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High-resolution vertical velocities and their power spectrum observed with the MAARSY radar – Part 1: frequency spectrum

2018-4-3, Li, Qiang, Rapp, Markus, Stober, Gunter, Latteck, Ralph

The Middle Atmosphere Alomar Radar System (MAARSY) installed at the island of Andøya has been run for continuous probing of atmospheric winds in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) region. In the current study, we present high-resolution wind measurements during the period between 2010 and 2013 with MAARSY. The spectral analysis applying the Lomb–Scargle periodogram method has been carried out to determine the frequency spectra of vertical wind velocity. From a total of 522 days of observations, the statistics of the spectral slope have been derived and show a dependence on the background wind conditions. It is a general feature that the observed spectra of vertical velocity during active periods (with wind velocity > 10 m s−1) are much steeper than during quiet periods (with wind velocity < 10 m s−1). The distribution of spectral slopes is roughly symmetric with a maximum at −5/3 during active periods, whereas a very asymmetric distribution with a maximum at around −1 is observed during quiet periods. The slope profiles along altitudes reveal a significant height dependence for both conditions, i.e., the spectra become shallower with increasing altitudes in the upper troposphere and maintain roughly a constant slope in the lower stratosphere. With both wind conditions considered together the general spectra are obtained and their slopes are compared with the background horizontal winds. The comparisons show that the observed spectra become steeper with increasing wind velocities under quiet conditions, approach a spectral slope of −5/3 at a wind velocity of 10 m s−1 and then roughly maintain this slope (−5/3) for even stronger winds. Our findings show an overall agreement with previous studies; furthermore, they provide a more complete climatology of frequency spectra of vertical wind velocities under different wind conditions.

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Spatial and temporal variability in MLT turbulence inferred from in situ and ground-based observations during the WADIS-1 sounding rocket campaign

2017, Strelnikov, Boris, Szewczyk, Artur, Strelnikova, Irina, Latteck, Ralph, Baumgarten, Gerd, Lübken, Franz-Josef, Rapp, Markus, Löhle, Stefan, Eberhart, Martin, Hoppe, Ulf-Peter, Dunker, Tim, Friedrich, Martin, Hedin, Jonas, Khaplanov, Mikhail, Gumbel, Jörg, Barjatya, Aroh

In summer 2013 the WADIS-1 sounding rocket campaign was conducted at the Andøya Space Center (ACS) in northern Norway (69° N, 16° E). Among other things, it addressed the question of the variability in mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) turbulence, both in time and space. A unique feature of the WADIS project was multi-point turbulence sounding applying different measurement techniques including rocket-borne ionization gauges, VHF MAARSY radar, and VHF EISCAT radar near Tromsø. This allowed for horizontal variability to be observed in the turbulence field in the MLT at scales from a few to 100 km. We found that the turbulence dissipation rate, ε varied in space in a wavelike manner both horizontally and in the vertical direction. This wavelike modulation reveals the same vertical wavelengths as those seen in gravity waves. We also found that the vertical mean value of radar observations of ε agrees reasonably with rocket-borne measurements. In this way defined 〈εradar〉 value reveals clear tidal modulation and results in variation by up to 2 orders of magnitude with periods of 24 h. The 〈εradar〉 value also shows 12 h and shorter (1 to a few hours) modulations resulting in one decade of variation in 〈εradar〉 magnitude. The 24 h modulation appeared to be in phase with tidal change of horizontal wind observed by SAURA-MF radar. Such wavelike and, in particular, tidal modulation of the turbulence dissipation field in the MLT region inferred from our analysis is a new finding of this work.

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VHF antenna pattern characterization by the observation of meteor head echoes

2017, Renkwitz, Toralf, Schult, Carsten, Latteck, Ralph

The Middle Atmosphere Alomar Radar System (MAARSY) with its active phased array antenna is designed and used for studies of phenomena in the mesosphere and lower atmosphere. The flexible beam forming and steering combined with a large aperture array allows for observations with a high temporal and angular resolution. For both the analysis of the radar data and the configuration of experiments, the actual radiation pattern needs to be known. For that purpose, various simulations as well as passive and active experiments have been conducted. Here, results of meteor head echo observations are presented, which allow us to derive detailed information of the actual radiation pattern for different beam-pointing positions and the current health status of the entire radar. For MAARSY, the described method offers robust beam pointing and width estimations for a minimum of a few days of observations.

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Observation of Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities and gravity waves in the summer mesopause above Andenes in Northern Norway

2018, Stober, Gunter, Sommer, Svenja, Schult, Carsten, Latteck, Ralph, Chau, Jorge L.

We present observations obtained with the Middle Atmosphere Alomar Radar System (MAARSY) to investigate short-period wave-like features using polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSEs) as a tracer for the neutral dynamics. We conducted a multibeam experiment including 67 different beam directions during a 9-day campaign in June 2013. We identified two Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) events from the signal morphology of PMSE. The MAARSY observations are complemented by collocated meteor radar wind data to determine the mesoscale gravity wave activity and the vertical structure of the wind field above the PMSE. The KHIs occurred in a strong shear flow with Richardson numbers Ri <0.25. In addition, we observed 15 wave-like events in our MAARSY multibeam observations applying a sophisticated decomposition of the radial velocity measurements using volume velocity processing. We retrieved the horizontal wavelength, intrinsic frequency, propagation direction, and phase speed from the horizontally resolved wind variability for 15 events. These events showed horizontal wavelengths between 20 and 40km, vertical wavelengths between 5 and 10km, and rather high intrinsic phase speeds between 45 and 85ms−1 with intrinsic periods of 5–10min.

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D region observations by VHF and HF radars during a rocket campaign at Andøya dedicated to investigations of PMWE

2019, Latteck, Ralph, Renkwitz, Toralf, Strelnikov, Boris

In April 2018 the PMWE1 sounding rocket campaign was conducted at the Andøya Space Center involving coordinated measurements with rockets and ground instruments to measure parameters relevant for testing of the existing theories of polar mesospheric winter echo (PMWE) formation. The Middle Atmosphere Alomar Radar System (MAARSY) was operated to detect PMWE with multiple beam directions to detect favorable launch conditions. A dedicated experiment configuration with five different beam positions was used to point the radar beam along the planned trajectory of the payload. This special radar experiment allowed to obtain basic information about the spatial structure of the PMWE and its dynamical behavior around the flight of the two rockets. PMWE with signal strengths between 10-17 and 1015 m1 have been observed by MAARSY during the whole campaign period, starting with a moderate occurrence at the beginning which decreased towards the end of the campaign. Furthermore real common-volume observations by rocket instruments and radar soundings have been carried out at PMWE altitudes on up-leg and down-leg of the rocket flights. The Saura MF radar was operated during both flights probing the mesosphere with a multiple beam scan experiment to derive horizontal winds and electron density profiles. The obtained PMWE characteristics as signal strength and spectral width of the received radar signals as well as estimated horizontal winds and electron densities are presented with particular emphasis to the launch times of the sounding rockets. © Author(s) 2019.

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On the role of anisotropic MF/HF scattering in mesospheric wind estimation

2018-10-1, Renkwitz, Toralf, Tsutsumi, Masaki, Laskar, Fazlul I., Chau, Jorge L., Latteck, Ralph

The Saura radar is designed and used to measure winds and electron densities at polar latitudes (69∘N) within the D region, namely between 50 and 100 km altitude. A relatively narrow radar beam can be generated and steered into distinct pointing directions as a rather large antenna array is used. From the observed radial velocities of the individual pointing directions, the horizontal and vertical wind fields can be obtained using the Doppler beam swinging (DBS) method. With recent upgrades to the radar, the interferometric capabilities are largely improved allowing simultaneous application of different wind estimation techniques now, and also echo localization. In recent studies, Saura DBS winds assuming isotropic scattering were found to be underestimated in comparison with highly reliable winds observed with the MAARSY MST radar in the presence of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE). This underestimation has been investigated by analyzing the scattering positions as well as applying the imaging Doppler interferometry technique. Besides this, Saura winds derived with the classical DBS method seem to be error prone at altitudes above 90 km and even below this altitude for periods of enhanced ionization, e.g., particle precipitations. Various methods taking into account the scattering positions have been used to correct the wind underestimation. These winds are compared to MST radar winds during PMSE, and an optimal combination of these methods for the Saura radar is presented. This combined wind data appears to be reliable; it shows reasonable amplitudes as well as tidal structures for the entire altitude region.