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Electron Transport across Vertical Silicon/MoS2/Graphene Heterostructures: Towards Efficient Emitter Diodes for Graphene Base Hot Electron Transistors

2020, Belete, Melkamu, Engström, Olof, Vaziri, Sam, Lippert, Gunther, Lukosius, Mindaugas, Kataria, Satender, Lemme, Max C.

Heterostructures comprising silicon, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), and graphene are investigated with respect to the vertical current conduction mechanism. The measured current-voltage (I-V) characteristics exhibit temperature-dependent asymmetric current, indicating thermally activated charge carrier transport. The data are compared and fitted to a current transport model that confirms thermionic emission as the responsible transport mechanism across devices. Theoretical calculations in combination with the experimental data suggest that the heterojunction barrier from Si to MoS2 is linearly temperature-dependent for T = 200-300 K with a positive temperature coefficient. The temperature dependence may be attributed to a change in band gap difference between Si and MoS2, strain at the Si/MoS2 interface, or different electron effective masses in Si and MoS2, leading to a possible entropy change stemming from variation in density of states as electrons move from Si to MoS2. The low barrier formed between Si and MoS2 and the resultant thermionic emission demonstrated here make the present devices potential candidates as the emitter diode of graphene base hot electron transistors for future high-speed electronics. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.

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Novel concept for VCSEL enhanced silicon photonic coherent transceiver

2019, Seiler, Pascal M., Ronniger, Gregor, Troppenz, Ute, Sigmund, Ariane, Moehrle, Martin, Peczek, Anna, Zimmermann, Lars

We present a novel concept for an integrated silicon photonic coherent transceiver using vertical-emitting laser sources at 1550 nm. In a state of the art external modulation configuration, we deploy a VCSEL on the transmit and a HCSEL on the receive side. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach by externally modulating the VCSEL with QPSK at up to 28 Gbaud. We also perform experiments with the VCSEL-HCSEL configuration in a slave-master optical injection locking setup for future data center interconnects. The results show stable locking conditions and the VCSEL is detuned to perform predominant phase modulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time direct phase modulation of a VCSEL under optical injection locking was demonstrated using two vertically emitting laser sources as master - and slave laser. © 2019 Author(s).

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Towards CMOS integrated microfluidics using dielectrophoretic immobilization

2019, Ettehad, Honeyeh Matbaechi, Yadav, Rahul Kumar, Guha, Subhajit, Wenger, Christian

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a nondestructive and noninvasive method which is favorable for point-of-care medical diagnostic tests. This technique exhibits prominent relevance in a wide range of medical applications wherein the miniaturized platform for manipulation (immobilization, separation or rotation), and detection of biological particles (cells or molecules) can be conducted. DEP can be performed using advanced planar technologies, such as complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) through interdigitated capacitive biosensors. The dielectrophoretically immobilization of micron and submicron size particles using interdigitated electrode (IDE) arrays is studied by finite element simulations. The CMOS compatible IDEs have been placed into the silicon microfluidic channel. A rigorous study of the DEP force actuation, the IDE’s geometrical structure, and the fluid dynamics are crucial for enabling the complete platform for CMOS integrated microfluidics and detection of micron and submicron-sized particle ranges. The design of the IDEs is performed by robust finite element analyses to avoid time-consuming and costly fabrication processes. To analyze the preliminary microfluidic test vehicle, simulations were first performed with non-biological particles. To produce DEP force, an AC field in the range of 1 to 5 V (peak-to-peak) is applied to the IDE. The impact of the effective external and internal properties, such as actuating DEP frequency and voltage, fluid flow velocity, and IDE’s geometrical parameters are investigated. The IDE based system will be used to immobilize and sense particles simultaneously while flowing through the microfluidic channel. The sensed particles will be detected using the capacitive sensing feature of the biosensor. The sensing and detecting of the particles are not in the scope of this paper and will be described in details elsewhere. However, to provide a complete overview of this system, the working principles of the sensor, the readout detection circuit, and the integration process of the silicon microfluidic channel are briefly discussed. © 2019 by the authors.

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An integrated 3.1-5.1 GHz pulse generator for ultra-wideband wireless localization systems

2006, Fan, X., Fischer, G., Dietrich, B.

This paper presents an implementation of an integrated Ultra-wideband (UWB), Binary-Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Gaussian modulated pulse generator. VCO, multiplier and passive Gaussian filter are the key components. The VCO provides the carrier frequency of 4.1 GHz, the LC Gaussian filter is responsible for the pulse shaping in the baseband. Multiplying the baseband pulse and the VCO frequency shifts the pulse to the desired center frequency. The generated Gaussian pulse ocupppies the frequency range from 3.1 to 5.1 GHz with the center frequency at 4.1 GHz. Simulations and measured results show that this spectrum fulfills the mask for indoor communication systems given by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission, 2002). The total power consumption is 55 mW using a supply voltage of 2.5 V. Circuits are realized using the IHP 0.25 μm SiGe:C BiCMOS technology.

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Nonlinear Optical Characterization of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals as a Novel Material for the Integration into Electro-Optic Modulators

2020, Vitale, Francesco, De Matteis, Fabio, Casalboni, Mauro, Prosposito, Paolo, Steglich, Patrick, Ksianzou, Viachaslau, Breiler, Christian, Schrader, Sigurd, Paci, Barbara, Generosi, Amanda, Prosposito, Paolo

The present work is concerned with the investigation of the nonlinear optical response of green emissive CsPbBr3 nanocrystals, in the form of colloidal dispersions in toluene, synthesized via a room-temperature ligand-assisted supersaturation recrystallization (LASR) method. After carrying out a preliminary characterization via X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Absorption and Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopies, the optical nonlinearity of the as-obtained colloids is probed by means of a single-beam Z-scan setup. Results show that the material in question, within the sensitivity of the experimental apparatus, exhibits a nonlinear refractive index n2 that is the order of 10-15 cm2/W. Moreover, a three-photon absorption mechanism (3PA) is postulated, according to the fitting of the recorded Z-scan traces and the fundamental absorption threshold, which turns out to be off resonance with twice the energy of the laser radiation. A figure of merit is, then, calculated as an indicator of the quality of the CsPbBr3 nanocrystals as a candidate material for photonic devices, for instance, Kerr-like electro-optic modulators (EOMs).

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Enhanced thermal stability of yttrium oxide-based RRAM devices with inhomogeneous Schottky-barrier

2020, Piros, Eszter, Petzold, Stefan, Zintler, Alexander, Kaiser, Nico, Vogel, Tobias, Eilhardt, Robert, Wenger, Christian, Molina-Luna, Leopoldo, Alff, Lambert

This work addresses the thermal stability of bipolar resistive switching in yttrium oxide-based resistive random access memory revealed through the temperature dependence of the DC switching behavior. The operation voltages, current levels, and charge transport mechanisms are investigated at 25 °C, 85 °C, and 125 °C, and show overall good temperature immunity. The set and reset voltages, as well as the device resistance in both the high and low resistive states, are found to scale inversely with increasing temperatures. The Schottky-barrier height was observed to increase from approximately 1.02 eV at 25 °C to approximately 1.35 eV at 125 °C, an uncommon behavior explained by interface phenomena. © 2020 Author(s).

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A survey on Bluetooth multi-hop networks

2019, Todtenberg, Nicole, Kraemer, Rolf

Bluetooth was firstly announced in 1998. Originally designed as cable replacement connecting devices in a point-to-point fashion its high penetration arouses interest in its ad-hoc networking potential. This ad-hoc networking potential of Bluetooth is advertised for years - but until recently no actual products were available and less than a handful of real Bluetooth multi-hop network deployments were reported. The turnaround was triggered by the release of the Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Profile which is unquestionable a great achievement but not well suited for all use cases of multi-hop networks. This paper surveys the tremendous work done on Bluetooth multi-hop networks during the last 20 years. All aspects are discussed with demands for a real world Bluetooth multi-hop operation in mind. Relationships and side effects of different topics for a real world implementation are explained. This unique focus distinguishes this survey from existing ones. Furthermore, to the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first survey consolidating the work on Bluetooth multi-hop networks for classic Bluetooth technology as well as for Bluetooth Low Energy. Another individual characteristic of this survey is a synopsis of real world Bluetooth multi-hop network deployment efforts. In fact, there are only four reports of a successful establishment of a Bluetooth multi-hop network with more than 30 nodes and only one of them was integrated in a real world application - namely a photovoltaic power plant. © 2019 The Authors

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Multilevel HfO2-based RRAM devices for low-power neuromorphic networks

2019, Milo, V., Zambelli, C., Olivo, P.

Training and recognition with neural networks generally require high throughput, high energy efficiency, and scalable circuits to enable artificial intelligence tasks to be operated at the edge, i.e., in battery-powered portable devices and other limited-energy environments. In this scenario, scalable resistive memories have been proposed as artificial synapses thanks to their scalability, reconfigurability, and high-energy efficiency, and thanks to the ability to perform analog computation by physical laws in hardware. In this work, we study the material, device, and architecture aspects of resistive switching memory (RRAM) devices for implementing a 2-layer neural network for pattern recognition. First, various RRAM processes are screened in view of the device window, analog storage, and reliability. Then, synaptic weights are stored with 5-level precision in a 4 kbit array of RRAM devices to classify the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) dataset. Finally, classification performance of a 2-layer neural network is tested before and after an annealing experiment by using experimental values of conductance stored into the array, and a simulation-based analysis of inference accuracy for arrays of increasing size is presented. Our work supports material-based development of RRAM synapses for novel neural networks with high accuracy and low-power consumption. © 2019 Author(s).

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A comprehensive study of charge transport in Au-contacted graphene on Ge/Si(001)

2020, Sinterhauf, Anna, Bode, Simeon, Auge, Manuel, Lukosius, Mindaugas, Lippert, Gunther, Hofsäss, Hans-Christian, Wenderoth, Martin

We investigate the electronic transport properties of Au-contacted graphene on Ge/Si(001). Kelvin probe force microscopy at room temperature with an additionally applied electric transport field is used to gain a comprehensive understanding of macroscopic transport measurements. In particular, we analyze the contact pads including the transition region, perform local transport measurements in pristine graphene/Germanium, and explore the role of the semiconducting Germanium substrate. We connect the results from these local scale measurements with the macroscopic performance of the device. We find that a graphene sheet on a 2 μm Ge film carries approximately 10% of the current flowing through the device. Moreover, we show that an electronic transition region forms directly adjacent to the contact pads. This transition region is characterized by a width of >100 μm and a strongly increased sheet resistance acting as the bottleneck for charge transport. Based on Rutherford backscattering of the contact pads, we suggest that the formation of this transition region is caused by diffusion. © 2020 Author(s).

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Artificial intelligence in marketing: friend or foe of sustainable consumption?

2021, Hermann, Erik

[No abstract available]