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    Direct and inverse elastic scattering problems for diffraction gratings
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Elschner, Johannes; Hu, Guanghui
    This paper is concerned with the direct and inverse scattering of time-harmonic plane elastic waves by unbounded periodic structures (diffraction gratings). We present a variational approach to the forward scattering problems with Lipschitz grating profiles and give a survey of recent uniqueness and existence results. We also report on recent global uniqueness results within the class of piecewise linear grating profiles for the corresponding inverse elastic scattering problems. Moreover, a discrete Galerkin method is presented to efficiently approximate solutions of direct scattering problems via an integral equation approach. Finally, an optimization method for solving the inverse problem of recovering a 2D periodic structure from scattered elastic waves measured above the structure is discussed.
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    Inverse scattering of elastic waves by periodic structures : uniqueness under the third or fourth kind boundary conditions
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Elschner, Johannes; Hu, Guanghui
    The inverse scattering of a time-harmonic elastic wave by a two-dimensional periodic structure in R 2 is investigated. The grating profile is assumed to be a graph given by a piecewise linear function on which the third or fourth kind boundary conditions are satisfied. Via an equivalent variational formulation, existence of quasi-periodic solutions for general Lipschitz grating profiles is proved by applying the Fredholm alternative. However, uniqueness of solution to the direct problem does not hold in general. For the inverse problem, we determine and classify all the unidentifiable grating profiles corresponding to a given incident elastic field, relying on the reflection principle for the Navier equation and the rotational invariance of propagating directions of the total field. Moreover, global uniqueness for the inverse problem is established with a minimal number of incident pressure or shear waves, including the resonance case where a Rayleigh frequency is allowed. The gratings that are unidentifiable by one incident elastic wave provide non-uniqueness examples for appropriately chosen wave number and incident angles
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    Nearly cloaking the elastic wave fields
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Hu, Guanghui; Liu, Hongyu
    In this work, we develop a general mathematical framework on regularized approximate cloaking of elastic waves governed by the Lamé system via the approach of transformation elastodynamics. Our study is rather comprehensive. We first provide a rigorous justification of the transformation elastodynamics. Based on the blow-up-a-point construction, elastic material tensors for a perfect cloak are derived and shown to possess singularities. In order to avoid the singular structure, we propose to regularize the blow-up-a-point construction to be the blow-up-a-small-region construction. However, it is shown that without incorporating a suitable lossy layer, the regularized construction would fail due to resonant inclusions. In order to defeat the failure of the lossless construction, a properly designed lossy layer is introduced into the regularized cloaking construction . We derive sharp asymptotic estimates in assessing the cloaking performance. The proposed cloaking scheme is capable of nearly cloaking an arbitrary content with a high accuracy.
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    An optimization method in inverse elastic scattering for one-dimensional grating profiles
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Elschner, Johannes; Hu, Guanghui
    Consider the inverse diffraction problem to determine a two-dimensional periodic structure from scattered elastic waves measured above the structure. We formulate the inverse problem as a least squares optimization problem, following the two-step algorithm by G. Bruckner and J. Elschner (Inverse Problems (2003) 19, 315-329) for electromagnetic diffraction gratings. Such a method is based on the Kirsch-Kress optimization scheme and consists of two parts: a linear severely ill-posed problem and a nonlinear well-posed one. We apply this method to both smooth ($C^2$) and piecewise linear gratings for the Dirichlet boundary value problem of the Navier equation. Numerical reconstructions from exact and noisy data illustrate the feasibility of the method.