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    Blind Super-Resolution Approach for Exploiting Illumination Variety in Optical-Lattice Illumination Microscopy
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Samanta, Krishnendu; Sarkar, Swagato; Acuña, Sebastian; Joseph, Joby; Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh; Agarwal, Krishna
    Optical-lattice illumination patterns help in pushing high spatial frequency components of the sample into the optical transfer function of a collection microscope. However, exploiting these high-frequency components require precise knowledge of illumination if reconstruction approaches similar to structured illumination microscopy are employed. Here, we present an alternate blind reconstruction approach that can provide super-resolution without the requirement of extra frames. For this, the property of exploiting temporal fluctuations in the sample emissions using “multiple signal classification algorithm” is extended aptly toward using spatial fluctuation of phase-modulated lattice illuminations for super-resolution. The super-resolution ability is shown for sinusoidal and multiperiodic lattice with approximately 3- and 6-fold resolution enhancements, respectively, over the diffraction limit. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society
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    Dehydroabietylamine-Based Cellulose Nanofibril Films: A New Class of Sustainable Biomaterials for Highly Efficient, Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Effects
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Hassan, Ghada; Forsman, Nina; Wan, Xing; Keurulainen, Leena; Bimbo, Luis M.; Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Sipari, Nina; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari; Zimmermann, Ralf; Stehl, Susanne; Werner, Carsten; Saris, Per E.J.; Österberg, Monika; Moreira, Vânia M.
    The design of antimicrobial surfaces as integral parts of advanced biomaterials is nowadays a high research priority, as the accumulation of microorganisms on surfaces inflicts substantial costs on the health and industry sectors. At present, there is a growing interest in designing functional materials from polymers abundant in nature, such as cellulose, that combine sustainability with outstanding mechanical properties and economic production. There is also the need to find suitable replacements for antimicrobial silver-based agents due to environmental toxicity and spread of resistance to metal antimicrobials. Herein we report the unprecedented decoration of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) films with dehydroabietylamine 1 (CNF-CMC-1), to give an innovative contact-active surface active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria including the methicillin-resistant S. aureus MRSA14TK301, with low potential to spread resistance and good biocompatibility, all achieved with low surface coverage. CNF-CMC-1 was particularly effective against S. aureus ATCC12528, causing virtually complete reduction of the total cells from 10 5 colony forming units (CFU)/mL bacterial suspensions, after 24 h of contact. This gentle chemical modification of the surface of CNF fully retained the beneficial properties of the original film, including moisture buffering and strength, relevant in many potential applications. Our originally designed surface represents a new class of ecofriendly biomaterials that optimizes the performance of CNF by adding antimicrobial properties without the need for environmentally toxic silver. © Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.
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    Podosome-Driven Defect Development in Lamellar Bone under the Conditions of Senile Osteoporosis Observed at the Nanometer Scale
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Simon, Paul; Pompe, Wolfgang; Bobeth, Manfred; Worch, Hartmut; Kniep, Rüdiger; Formanek, Petr; Hild, Anne; Wenisch, Sabine; Sturm, Elena
    The degradation mechanism of human trabecular bone harvested from the central part of the femoral head of a patient with a fragility fracture of the femoral neck under conditions of senile osteoporosis was investigated by high-resolution electron microscopy. As evidenced by light microscopy, there is a disturbance of bone metabolism leading to severe and irreparable damages to the bone structure. These defects are evoked by osteoclasts and thus podosome activity. Podosomes create typical pit marks and holes of about 300-400 nm in diameter on the bone surface. Detailed analysis of the stress field caused by the podosomes in the extracellular bone matrix was performed. The calculations yielded maximum stress in the range of few megapascals resulting in formation of microcracks around the podosomes. Disintegration of hydroxyapatite and free lying collagen fibrils were observed at the edges of the plywood structure of the bone lamella. At the ultimate state, the disintegration of the mineralized collagen fibrils to a gelatinous matrix comes along with a delamination of the apatite nanoplatelets resulting in a brittle, porous bone structure. The nanoplatelets aggregate to big hydroxyapatite plates with a size of up to 10 x 20 μm2. The enhanced plate growth can be explained by the interaction of two mechanisms in the ruffled border zone: the accumulation of delaminated hydroxyapatite nanoplatelets near clusters of podosomes and the accelerated nucleation and random growth of HAP nanoplatelets due to a nonsufficient concentration of process-directing carboxylated osteocalcin cOC. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.
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    In Vivo Evaluation of Engineered Self-Assembling Silk Fibroin Hydrogels after Intracerebral Injection in a Rat Stroke Model
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Gorenkova, Natalia; Osama, Ibrahim; Seib, F. Philipp; Carswell, Hilary V.O.
    Targeting the brain cavity formed by an ischemic stroke is appealing for many regenerative treatment strategies but requires a robust delivery technology. We hypothesized that self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels could serve as a reliable support matrix for regeneration in the stroke cavity. We therefore performed in vivo evaluation studies of self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels after intracerebral injection in a rat stroke model. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 24) underwent transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) 2 weeks before random assignment to either no stereotaxic injection or a stereotaxic injection of either self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels (4% w/v) or PBS into the lesion cavity. The impact on morbidity and mortality, space conformity, interaction with glial scar, interference with inflammatory response, and cell proliferation in the lesion cavity were examined for up to 7 weeks by a blinded investigator. Self-assembling hydrogels filled the stroke cavity with excellent space conformity and presented neither an overt microglial/macrophage response nor an adverse morbidity or mortality. The relationship between the number of proliferating cells and lesion volume was significantly changed by injection of self-assembling silk hydrogels. This in vivo stroke model confirmed that self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels provide a favorable microenvironment as a future support matrix in the stroke cavity. Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society.
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    Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Grown on Cellulose/GO Hydrogels as Advanced Catalytic Materials for the Heterogeneous Fenton-like Reaction
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Chen, Yian; Pötschke, Petra; Pionteck, Jürgen; Voit, Brigitte; Qi, Haisong
    Cellulose/graphene oxide (GO)/iron oxide (Fe3O4) composites were prepared by coprecipitating iron salts onto cellulose/GO hydrogels in a basic solution. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier-transform infrared, and X-ray diffraction characterization showed that Fe3O4 was successfully coated on GO sheets and cellulose. Cellulose/GO/Fe3O4 composites showed excellent catalytic activity by maintaining almost 98% of the removal of acid orange 7 (AO7) and showed stability over 20 consecutive cycles. This performance is attributable to the synergistic effect of Fe3O4 and GO during the heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction. Especially, the cellulose/GO/Fe3O4 composites preserve their activity by keeping the ratio of Fe3+/Fe2+ at 2 even after 20 catalysis cycles, which is supported by XPS analysis.
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    Devulcanization of Waste Rubber and Generation of Active Sites for Silica Reinforcement
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Ghorai, Soumyajit; Mondal, Dipankar; Hait, Sakrit; Ghosh, Anik Kumar; Wiessner, Sven; Das, Amit; De, Debapriya
    Each year, hundreds of millions of tires are produced and ultimately disposed into nature. To address this serious environmental issue, devulcanization could be one of the sustainable solutions that still remains as one of the biggest challenges across the globe. In this work, sulfur-vulcanized natural rubber (NR) is mechanochemically devulcanized utilizing a silane-based tetrasulfide as a devulcanizing agent, and subsequently, silica (SiO2)-based rubber composites are prepared. This method not only breaks the sulfur–sulfur cross-links but also produces reactive poly(isoprene) chains to interact with silica. The silica natural rubber composites are prepared by replacing 30% fresh NR by devulcanized NR with varying contents of silica. The composites exhibit excellent mechanical properties, tear strength, abrasion resistance, and dynamic mechanical properties as compared with the fresh natural rubber silica composites. The tensile strength of devulcanized rubber-based silica composites is ∼20 MPa, and the maximum elongation strain is ∼921%. The devulcanized composites are studied in detail by chemical, mechanical, and morphological analyses. Thus, the value added by the devulcanized rubber could attract the attention of recycling community for its sustainable applications.
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    Bioinspired Polydopamine Coating as an Adhesion Enhancer Between Paraffin Microcapsules and an Epoxy Matrix
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Fredi, Giulia; Simon, Frank; Sychev, Dmitrii; Melnyk, Inga; Janke, Andreas; Scheffler, Christina; Zimmerer, Cordelia
    Microencapsulated phase change materials (PCMs) are attracting increasing attention as functional fillers in polymer matrices, to produce smart thermoregulating composites for applications in thermal energy storage (TES) and thermal management. In a polymer composite, the filler–matrix interfacial adhesion plays a fundamental role in the thermomechanical properties. Hence, this work aims to modify the surface of commercial PCM microcapsules through the formation of a layer of polydopamine (PDA), a bioinspired polymer that is emerging as a powerful tool to functionalize chemically inert surfaces due to its versatility and great adhesive potential in many different materials. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) evidenced that after PDA coating, the surface roughness increased from 9 to 86 nm, which is beneficial, as it allows a further increase in the interfacial interaction by mechanical interlocking. Spectroscopic techniques allowed investigating the surface chemistry and identifying reactive functional groups of the PDA layer and highlighted that, unlike the uncoated microcapsules, the PDA layer is able to react with oxirane groups, thereby forming a covalent bond with the epoxy matrix. Hot-stage optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) highlighted that the PDA modification does not hinder the melting/crystallization process of the paraffinic core. Finally, SEM micrographs of the cryofracture surface of epoxy composites containing neat or PDA-modified microcapsules clearly evidenced improved adhesion between the capsule shell and the epoxy matrix. These results showed that PDA is a suitable coating material with considerable potential for increasing the interfacial adhesion between an epoxy matrix and polymer microcapsules with low surface reactivity. This is remarkably important not only for this specific application but also for other classes of composite materials. Future studies will investigate how the deposition parameters affect the morphology, roughness, and thickness of the PDA layer and how the layer properties influence the capsule–matrix adhesion.
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    DNAzymes as Catalysts for l-Tyrosine and Amyloid β Oxidation
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Köhler, Tony; Patsis, Panagiotis A.; Hahn, Dominik; Ruland, André; Naas, Carolin; Müller, Martin; Thiele, Julian
    Single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acids have an enormous potential for catalysis by applying tailored sequences of nucleotides for individual reaction conditions and substrates. If such a sequence is guanine-rich, it may arrange into a three-dimensional structure called G-quadruplex and give rise to a catalytically active DNA molecule, a DNAzyme, upon addition of hemin. Here, we present a DNAzyme-mediated reaction, which is the oxidation of l-tyrosine toward dityrosine by hydrogen peroxide. With an optimal stoichiometry between DNA and hemin of 1:10, we report an activity of 101.2 ± 3.5 μUnits (μU) of the artificial DNAzyme Dz-00 compared to 33.0 ± 1.8 μU of free hemin. Exemplarily, DNAzymes may take part in neurodegeneration caused by amyloid beta (Aβ) aggregation due to l-tyrosine oxidation. We show that the natural, human genome-derived DNAzyme In1-sp is able to oxidize Aβ peptides with a 4.6% higher yield and a 33.3% higher velocity of the reaction compared to free hemin. As the artificial DNAzyme Dz-00 is even able to catalyze Aβ peptide oxidation with a 64.2% higher yield and 337.1% higher velocity, an in-depth screening of human genome-derived DNAzymes may identify further candidates with similarly high catalytic activity in Aβ peptide oxidation.
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    Non-leaching, Highly Biocompatible Nanocellulose Surfaces That Efficiently Resist Fouling by Bacteria in an Artificial Dermis Model
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Hassan, Ghada; Forsman, Nina; Wan, Xing; Keurulainen, Leena; Bimbo, Luis M.; Stehl, Susanne; van Charante, Frits; Chrubasik, Michael; Prakash, Aruna S.; Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Mullen, Declan C.; Johnston, Blair F.; Zimmermann, Ralf; Werner, Carsten; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari; Coenye, Tom; Saris, Per E.J.; Österberg, Monika; Moreira, Vânia M.
    Bacterial biofilm infections incur massive costs on healthcare systems worldwide. Particularly worrisome are the infections associated with pressure ulcers and prosthetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeries, where staphylococci are the major biofilm-forming pathogens. Non-leaching antimicrobial surfaces offer great promise for the design of bioactive coatings to be used in medical devices. However, the vast majority are cationic, which brings about undesirable toxicity. To circumvent this issue, we have developed antimicrobial nanocellulose films by direct functionalization of the surface with dehydroabietic acid derivatives. Our conceptually unique design generates non-leaching anionic surfaces that reduce the number of viable staphylococci in suspension, including drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, by an impressive 4-5 log units, upon contact. Moreover, the films clearly prevent bacterial colonization of the surface in a model mimicking the physiological environment in chronic wounds. Their activity is not hampered by high protein content, and they nurture fibroblast growth at the surface without causing significant hemolysis. In this work, we have generated nanocellulose films with indisputable antimicrobial activity demonstrated using state-of-the-art models that best depict an "in vivo scenario". Our approach is to use fully renewable polymers and find suitable alternatives to silver and cationic antimicrobials. © 2020 American Chemical Society.
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    Silk Nanoparticle Manufacture in Semi-Batch Format
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Matthew, Saphia A.L.; Totten, John D.; Phuagkhaopong, Suttinee; Egan, Gemma; Witte, Kimia; Perrie, Yvonne; Seib, F. Philipp
    Silk nanoparticles have demonstrated utility across a range of biomedical applications, especially as drug delivery vehicles. Their fabrication by bottom-up methods such as nanoprecipitation, rather than top-down manufacture, can improve critical nanoparticle quality attributes. Here, we establish a simple semi-batch method using drop-by-drop nanoprecipitation at the lab scale that reduces special-cause variation and improves mixing efficiency. The stirring rate was an important parameter affecting nanoparticle size and yield (400 < 200 < 0 rpm), while the initial dropping height (5.5 vs 7.5 cm) directly affected nanoparticle yield. Varying the nanoparticle standing time in the mother liquor between 0 and 24 h did not significantly affect nanoparticle physicochemical properties, indicating that steric and charge stabilizations result in high-energy barriers for nanoparticle growth. Manufacture across all tested formulations achieved nanoparticles between 104 and 134 nm in size with high β-sheet content, spherical morphology, and stability in aqueous media for over 1 month at 4 °C. This semi-automated drop-by-drop, semi-batch silk desolvation offers an accessible, higher-throughput platform for standardization of parameters that are difficult to control using manual methodologies. © 2020 American Chemical Society.