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    Dynamical Phase Transitions for Flows on Finite Graphs
    (New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2020) Gabrielli, Davide; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We study the time-averaged flow in a model of particles that randomly hop on a finite directed graph. In the limit as the number of particles and the time window go to infinity but the graph remains finite, the large-deviation rate functional of the average flow is given by a variational formulation involving paths of the density and flow. We give sufficient conditions under which the large deviations of a given time averaged flow is determined by paths that are constant in time. We then consider a class of models on a discrete ring for which it is possible to show that a better strategy is obtained producing a time-dependent path. This phenomenon, called a dynamical phase transition, is known to occur for some particle systems in the hydrodynamic scaling limit, which is thus extended to the setting of a finite graph.
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    From Large Deviations to Semidistances of Transport and Mixing: Coherence Analysis for Finite Lagrangian Data
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2018) Koltai, Péter; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    One way to analyze complicated non-autonomous flows is through trying to understand their transport behavior. In a quantitative, set-oriented approach to transport and mixing, finite time coherent sets play an important role. These are time-parametrized families of sets with unlikely transport to and from their surroundings under small or vanishing random perturbations of the dynamics. Here we propose, as a measure of transport and mixing for purely advective (i.e., deterministic) flows, (semi)distances that arise under vanishing perturbations in the sense of large deviations. Analogously, for given finite Lagrangian trajectory data we derive a discrete-time-and-space semidistance that comes from the “best” approximation of the randomly perturbed process conditioned on this limited information of the deterministic flow. It can be computed as shortest path in a graph with time-dependent weights. Furthermore, we argue that coherent sets are regions of maximal farness in terms of transport and mixing, and hence they occur as extremal regions on a spanning structure of the state space under this semidistance—in fact, under any distance measure arising from the physical notion of transport. Based on this notion, we develop a tool to analyze the state space (or the finite trajectory data at hand) and identify coherent regions. We validate our approach on idealized prototypical examples and well-studied standard cases.
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    The space of bounded variation with infinite-dimensional codomain
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Heida, Martin; Patterson, Robert I.A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We study functions of bounded variation with values in a Banach or in a metric space. We provide several equivalent notions of variations and provide the notion of a time derivative in this abstract setting. We study four distinct topologies on the space of bounded variations and provide some insight into the structure of these topologies. In particular, we study the meaning of convergence, duality and regularity for these topologies and provide some useful compactness criteria, also related to the classical Aubin-Lions theorem. We finally provide some useful applications to stochastic processes.
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    Large deviations of specific empirical fluxes of independent Markov chains, with implications for Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2017) Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We consider a system of independent particles on a finite state space, and prove a dynamic large-deviation principle for the empirical measure-empirical flux pair, taking the specific fluxes rather than net fluxes into account. We prove the large deviations under deterministic initial conditions, and under random initial conditions satisfying a large-deviation principle. We then show how to use this result to generalise a number of principles from Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory to the finite-space setting.
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    Non-equilibrium thermodynamical principles for chemical reactions with mass-action kinetics
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Mielke, Alexander; Patterson, Robert I.A.; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We study stochastic interacting particle systems that model chemical reaction networks on the microscopic scale, converging to the macroscopic Reaction Rate Equation. One abstraction level higher, we also study the ensemble of such particle systems, converging to the corresponding Liouville transport equation. For both systems, we calculate the corresponding large deviations and show that under the condition of detailed balance, the large deviations enables us to derive a non-linear relation between thermodynamic fluxes and free energy driving force.
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    From large deviations to Wasserstein gradient flows in multiple dimensions
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Erbar, Matthias; Maas, Jan; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We study the large deviation rate functional for the empirical measure of independent Brownian particles with drift. In one dimension, it has been shown by Adams, Dirr, Peletier and Zimmer [ADPZ11] that this functional is asymptotically equivalent (in the sense of -convergence) to the JordanKinderlehrerOtto functional arising in the Wasserstein gradient flow structure of the FokkerPlanck equation. In higher dimensions, part of this statement (the lower bound) has been recently proved by Duong, Laschos and Renger, but the upper bound remained open, since the proof in [DLR13] relies on regularity properties of optimal transport maps that are restricted to one dimension. In this note we present a new proof of the upper bound, thereby generalising the result of [ADPZ11] to arbitrary dimensions.
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    On the relation between gradient flows and the large-deviation principle, with applications to Markov chains and diffusion
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Mielke, Alexander; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    Motivated by the occurence in rate functions of time-dependent large-deviation principles, we study a class of non-negative functions L that induce a flow, given by L(pt, pt) = 0. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique existence of a generalized gradient structure for the induced flow, as well as explicit formulas for the corresponding driving entropy and dissipation functional. In particular, we show how these conditions can be given a probabilistic interpretation when L is associated to the large deviations of a microscopic particle system. Finally, we illustrate the theory for independent Brownian particles with drift, which leads to the entropy-Wasserstein gradient structure, and for independent Markovian particles on a finite state space, which leads to a previously unknown gradient structure.
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    On microscopic origins of generalized gradient structures
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Liero, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    Classical gradient systems have a linear relation between rates and driving forces. In generalized gradient systems we allow for arbitrary relations derived from general non-quadratic dissipation potentials. This paper describes two natural origins for these structures. A first microscopic origin of generalized gradient structures is given by the theory of large-deviation principles. While Markovian diffusion processes lead to classical gradient structures, poissonian jump processes give rise to cosh-type dissipation potentials. A second origin arises via a new form of convergence, that we call EDP-convergence. Even when starting with classical gradient systems, where the dissipation potential is a quadratic functional of the rate, we may obtain a generalized gradient system in the evolutionary Gamma-limit. As examples we treat (i) the limit of a diffusion equation having a thin layer of low diffusivity, which leads to a membrane model, and (ii) the limit of diffusion over a high barrier, which gives a reaction-diffusion system.
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    Large deviations of reaction fluxes
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2018) Patterson, Robert I.A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    We study a system of interacting particles that randomly react to form new particles. The reaction flux is the rescaled number of reactions that take place in a time interval. We prove a dynamic large-deviation principle for the reaction fluxes under general assumptions that include mass-action kinetics. This result immediately implies the dynamic large deviations for the empirical concentration.
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    Dynamical large deviations of countable reaction networks under a weak reversibility condition
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Patterson, Robert I.A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    A dynamic large deviations principle for a countable reaction network including coagulation-fragmentation models is proved. The rate function is represented as the infimal cost of the reaction fluxes and a minimiser for this variational problem is shown to exist. A weak reversibility condition is used to control the boundary behaviour and to guarantee a representation for the optimal fluxes via a Lagrange multiplier that can be used to construct the changes of measure used in standard tilting arguments. Reflecting the pure jump nature of the approximating processes, their paths are treated as elements of a BV function space.