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    Multi-dimensional modeling and simulation of semiconductor nanophotonic devices
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Kantner, Markus; Höhne, Theresa; Koprucki, Thomas; Burger, Sven; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Schmidt, Frank; Mielke, Alexander; Bandelow, Uwe
    Self-consistent modeling and multi-dimensional simulation of semiconductor nanophotonic devices is an important tool in the development of future integrated light sources and quantum devices. Simulations can guide important technological decisions by revealing performance bottlenecks in new device concepts, contribute to their understanding and help to theoretically explore their optimization potential. The efficient implementation of multi-dimensional numerical simulations for computer-aided design tasks requires sophisticated numerical methods and modeling techniques. We review recent advances in device-scale modeling of quantum dot based single-photon sources and laser diodes by self-consistently coupling the optical Maxwell equations with semiclassical carrier transport models using semi-classical and fully quantum mechanical descriptions of the optically active region, respectively. For the simulation of realistic devices with complex, multi-dimensional geometries, we have developed a novel hp-adaptive finite element approach for the optical Maxwell equations, using mixed meshes adapted to the multi-scale properties of the photonic structures. For electrically driven devices, we introduced novel discretization and parameter-embedding techniques to solve the drift-diffusion system for strongly degenerate semiconductors at cryogenic temperature. Our methodical advances are demonstrated on various applications, including vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, grating couplers and single-photon sources.
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    Modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb effects
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Koprucki, Thomas; Wilms, Alexander; Knorr, Andreas; Bandelow, Uwe
    We present a spatially resolved semiclassical model for the simulation of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers including a multi-species description for the carriers along the optical active region. The model links microscopic determined quantities like scattering rates and dephasing times, that essentially depend via Coulomb interaction on the carrier densities, with macroscopic transport equations and equations for the optical field.78A60 68U2078A60 68U20
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    Hybrid quantum-classical modeling of quantum dot devices
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2017) Kantner, Markus; Mittnenzweig, Markus; Koprucki, Thomas
    The design of electrically driven quantum dot devices for quantum optical applications asks for modeling approaches combining classical device physics with quantum mechanics. We connect the well-established fields of semi-classical semiconductor transport theory and the theory of open quantum systems to meet this requirement. By coupling the van Roosbroeck system with a quantum master equation in Lindblad form, we obtain a new hybrid quantum-classical modeling approach, which enables a comprehensive description of quantum dot devices on multiple scales: It allows the calculation of quantum optical figures of merit and the spatially resolved simulation of the current flow in realistic semiconductor device geometries in a unified way. We construct the interface between both theories in such a way, that the resulting hybrid system obeys the fundamental axioms of (non-)equilibrium thermodynamics. We show that our approach guarantees the conservation of charge, consistency with the thermodynamic equilibrium and the second law of thermodynamics. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by numerical simulations of an electrically driven single-photon source based on a single quantum dot in the stationary and transient operation regime.