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    Optimal Entropy-Transport problems and a new Hellinger–Kantorovich distance between positive measures
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2017) Liero, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander; Savaré, Giuseppe
    We develop a full theory for the new class of Optimal Entropy-Transport problems between nonnegative and finite Radon measures in general topological spaces. These problems arise quite naturally by relaxing the marginal constraints typical of Optimal Transport problems: given a pair of finite measures (with possibly different total mass), one looks for minimizers of the sum of a linear transport functional and two convex entropy functionals, which quantify in some way the deviation of the marginals of the transport plan from the assigned measures. As a powerful application of this theory, we study the particular case of Logarithmic Entropy-Transport problems and introduce the new Hellinger–Kantorovich distance between measures in metric spaces. The striking connection between these two seemingly far topics allows for a deep analysis of the geometric properties of the new geodesic distance, which lies somehow between the well-known Hellinger–Kakutani and Kantorovich–Wasserstein distances.
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    Decay to equilibrium for energy-reaction-diffusion systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Haskovec, Jan; Hittmeir, Sabine; Markowich, Peter; Mielke, Alexander
    We derive thermodynamically consistent models of reaction-diffusion equations coupled to a heat equation. While the total energy is conserved, the total entropy serves as a driving functional such that the full coupled system is a gradient flow. The novelty of the approach is the Onsager structure, which is the dual form of a gradient system, and the formulation in terms of the densities and the internal energy. In these variables it is possible to assume that the entropy density is strictly concave such that there is a unique maximizer (thermodynamical equilibrium) given linear constraints on the total energy and suitable density constraints. We consider two particular systems of this type, namely, a diffusion-reaction bipolar energy transport system, and a drift-diffusion-reaction energy transport system with confining potential. We prove corresponding entropy-entropy production inequalities with explicitly calculable constants and establish the convergence to thermodynamical equilibrium, at first in entropy and further in L1 using Cziszàr-Kullback-Pinsker type inequalities.
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    Geometric properties of cones with applications on the Hellinger-Kantorovich space, and a new distance on the space of probability measures
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2017) Laschos, Vaios; Mielke, Alexander
    By studying general geometric properties of cone spaces, we prove the existence of a distance on the space of Probability measures that turns the Hellinger--Kantorovich space into a cone space over the space of probabilities measures. Here we exploit a natural two-parameter scaling property of the Hellinger-Kantorovich distance. For the new space, we obtain a full characterization of the geodesics. We also provide new geometric properties for the original space, including a two-parameter rescaling and reparametrization of the geodesics, local-angle condition and some partial K-semiconcavity of the squared distance, that it will be used in a future paper to prove existence of gradient flows.
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    Emergence of rate-independent dissipation from viscous systems with wiggly energies : dedicated to Ingo Müller on the occasion of his 75th birthday
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Mielke, Alexander; Müller, Ingo
    We consider the passage from viscous system to rate-independent system in the limit of vanishing viscosity and for wiggly energies. Our new convergence approach is based on the (R,R*) formulation by De Giorgi, where we pass to the Γ limit in the dissipation functional. The difficulty is that the type of dissipation changes from a quadratic functional to one that is homogeneous of degree 1. The analysis uses the decomposition of the restoring force into a macroscopic part and a fluctuating part, where the latter is handled via homogenization.
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    Gradient structure for optoelectronic models of semiconductors
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Mielke, Alexander; Peschka, Dirk; Rotundo, Nella; Thomas, Marita
    We derive an optoelectronic model based on a gradient formulation for the relaxation of electron-, hole- and photon- densities to their equilibrium state. This leads to a coupled system of partial and ordinary differential equations, for which we discuss the isothermal and the non-isothermal scenario separately.
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    Variational approaches and methods for dissipative material models with multiple scales
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Mielke, Alexander
    In a first part we consider evolutionary systems given as generalized gradient systems and discuss various variational principles that can be used to construct solutions for a given system or to derive the limit dynamics for multiscale problems. These multiscale limits are formulated in the theory of evolutionary Gamma-convergence. On the one hand we consider the a family of viscous gradient system with quadratic dissipation potentials and a wiggly energy landscape that converge to a rate-independent system. On the other hand we show how the concept of Balanced-Viscosity solution arise as in the vanishing-viscosity limit. As applications we discuss, first, the evolution of laminate microstructures in finite-strain elastoplasticity and, second, a two-phase model for shape-memory materials, where H-measures are used to construct the mutual recovery sequences needed in the existence theory.
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    Exploring families of energy-dissipation landscapes via tilting -- Three types of EDP convergence
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Mielke, Alexander; Montefusco, Alberto; Peletier, Mark A.
    This paper revolves around a subtle distinction between two concepts: passing to the limit in a family of gradient systems, on one hand, and deriving effective kinetic relations on the other. The two concepts are strongly related, and in many examples they even appear to be the same. Our main contributions are to show that they are different, to show that well-known techniques developed for the former may give incorrect results for the latter, and to introduce new tools to remedy this. The approach is based on the Energy-Dissipation Principle that provides a variational formulation to gradient-flow equations that allows one to apply techniques from Γ-convergence of functional on states and functionals on trajectories.
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    Free energy, free entropy, and a gradient structure for thermoplasticity
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Mielke, Alexander
    In the modeling of solids the free energy, the energy, and the entropy play a central role. We show that the free entropy, which is defined as the negative of the free energy divided by the temperature, is similarly important. The derivatives of the free energy are suitable thermodynamical driving forces for reversible (i.e. Hamiltonian) parts of the dynamics, while for the dissipative parts the derivatives of the free entropy are the correct driving forces. This difference does not matter for isothermal cases nor for local materials, but it is relevant in the non-isothermal case if the densities also depend on gradients, as is the case in gradient thermoplasticity. Using the total entropy as a driving functional, we develop gradient structures for quasistatic thermoplasticity, which again features the role of the free entropy. The big advantage of the gradient structure is the possibility of deriving time-incremental minimization procedures, where the entropy-production potential minus the total entropy is minimized with respect to the internal variables and the temperature. We also highlight that the usage of an auxiliary temperature as an integrating factor in Yang/Stainier/Ortiz "A variational formulation of the coupled thermomechanical boundary-value problem for general dissipative solids" (J. Mech. Physics Solids, 54, 401-424, 2006) serves exactly the purpose to transform the reversible driving forces, obtained from the free energy, into the needed irreversible driving forces, which should have been derived from the free entropy. This reconfirms the fact that only the usage of the free entropy as driving functional for dissipative processes allows us to derive a proper variational formulation.
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    On thermodynamical couplings of quantum mechanics and macroscopic systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Mielke, Alexander
    Pure quantum mechanics can be formulated as a Hamiltonian system in terms of the Liouville equation for the density matrix. Dissipative effects are modeled via coupling to a macroscopic system, where the coupling operators act via commutators. Following Öttinger (2010) we use the GENERIC framework to construct thermodynamically consistent evolution equations as a sum of a Hamiltonian and a gradient-flow contribution, which satisfy a particular non-interaction condition: q̇ = J(q)DE(q) + K(q)DS(q). We give three applications of the theory. First, we consider a finite-dimensional quantum system that is coupled to a finite number of simple heat baths, each of which is described by a scalar temperature variable. Second, we model quantum system given by a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator connected to a onedimensional heat equation on the left and on the right. Finally, we consider thermoopto-electronics, where the Maxwell-Bloch system of optics is coupled to the energydrift-diffusion system for semiconductor electronics.
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    Formulation of thermo-elastic dissipative material behavior using GENERIC
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Mielke, Alexander
    The theory of GENERIC (general equations for non-equilibrium reversible irreversibel coupling) is presented in a mathematical form. It is applied first to simple mechanical systems and then generalized to standard generalized materials. It is shown that nonisothermal viscoplasticity can be cast into the form of GENERIC, if the dissipative structure is generalized from linear functionals to the more general subdifferential of convex potentials