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    Targeted T1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Enhancement with Extraordinarily Small CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2019) Piché, Dominique; Tavernaro, Isabella; Fleddermann, Jana; Lozano, Juan G.; Varambhia, Aakash; Maguire, Mahon L.; Koch, Marcus; Ukai, Tomofumi; Hernández Rodríguez, Armando J.; Jones, Lewys; Dillon, Frank; Reyes Molina, Israel; Mitzutani, Mai; González Dalmau, Evelio R.; Maekawa, Toru; Nellist, Peter D.; Kraegeloh, Annette; Grobert, Nicole
    Extraordinarily small (2.4 nm) cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (ESCIoNs) were synthesized by a one-pot thermal decomposition approach to study their potential as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. Fine size control was achieved using oleylamine alone, and annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy revealed highly crystalline cubic spinel particles with atomic resolution. Ligand exchange with dimercaptosuccinic acid rendered the particles stable in physiological conditions with a hydrodynamic diameter of 12 nm. The particles displayed superparamagnetic properties and a low r2/r1 ratio suitable for a T1 contrast agent. The particles were functionalized with bile acid, which improved biocompatibility by significant reduction of reactive oxygen species generation and is a first step toward liver-targeted T1 MRI. Our study demonstrates the potential of ESCIoNs as T1 MRI contrast agents.
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    Light emission intensities of luminescent Y2O3:Eu and Gd2O3:Eu particles of various sizes
    (Basel : MDPI, 2017) Adam, Jens; Metzger, Wilhelm; Koch, Marcus; Rogin, Peter; Coenen, Toon; Atchison, Jennifer S.; König, Peter
    There is great technological interest in elucidating the effect of particle size on the luminescence efficiency of doped rare earth oxides. This study demonstrates unambiguously that there is a size effect and that it is not dependent on the calcination temperature. The Y2O3:Eu and Gd2O3:Eu particles used in this study were synthesized using wet chemistry to produce particles ranging in size between 7 nm and 326 nm and a commercially available phosphor. These particles were characterized using three excitation methods: UV light at 250 nm wavelength, electron beam at 10 kV, and X-rays generated at 100 kV. Regardless of the excitation source, it was found that with increasing particle diameter there is an increase in emitted light. Furthermore, dense particles emit more light than porous particles. These results can be explained by considering the larger surface area to volume ratio of the smallest particles and increased internal surface area of the pores found in the large particles. For the small particles, the additional surface area hosts adsorbates that lead to non-radiative recombination, and in the porous particles, the pore walls can quench fluorescence. This trend is valid across calcination temperatures and is evident when comparing particles from the same calcination temperature.
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    Enhanced uptake and siRNA-mediated knockdown of a biologically relevant gene using cyclodextrin polyrotaxane
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Dandekar, P.; Jain, R.; Keil, M.; Loretz, B.; Koch, Marcus; Wenz, G.; Lehr, Claus-Michael
    Ideal cationic polymers for siRNA delivery could result in its enhanced cellular internalization, escape from endosomal degradation, and rapid release in cell cytoplasm, to facilitate knockdown of the target gene. In this study, we have investigated the ability of an in-house synthesized cationic polyrotaxane to bind siRNA into nanometric complexes. This polymer, which had earlier shown improved transfection of model siRNA (luciferase), was used to improve the cellular internalization of the siRNA molecule with therapeutic implications. In cellular assays, the polymer enhanced the knockdown of a gene involved in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis, when the nanocomplexes were compared with free siRNA. The efficacy and cellular non-toxicity of this polymer encourage its further exploitation in animal models of tuberculosis and other intracellular bacterial infections.
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    A correlative analysis of gold nanoparticles internalized by A549 cells
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2014) Böse, Katharina; Koch, Marcus; Cavelius, Christian; Kiemer, Alexandra K.; Kraegeloh, Annette
    Fluorescently labeled nanoparticles are widely used to investigate nanoparticle cell interactions by fluorescence microscopy. Owing to limited lateral and axial resolution, nanostructures (<100 nm) cannot be resolved by conventional light micro­scopy techniques. Especially after uptake into cells, a common fate of the fluorescence label and the particle core cannot be taken for granted. In this study, a correlative approach is presented to image fluorescently labeled gold nanoparticles inside whole cells by correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). This approach allows for detection of the fluorescently labeled particle shell as well as for the gold core in one sample. In this setup, A549 cells are exposed to 8 nm Atto 647N-labeled gold nanoparticles (3.3 × 109 particles mL−1, 0.02 μg Au mL−1) for 5 h and are subsequently imaged by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eight fluorescence signals located at different intracellular positions are further analyzed by TEM. Five of the eight fluorescence spots are correlated with isolated or agglomerated gold nanoparticles. Three fluorescence signals could not be related to the presence of gold, indicating a loss of the particle shell.
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    Distribution of SiO2 nanoparticles in 3D liver microtissues
    (Macclesfield : Dove Medical Press, 2019) Fleddermann, Jana; Susewind, Julia; Peuschel, Henrike; Koch, Marcus; Tavernaro, Isabella; Kraegeloh, Annette
    Introduction: Nanoparticles (NPs) are used in numerous products in technical fields and biomedicine; their potential adverse effects have to be considered in order to achieve safe applications. Besides their distribution in tissues, organs, and cellular localization, their impact and penetration during the process of tissue formation occurring in vivo during liver regeneration are critical steps for establishment of safe nanomaterials. Materials and methods: In this study, 3D cell culture of human hepatocarcinoma cells (HepG2) was used to generate cellular spheroids, serving as in vitro liver microtissues. In order to determine their differential distribution and penetration depth in HepG2 spheroids, SiO2 NPs were applied either during or after spheroid formation. The NP penetration was comprehensively studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Spheroids were exposed to 100 µg mL-1 SiO2 NPs either at the beginning of spheroid formation, or during or after formation of spheroids. Microscopy analyses revealed that NP penetration into the spheroid is limited. During and after spheroid formation, SiO2 NPs penetrated about 20 µm into the spheroids, corresponding to about three cell layers. In contrast, because of the addition of SiO2 NPs simultaneously to cell seeding, NP agglomerates were located also in the spheroid center. Application of SiO2 NPs during the process of spheroid formation had no impact on final spheroid size. Conclusion: Understanding the distribution of NPs in tissues is essential for biomedical applications. The obtained results indicate that NPs show only limited penetration into already formed tissue, which is probably caused by the alteration of the tissue structure and cell packing density during the process of spheroid formation.
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    Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer-siRNA nanoparticles for silencing a therapeutically relevant gene in macrophages
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Jain, Ratnesh; Dandekar, Prajakta; Loretz, Brigitta; Koch, Marcus; Lehr, Claus-Michael
    Therapeutic gene silencing using small-interfering RNA (siRNA) for treatment of bacterial infections has been neglected in comparison with cancer and viral infections. The aim of our investigation was to formulate siRNA-loaded nanoparticles, using an established cationic polymethacrylate polymer, to enhance the delivery of siRNA into the cytoplasm of macrophages that host many pathogenic bacterial species, including tuberculosis. Nanoparticles of cationic dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer (Eudragit[registered sign] E 100) were successfully formulated and were found to efficiently bind the siRNA molecules (Cy3-siRNA, Bfl1/A1 siRNA). The efficiency of nanoparticles in overcoming cellular barriers to intracellular siRNA delivery and the precise pathway of endocytosis of nanoparticles were both confirmed using confocal microscopy. Through efficient siRNA release into the cytoplasm, the siRNA-loaded nanoparticles enabled a five-fold enhancement in the knockdown efficiency of the endogenous host gene Bfl1/A1, when the formulation was compared with free siRNA. Persistence of Bfl1/A1 is useful for phagolysosomal survival of tuberculosis bacteria in macrophages, and the nanoparticles offer a promising concept for exploitation as an anti-tuberculosis therapy.
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    Kinetics of mRNA delivery and protein translation in dendritic cells using lipid-coated PLGA nanoparticles
    (London : Biomed Central, 2018) Yasar, Hanzey; Biehl, Alexander; De Rossi, Chiara; Koch, Marcus; Murgia, Xabi; Loretz, Brigitta; Lehr, Claus-Michael
    Background: Messenger RNA (mRNA) has gained remarkable attention as an alternative to DNA-based therapies in biomedical research. A variety of biodegradable nanoparticles (NPs) has been developed including lipid-based and polymer-based systems for mRNA delivery. However, both systems still lack in achieving an efficient transfection rate and a detailed understanding of the mRNA transgene expression kinetics. Therefore, quantitative analysis of the time-dependent translation behavior would provide a better understanding of mRNA's transient nature and further aid the enhancement of appropriate carriers with the perspective to generate future precision nanomedicines with quick response to treat various diseases. Results: A lipid-polymer hybrid system complexed with mRNA was evaluated regarding its efficiency to transfect dendritic cells (DCs) by simultaneous live cell video imaging of both particle uptake and reporter gene expression. We prepared and optimized NPs consisting of poly (lactid-co-glycolid) (PLGA) coated with the cationic lipid 1, 2-di-O-octadecenyl-3-trimethylammonium propane abbreviated as LPNs. An earlier developed polymer-based delivery system (chitosan-PLGA NPs) served for comparison. Both NPs types were complexed with mRNA-mCherry at various ratios. While cellular uptake and toxicity of either NPs was comparable, LPNs showed a significantly higher transfection efficiency of ~ 80% while chitosan-PLGA NPs revealed only ~ 5%. Further kinetic analysis elicited a start of protein translation after 1 h, with a maximum after 4 h and drop of transgene expression after 48 h post-transfection, in agreement with the transient nature of mRNA. Conclusions: Charge-mediated complexation of mRNA to NPs enables efficient and fast cellular delivery and subsequent protein translation. While cellular uptake of both NP types was comparable, mRNA transgene expression was superior to polymer-based NPs when delivered by lipid-polymer NPs.
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    The synergistic effect of chlorotoxin-mApoE in boosting drug-loaded liposomes across the BBB
    (London : BioMed Central, 2019) Formicola, Beatrice; Dal, Magro, Roberta; Montefusco-Pereira, Carlos V.; Lehr, Claus‑Michael; Koch, Marcus; Russo, Laura; Grasso, Gianvito; Deriu, Marco A.; Danani, Andrea; Bourdoulous, Sandrine; Re, Francesca
    We designed liposomes dually functionalized with ApoE-derived peptide (mApoE) and chlorotoxin (ClTx) to improve their blood-brain barrier (BBB) crossing. Our results demonstrated the synergistic activity of ClTx-mApoE in boosting doxorubicin-loaded liposomes across the BBB, keeping the anti-tumour activity of the drug loaded: mApoE acts promoting cellular uptake, while ClTx promotes exocytosis of liposomes. © 2019 The Author(s).
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    Toll-Like Receptor 2 Release by Macrophages: An Anti-inflammatory Program Induced by Glucocorticoids and Lipopolysaccharide
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2019) Hoppstädter, Jessica; Dembek, Anna; Linnenberger, Rebecca; Dahlem, Charlotte; Barghash, Ahmad; Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Fuhrmann, Gregor; Koch, Marcus; Kraegeloh, Annette; Huwer, Hanno; Kiemer, Alexandra K.
    Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely prescribed therapeutics for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, and endogenous GCs play a key role in immune regulation. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) enable innate immune cells, such as macrophages, to recognize a wide variety of microbial ligands, thereby promoting inflammation. The interaction of GCs with macrophages in the immunosuppressive resolution phase upon prolonged TLR activation is widely unknown. Treatment of human alveolar macrophages (AMs) with the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dex) did not alter the expression of TLRs -1, -4, and -6. In contrast, TLR2 was upregulated in a GC receptor-dependent manner, as shown by Western blot and qPCR. Furthermore, long-term lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure mimicking immunosuppression in the resolution phase of inflammation synergistically increased Dex-mediated TLR2 upregulation. Analyses of publicly available datasets suggested that TLR2 is induced during the resolution phase of inflammatory diseases, i.e., under conditions associated with high endogenous GC production. TLR2 induction did not enhance TLR2 signaling, as indicated by reduced cytokine production after treatment with TLR2 ligands in Dex- and/or LPS-primed AMs. Thus, we hypothesized that the upregulated membrane-bound TLR2 might serve as a precursor for soluble TLR2 (sTLR2), known to antagonize TLR2-dependent cell actions. Supernatants of LPS/Dex-primed macrophages contained sTLR2, as demonstrated by Western blot analysis. Activation of metalloproteinases resulted in enhanced sTLR2 shedding. Additionally, we detected full-length TLR2 and assumed that this might be due to the production of TLR2-containing extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs from macrophage supernatants were isolated by sequential centrifugation. Both untreated and LPS/Dex-treated cells produced vesicles of various sizes and shapes, as shown by cryo-transmission electron microscopy. These vesicles were identified as the source of full-length TLR2 in macrophage supernatants by Western blot and mass spectrometry. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that TLR2-containing EVs were able to bind the TLR2 ligand Pam3CSK4. In addition, the presence of EVs reduced inflammatory responses in Pam3CSK4-treated endothelial cells and HEK Dual reporter cells, demonstrating that TLR2-EVs can act as decoy receptors. In summary, our data show that sTLR2 and full-length TLR2 are released by macrophages under anti-inflammatory conditions, which may contribute to GC-induced immunosuppression.
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    Friction force microscopy of tribochemistry and interfacial ageing for the SiOx/Si/Au system
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut, 2018) Petzhold, Chritinane; Koch, Marcus; Bennewitz, Roland
    Friction force microscopy was performed with oxidized or gold-coated silicon tips sliding on Au(111) or oxidized Si(100) surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum. We measured very low friction forces compared to adhesion forces and found a modulation of lateral forces reflecting the atomic structure of the surfaces. Holding the force-microscopy tip stationary for some time did not lead to an increase in static friction, i.e., no contact ageing was observed for these pairs of tip and surface. Passivating layers from tip or surface were removed in order to allow for contact ageing through the development of chemical bonds in the static contact. After removal of the passivating layers, tribochemical reactions resulted in strong friction forces and tip wear. Friction, wear, and the re-passivation by oxides are discussed based on results for the temporal development of friction forces, on images of the scanned area after friction force microscopy experiments, and on electron microscopy of the tips.