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    XUV double-pulses with femtosecond to 650 ps separation from a multilayer-mirror-based split-and-delay unit at FLASH
    (Chester : IUCr, 2018-8-3) Sauppe, Mario; Rompotis, Dimitrios; Erk, Benjamin; Bari, Sadia; Bischoff, Tobias; Boll, Rebecca; Bomme, Cédric; Bostedt, Christoph; Dörner, Simon; Düsterer, Stefan; Feigl, Torsten; Flückiger, Leonie; Gorkhover, Tais; Kolatzki, Katharina; Langbehn, Bruno; Monserud, Nils; Müller, Erland; Müller, Jan P.; Passow, Christopher; Ramm, Daniel; Rolles, Daniel; Schubert, Kaja; Schwob, Lucas; Senfftleben, Björn; Treusch, Rolf; Ulmer, Anatoli; Weigelt, Holger; Zimbalski, Jannis; Zimmermann, Julian; Möller, Thomas; Rupp, Daniela
    Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray free-electron lasers enable new scientific opportunities. Their ultra-intense coherent femtosecond pulses give unprecedented access to the structure of undepositable nanoscale objects and to transient states of highly excited matter. In order to probe the ultrafast complex light-induced dynamics on the relevant time scales, the multi-purpose end-station CAMP at the free-electron laser FLASH has been complemented by the novel multilayer-mirror-based split-and-delay unit DESC (DElay Stage for CAMP) for time-resolved experiments. XUV double-pulses with delays adjustable from zero femtoseconds up to 650 picoseconds are generated by reflecting under near-normal incidence, exceeding the time range accessible with existing XUV split-and-delay units. Procedures to establish temporal and spatial overlap of the two pulses in CAMP are presented, with emphasis on the optimization of the spatial overlap at long time-delays via time-dependent features, for example in ion spectra of atomic clusters.
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    CAMP@FLASH: an end-station for imaging, electron- and ion-spectroscopy, and pump–probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser
    (Chester : IUCr, 2018-8-2) Erk, Benjamin; Müller, Jan P.; Bomme, Cédric; Boll, Rebecca; Brenner, Günter; Chapman, Henry N.; Correa, Jonathan; Düsterer, Stefan; Dziarzhytski, Siarhei; Eisebitt, Stefan; Graafsma, Heinz; Grunewald, Sören; Gumprecht, Lars; Hartmann, Robert; Hauser, Günter; Keitel, Barbara; von Korff Schmising, Clemens; Kuhlmann, Marion; Manschwetus, Bastian; Mercadier, Laurent; Müller, Erland; Passow, Christopher; Plönjes, Elke; Ramm, Daniel; Rompotis, Dimitrios; Rudenko, Artem; Rupp, Daniela; Sauppe, Mario; Siewert, Frank; Schlosser, Dieter; Strüder, Lothar; Swiderski, Angad; Techert, Simone; Tiedtke, Kai; Tilp, Thomas; Treusch, Rolf; Schlichting, Ilme; Ullrich, Joachim; Moshammer, Robert; Möller, Thomas; Rolles, Daniel
    The non-monochromatic beamline BL1 at the FLASH free-electron laser facility at DESY was upgraded with new transport and focusing optics, and a new permanent end-station, CAMP, was installed. This multi-purpose instrument is optimized for electron- and ion-spectroscopy, imaging and pump–probe experiments at free-electron lasers. It can be equipped with various electron- and ion-spectrometers, along with large-area single-photon-counting pnCCD X-ray detectors, thus enabling a wide range of experiments from atomic, molecular, and cluster physics to material and energy science, chemistry and biology. Here, an overview of the layout, the beam transport and focusing capabilities, and the experimental possibilities of this new end-station are presented, as well as results from its commissioning.
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    Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser
    ([Bad Honnef] : Dt. Physikalische Ges., 2017-04-10) Savelyev, Evgeny; Boll, Rebecca; Bomme, Cédric; Schirmel, Nora; Redlin, Harald; Erk, Benjamin; Düsterer, Stefan; Müller, Erland; Höppner, Hauke; Toleikis, Sven; Müller, Jost; Kristin Czwalinna, Marie; Treusch, Rolf; Kierspel, Thomas; Mullins, Terence; Trippel, Sebastian; Wiese, Joss; Küpper, Jochen; Brauβe, Felix; Krecinic, Faruk; Rouzée, Arnaud; Rudawski, Piotr; Johnsson, Per; Amini, Kasra; Lauer, Alexandra; Burt, Michael; Brouard, Mark; Christensen, Lauge; Thøgersen, Jan; Stapelfeldt, Henrik; Berrah, Nora; Müller, Maria; Ulmer, Anatoli; Techert, Simone; Rudenko, Artem; Rolles, Daniel
    In pump-probe experiments employing a free-electron laser (FEL) in combination with a synchronized optical femtosecond laser, the arrival-time jitter between the FEL pulse and the optical laser pulse often severely limits the temporal resolution that can be achieved. Here, we present a pump-probe experiment on the UV-induced dissociation of 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene (C6H3F2I) molecules performed at the FLASH FEL that takes advantage of recent upgrades of the FLASH timing and synchronization system to obtain high-quality data that are not limited by the FEL arrival-time jitter. We discuss in detail the necessary data analysis steps and describe the origin of the time-dependent effects in the yields and kinetic energies of the fragment ions that we observe in the experiment.
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    Generating circularly polarized radiation in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range at the free-electron laser FLASH
    (Melville, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2017) von Korff Schmising, Clemens; Weder, David; Noll, Tino; Pfau, Bastian; Hennecke, Martin; Strüber, Christian; Radu, Ilie; Schneider, Michael; Staeck, Steffen; Günther, Christian M.; Lüning, Jan; Merhe, Alaa el dine; Buck, Jens; Hartmann, Gregor; Viefhaus, Jens; Treusch, Rolf; Eisebitt, Stefan
    A new device for polarization control at the free electron laser facility FLASH1 at DESY has been commissioned for user operation. The polarizer is based on phase retardation upon reflection off metallic mirrors. Its performance is characterized in three independent measurements and confirms the theoretical predictions of efficient and broadband generation of circularly polarized radiation in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range from 35 eV to 90 eV. The degree of circular polarization reaches up to 90% while maintaining high total transmission values exceeding 30%. The simple design of the device allows straightforward alignment for user operation and rapid switching between left and right circularly polarized radiation.
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    Photodissociation of aligned CH3I and C6H3F2I molecules probed with time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging by site-selective extreme ultraviolet ionization
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing LLC, 2018) Amini, Kasra; Savelyev, Evgeny; Brauße, Felix; Berrah, Nora; Bomme, Cédric; Brouard, Mark; Burt, Michael; Christensen, Lauge; Düsterer, Stefan; Erk, Benjamin; Höppner, Hauke; Kierspel, Thomas; Krecinic, Faruk; Lauer, Alexandra; Lee, Jason W. L.; Müller, Maria; Müller, Erland; Mullins, Terence; Redlin, Harald; Schirmel, Nora; Thøgersen, Jan; Techert, Simone; Toleikis, Sven; Treusch, Rolf; Trippel, Sebastian; Ulmer, Anatoli; Vallance, Claire; Wiese, Joss; Johnsson, Per; Küpper, Jochen; Rudenko, Artem; Rouzée, Arnaud; Stapelfeldt, Henrik; Rolles, Daniel; Boll, Rebecca
    We explore time-resolved Coulomb explosion induced by intense, extreme ultraviolet (XUV) femtosecond pulses from a free-electron laser as a method to image photo-induced molecular dynamics in two molecules, iodomethane and 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene. At an excitation wavelength of 267 nm, the dominant reaction pathway in both molecules is neutral dissociation via cleavage of the carbon-iodine bond. This allows investigating the influence of the molecular environment on the absorption of an intense, femtosecond XUV pulse and the subsequent Coulomb explosion process. We find that the XUV probe pulse induces local inner-shell ionization of atomic iodine in dissociating iodomethane, in contrast to non-selective ionization of all photofragments in difluoroiodobenzene. The results reveal evidence of electron transfer from methyl and phenyl moieties to a multiply charged iodine ion. In addition, indications for ultrafast charge rearrangement on the phenyl radical are found, suggesting that time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging is sensitive to the localization of charge in extended molecules.
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    Imaging plasma formation in isolated nanoparticles with ultrafast resonant scattering
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing LLC, 2020) Rupp, Daniela; Flückiger, Leonie; Adolph, Marcus; Colombo, Alessandro; Gorkhover, Tais; Harmand, Marion; Krikunova, Maria; Müller, Jan Philippe; Oelze, Tim; Ovcharenko, Yevheniy; Richter, Maria; Sauppe, Mario; Schorb, Sebastian; Treusch, Rolf; Wolter, David; Bostedt, Christoph; Möller, Thomas
    We have recorded the diffraction patterns from individual xenon clusters irradiated with intense extreme ultraviolet pulses to investigate the influence of light-induced electronic changes on the scattering response. The clusters were irradiated with short wavelength pulses in the wavelength regime of different 4d inner-shell resonances of neutral and ionic xenon, resulting in distinctly different optical properties from areas in the clusters with lower or higher charge states. The data show the emergence of a transient structure with a spatial extension of tens of nanometers within the otherwise homogeneous sample. Simulations indicate that ionization and nanoplasma formation result in a light-induced outer shell in the cluster with a strongly altered refractive index. The presented resonant scattering approach enables imaging of ultrafast electron dynamics on their natural timescale.