaces.
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    Chromic oxide blocks for use in the container glass industry
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1997) Boymanns, Gerda; Gebhardt, Franz; Georenz, Edmund
    Large parts of the tank superstructure of soda - lime - silica glass melters for the production of Hat and container glass are mostly lined with fused-cast AZS blocks today These linings are standind about 8 to 10 years. However, from pracdcal experience it is well-known that certain furnace areas such as doghouse corners, weirs, throat assemblies etc. are prone to progressive corrosion. In order to eliminate these shortcomings by providing cost-effective Solutions, isostatically pressed and sintered chromic oxide blocks were tested successfully for use in soda - lime - silica glass furnaces. Questions concerning the corrosion behaviour, the colouradon of the glass and the formation of Chromate are discussed.
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    Feuerfeste Werkstoffe für den Betrieb von Glasschmelzöfen : Stand der Technik und Ausblick
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1997) Gebhardt, Franz
    [no abstract available]
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    Non-destructive testing of ceramically bonded refractories - Application of ultrasound and microwaves
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1995) Ulizka, Stanislav; Hädrich, Helmut; Gebhardt, Franz
    Quality control on refractory bricks is either mostly destructive or methods are used which require samples with a certain geometry. In a joint project between the University of Erlangen and industry the applicability of non-destructive testing methods for sintered refractory bricks was tested. Various materials with artificial flaws were measured in transmission with ultrasound (500 kc/s) as well as with microwaves (24 to 40 Gc/s) and the results were compared. Despite of good results, the testing with ultrasound proved to be unsuitable for the measurements of greater lots, because the open-pore blocks have to be coupled in water. An excellent alternative is the transmission measurement with microwaves. With both methods structural inhomogeneities as well as density differences or inclusions can be detected.
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    Silica wrecking material as a substitute for glassmaking sand in a container ware batch
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1995) Boymanns, Gerda; Gebhardt, Franz; Schmidt, Dieter; Weiler, Manfred
    Industrial high-temperature processes like steel making, glass melting, cement production etc. need sintered or fused-cast refractory materials. During the operating time the reactions of the fused product and the bricks of the furnaces lead to contaminated refractory materials, which should no longer be disposed of and, therefore, have to be recycled, that means converted to raw materials for different industrial processes. Regarding these conditions the authors have tried to introduce silica bricks from the crown of glass melting furnaces and from the walls of coke ovens into the batch, replacing the glassmaking sand. First in laboratory-scale tests the melting behaviour and the optimum grain size distribution of ground silica bricks were studied. After a successful termination of these laboratory tests the results were transferred to an industrial furnace for melting container ware, replacing step by step the glass making sand without observing any stones or cords in the melted glass.
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    Beitrag zur Bestimmung von Natriumoxid in Natron-Kalk-Silicatgläsern mit Hilfe der Röntgenfluoreszenzspektroskopie
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1970) Gebhardt, Franz; Kimmel, Siegfried
    Durch die Entwicklung von Hochleistungs-Röntgenröhren, Analysatorkristallen mit entsprechenden Gitterabständen und geringer Eigenabsorption sowie sehr dünnen Zählrohrfenstern wurde es möglich, Natrium routinemäßig zu bestimmen. Da die emittierte Strahlung sehr langwellig und damit energiearm ist, wird deren Fluoreszenzintensität stark von der Differenz der Massenschwächungskoeffizienten zwischen der zu analysierenden Probe und dem Eichstandard sowie von der Oberflächengüte der Probe abhängig. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Erstellung der Eichproben, den Einfluß der Oberflächenrauhigkeit sowie des Abnahmewinkels der Fluoreszensstrahlung auf das Analysenergebnis. Durch die Möglichkeit, Natrium bei der Routinekontrolle von Gläsern mitzubestimmen, kann eine Glasvollanalyse von Natron-Kalk-Kieselgläsern mit Hilfe der Röntgenfluoreszenzspektroskopie durchgeführt werden. Da der Röntgenmeßfehler kleiner ist als die Fehler der naßchemischen Standardverfahren, sollten Anstrengungen unternommen werden, diese zu verbessern oder durch genauere Verfahren zu ersetzen, um die Präzision der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse voll auszunutzen.
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    Über das Verhalten keramisch gebundener Magnesitchromsteine in den Regenerativkammern von Flachglaswannen
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1973) Gebhardt, Franz; Horn, Heinz
    Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, daß durch den Einbau von Magnesitchromsteinen in den oberen Lagen der Regenerativkammern einer Flachglaswanne die Betriebszeiten wesentlich verlängert werden konnten. Auf Grund dieser Kenntnisse, die aus der Betriebspraxis und Laborversuchen gewonnen wurden, muß man jedoch für den Bau der oberen Kammerlagen einem reinen eisenarmen Magnesitstein den Vorzug geben.
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    Anwendung der Plasmafackel zur Analyse von Gläsern und Glasrohstoffen
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1971) Gebhardt, Franz; Horn, Heinz
    Die Hochfrequenzplasmafackel hat im Vergleich zu anderen Anregungsquellen für die Emissionsanalyse entscheidende Vorteile, die durch ihre hohe Temperatur, die günstige Kontaktverweilzeit des Probengutes, ihre Konstanz und nicht zuletzt durch ihre einfache Handhabung bedingt sind. Dadurch wird es möglich, mit Hilfe der Emission Neben- und Hauptbestandteile bis zu mittleren Gehalten ohne vorherige Abtrennung mit guten Ergebnissen aus ein und derselben wäßrigen Aufschlußlösung zu analysieren. Die erhaltenen Analysenwerte sind denen aus anderen für die Glas- und Rohstoffanalyse eingesetzten Verfahren gleichwertig oder sogar überlegen.
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    Studies on the behaviour of magnesia, spinel and forsterite refractory bricks under simulated service conditions in the middle regions of oil-fired glass furnace regenerators Part 1. Corrosion tests and hot-mechanical behaviour of the test bricks
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1990) Routschka, Gerald; Wöhrmeyer, Christoph; Gebhardt, Franz; Ulitzka, Stanislav
    The aim of the studies was to find better corrosion-resistant bricks for highly stressed checkerworks in the condensation zone of glass furnace regenerators. 30 refractory model brick grades of the systems magnesia-forsterite, magnesia-zircon and magnesia-magnesium aluminium spinel with different types of binding and matrix phases, respectively, were exposed to the corrosive attack of sodium sulphate and SO3 in laboratory tests and a checker corrosion test. Strength measurements and thermal shock resistance tests characterise the changes in hot-mechanical behaviour by Infiltration of sodium sulphate melt and attack by SO3.
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    Reducing the sulphate content of soda-lime-silica glasses with the aid of physical refining
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1990) Rudolph, Stephan; Förster, Hansgeorg; Gebhardt, Franz
    Soda-lime-silica glasses from the float glass production sector have sulphate contents of ≈ 0.27 wt% SO3. These sulphate contents contaminate the tin bath for the float process with sulphur. The thus-formed tin sulphides cause production faults by forming top-specks on the atmospheric surface of the glass ribbon. The aim of the described experiments is a reduction of the sulphate content of such glass melts. For this purpose, within the scope of a physical refining process, the glass melts are rinsed with nitrogen in order to drive SO3 (i.e. SO2 + 1/2 O2) from the melt and thus support the decomposition of sulphate. The sulphate content can thus be reduced to values of 0.11 to 0.13 wt% SO3. Parallel to this, a shifting of the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio in favour of the bivalent iron is observed. It is thus possible to supervise the success of the physical refining process directly in the melt with the help of oxygen ion sensitive probes.