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[Gamma]-limits and relaxations for rate-independent evolutionary problems

2006, Mielke, Alexander, Toubíček, Tomáš, Stefanelli, Ulisse

This work uses the energetic formulation of rate-independent systems that is based on the stored-energy functionals ε and the dissipation distance D. For sequences (ε k)k ∈ ℕ and (D k)k ∈ ℕ we address the question under which conditions the limits q∞ of solutions qk: [0,T] → Q satisfy a suitable limit problem with limit functionals ε∞ and D∞, which are the corresponding Γ-limits. We derive a sufficient condition, called emphconditional upper semi-continuity of the stable sets, which is essential to guarantee that q∞ solves the limit problem. In particular, this condition holds if certain emphjoint recovery sequences exist. Moreover, we show that time-incremental minimization problems can be used to approximate the solutions. A first example involves the numerical approximation of functionals using finite-element spaces. A second example shows that the stop and the play operator convergece if the yield sets converge in the sense of Mosco. The third example deals with a problem developing microstructure in the limit k → ∞, which in the limit can be described by an effective macroscopic model.

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Error estimates for space-time discretizations of a rate-independent variational inequality

2009, Mielke, Alexander, Paoli, Laetitia, Petrov, Adrien, Stefanelli, Ulisse

This paper deals with error estimates for space-time discretizations in the context of evolutionary variational inequalities of rate-independent type. After introducing a general abstract evolution problem, we address a fully-discrete approximation and provide a priori error estimates. The application of the abstract theory to a semilinear case is detailed. In particular, we provide explicit space-time convergence rates for the isothermal Souza-Auricchio model for shape-memory alloys.

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Weighted energy-dissipation functionals for gradient flows

2009, Mielke, Alexander, Stefanelli, Ulisse

We investigate a global-in-time variational approach to abstract evolution by means of the weighted energy-dissipation functionals proposed by Mielke & Ortiz in ``A class of minimum principles for characterizing the trajectories of dissipative systems''. In particular, we focus on gradient flows in Hilbert spaces. The main result is the convergence of minimizers and approximate minimizers of these functionals to the unique solution of the gradient flow. Sharp convergence rates are provided and the convergence analysis is combined with time-discretization. Applications of the theory to various classes of parabolic PDE problems are presented. In particular, we focus on two examples of microstructure evolution from S. Conti and M. Ortiz ``Minimum principles for the trajectories of systems governed by rate problems'

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A discrete variational principle for rate-independent evolution

2008, Mielke, Alexander, Stefanelli, Ulisse

We develop a global-in-time variational approach to the time-discretization of rate-independent processes. In particular, we investigate a discrete version of the variational principle based on the weighted energy-dissipation functional introduced by A. Mielke and M. Ortiz in ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 2008. We prove the conditional convergence of time-discrete approximate minimizers to energetic solutions of the time-continuous problem. Moreover, the convergence result is combined with approximation and relaxation. For a fixed partition the functional is shown to have an asymptotic development by Gamma convergence, cf. G. Anzellotti and S. Baldo (Appl. Math. Optim., 1993), in the limit of vanishing viscosity.

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Linearized plasticity is the evolutionary [Gamma]-limit of finite plasticity

2011, Mielke, Alexander, Stefanelli, Ulisse

We provide a rigorous justification of the classical linearization approach in plasticity. By taking the small-deformations limit, we prove via Gamma-convergence for rate-independent processes that energetic solutions of the quasi-static finite-strain elastoplasticity system converge to the unique strong solution of linearized elastoplasticity.

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A rate-independent model for the isothermal quasi-static evolution of shape-memory materials

2006, Auricchio, Ferdinando, Mielke, Alexander, Stefanelli, Ulisse

This note addresses a three-dimensional model for isothermal stress-induced transformation in shape-memory polycrystalline materials. We treat the problem within the framework of the energetic formulation of rate-independent processes and investigate existence and continuous dependence issues at both the constitutive relation and quasi-static evolution level. Moreover, we focus on time and space approximation as well as on regularization and parameter asymptotics.