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    Design, simulation and characterization of integrated photonic spectrographs for astronomy: generation-I AWG devices based on canonical layouts
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Stoll, Andreas; Madhav, Kalaga V.; Roth, Martin M.
    We present an experimental study on our first generation of custom-developed arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) on a silica platform for spectroscopic applications in near-infrared astronomy. We provide a comprehensive description of the design, numerical simulation and characterization of several AWG devices aimed at spectral resolving powers of 15,000-60,000 in the astronomical H-band. We evaluate the spectral characteristics of the fabricated devices in terms of insertion loss and estimated spectral resolving power and compare the results with numerical simulations. We estimate resolving powers of up to 18,900 from the output channel 3-dB transmission bandwidth. Based on the first characterization results, we select two candidate AWGs for further processing by removal of the output waveguide array and polishing the output facet to optical quality with the goal of integration as the primary diffractive element in a cross-dispersed spectrograph. We further study the imaging properties of the processed AWGs with regards to spectral resolution in direct imaging mode, geometry-related defocus aberration, and polarization sensitivity of the spectral image. We identify phase error control, birefringence control, and aberration suppression as the three key areas of future research and development in the field of high-resolution AWG-based spectroscopy in astronomy.
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    Intracluster Coulombic decay following intense NIR ionization of clusters
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Schütte, Bernd; Arbeiter, Mathias; Fennel, Thomas; Jabbari, Ghazal; Gokhberg, Kirill; Kuleff, Alexander I.; Vrakking, Marc J. J.; Rouzée, Arnaud
    We report on the observation of a novel intracluster Coulombic decay process following Rydberg atom formation in clusters ionized by intense near-infrared fields. A new decay channel emerges, in which a Rydberg atom relaxes to the ground state by transferring its excess energy to a weakly bound electron in the environment that is emitted from the cluster. We find evidence for this process in the electron spectra, where a peak close to the corresponding atomic ionization potential is observed. For Ar clusters, a decay time of 87 ps is measured, which is significantly longer than in previous time-resolved studies of interatomic Coulombic decay.
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    Correlated electronic decay following intense near-infrared ionization of clusters
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Schütte, Bernd; Arbeiter, Mathias; Fennel, Thomas; Jabbari, Ghazal; Kuleff, Alexander I.; Vrakking, Marc J. J.; Rouzée, Arnaud
    We report on a novel correlated electronic decay process following extensive Rydberg atom formation in clusters ionized by intense near-infrared fields. A peak close to the atomic ionization potential is found in the electron kinetic energy spectrum. This new contribution is attributed to an energy transfer between two electrons, where one electron decays from a Rydberg state to the ground state and transfers its excess energy to a weakly bound cluster electron in the environment that can escape from the cluster. The process is a result of nanoplasma formation and is therefore expected to be important, whenever intense laser pulses interact with nanometer-sized particles.
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    Time-resolved investigation of transient charges in laser-produced nanoplasmas
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Schütte, Bernd; Vrakking, Marc J. J.; Rouzée, Arnaud
    We report on the observation of a transient C4+ ion charge state in nanoplasmas produced by the interaction of intense near-infrared (NIR) laser pulses with CH4 clusters. The underlying dynamics are studied by pump-probe spectroscopy, which reveals that the ion charge states are lowered by electron-ion recombination. Furthermore, we present direct evidence that autoionization of multiply-excited ions plays an important role in expanding nanoplasmas, in contrast to models that neglect quantum phenomena.
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    Properties of ns-laser processed polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2016) Atanasov, P.A.; Stankova, N.E.; Nedyalkov, N.N.; Stoyanchov, T.R.; Nikov, R.G.; Fukata, N.; Gerlach, J.W.; Hirsch, D.; Rauschenbach, B.
    The medical-grade polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer is a widely used biomaterial in medicine and for preparation of high-tech devices because of its remarkable properties. In this work, we present the experimental results on drilling holes on the PDMS surface by using ultraviolet, visible or near-infrared ns-laser pulses and on studying the changes of the chemical composition and structure inside the processed areas. The material in the zone of the holes is studied by XRD, ?-Raman analyses and 3D laser microscopy in order to obtain information on the influence of different processing laser parameters, as wavelength, fluence and number of consecutive pulses on the material transformation and its modification.
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    SERS and plasmonic heating efficiency from anisotropic core/satellite superstructures
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2019) Kuttner, Christian; Höller, Roland P. M.; Quintanilla, Marta; Schnepf, Max J.; Dulle, Martin; Fery, Andreas; Liz-Marzán, Luis M.
    The optical properties of nanoparticle assemblies can be tailored via hybridization of plasmon modes. Isotropic core/satellite superstructures made of spherical nanoparticles are known to exhibit coupled modes with a strongly scattering (radiative) character, and provide hot spots yielding high activity in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). However, to complement this functionality with plasmonic heating, additional absorbing (non-radiative) modes are required. We introduce herein anisotropic superstructures formed by decorating a central nanorod with spherical satellite nanoparticles, which feature two coupled modes that allow application for both SERS and heating. On the basis of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and electromagnetic simulations, the origin of the coupled modes is disclosed and thus serves as a basis toward alternative designs of functional superstructures. This work represents a proof-of-principle for the combination of high SERS efficiency with efficient plasmonic heating by near-infrared irradiation.
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    Electron dynamics in laser-driven atoms near the continuum threshold
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Liu, Mingqing; Xu, Songpo; Hu, Shilin; Becker, Wilhelm; Quan, Wei; Liu, Xiaojun; Chen, Jing
    Strong-field ionization and Rydberg-state excitation (RSE) near the continuum threshold exhibit two phenomena that have attracted a lot of recent attention: the low-energy structure (LES) just above and frustrated tunneling ionization just below the threshold. The former becomes apparent for longer laser wavelengths, while the latter has been especially investigated in the near infrared; both have been treated as separate phenomena so far. Here we present a unified perspective based on electron trajectories, which emphasizes the very important role of the electron-ion Coulomb interaction as expected in this energy region. Namely, those trajectories that generate the LES can also be recaptured into a Rydberg state. The coherent superposition of the contributions of such trajectories with different travel times (each generating one of the various LES peaks) causes an oscillation in the intensity dependence of the RSE yield, which is especially noticeable for longer wavelengths. The theory is illustrated by RSE experiments at 1800 nm, which agree very well with the theory with respect to position and period of the oscillation. The wavelength scaling of the RSE oscillation is also discussed. Our work establishes a solid relationship between processes below and above the threshold and sheds new light on atomic dynamics driven by intense laser fields in this critical energy region.
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    Compact intense extreme-ultraviolet source
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Major, Balázs; Ghafur, Omair; Kovács, Katalin; Varjú, Katalin; Tosa, Valer; Vrakking, Marc J. J.; Schütte, B.
    High-intensity laser pulses covering the ultraviolet to terahertz spectral regions are nowadays routinely generated in a large number of laboratories. In contrast, intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses have only been demonstrated using a small number of sources including free-electron laser facilities [1-3] and long high-harmonic generation (HHG) beamlines [4-9]. Here we demonstrate a concept for a compact intense XUV source based on HHG that is focused to an intensity of $2 \times 10^{14}$ W/cm$^2$, with a potential increase up to $10^{17}$ W/cm$^2$ in the future. Our approach uses tight focusing of the near-infrared (NIR) driving laser and minimizes the XUV virtual source size by generating harmonics several Rayleigh lengths away from the NIR focus. Accordingly, the XUV pulses can be refocused to a small beam waist radius of 600 nm, enabling the absorption of up to four XUV photons by a single Ar atom in a setup that fits on a modest (2 m) laser table. Our concept represents a straightforward approach for the generation of intense XUV pulses in many laboratories, providing novel opportunities for XUV strong-field and nonlinear optics experiments, for XUV-pump XUV-probe spectroscopy and for the coherent diffractive imaging of nanoscale structures.
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    Two-color two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy: A new approach for exploring even-order nonlinearities in the nonperturbative regime
    (Melville, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2021) Woerner, Michael; Ghalgaoui, Ahmed; Reimann, Klaus; Elsaesser, Thomas
    Nonlinear two-dimensional terahertz (2D-THz) spectroscopy at frequencies of the emitted THz signal different from the driving frequencies allows for exploring the regime of (off-)resonant even-order nonlinearities in condensed matter. To demonstrate the potential of this method, we study two phenomena in the nonlinear THz response of bulk GaAs: (i) The nonlinear THz response to a pair of femtosecond near-infrared pulses unravels novel fourth- and sixth-order contributions involving interband shift currents, Raman-like excitations of transverse-optical phonon and intervalence-band coherences. (ii) Transient interband tunneling of electrons driven by ultrashort mid-infrared pulses can be effectively controlled by a low-frequency THz field with amplitudes below 50 kV/cm. The THz field controls the electron–hole separation modifying decoherence and the irreversibility of carrier generation.