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    Site-controlled formation of single Si nanocrystals in a buried SiO2 matrix using ion beam mixing
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2018) Xu, X.; Prüfer, T.; Wolf, D.; Engelmann, H.-J.; Bischoff, L.; Hübner, R.; Heinig, K.-H.; Möller, W.; Facsko, S.; von Borany, J.; Hlawacek, G.
    For future nanoelectronic devices - such as room-temperature single electron transistors - the site-controlled formation of single Si nanocrystals (NCs) is a crucial prerequisite. Here, we report an approach to fabricate single Si NCs via medium-energy Si+ or Ne+ ion beam mixing of Si into a buried SiO2 layer followed by thermally activated phase separation. Binary collision approximation and kinetic Monte Carlo methods are conducted to gain atomistic insight into the influence of relevant experimental parameters on the Si NC formation process. Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy is performed to obtain quantitative values on the Si NC size and distribution in dependence of the layer stack geometry, ion fluence and thermal budget. Employing a focused Ne+ beam from a helium ion microscope, we demonstrate site-controlled self-assembly of single Si NCs. Line irradiation with a fluence of 3000 Ne+/nm2 and a line width of 4 nm leads to the formation of a chain of Si NCs, and a single NC with 2.2 nm diameter is subsequently isolated and visualized in a few nanometer thin lamella prepared by a focused ion beam (FIB). The Si NC is centered between the SiO2 layers and perpendicular to the incident Ne+ beam.
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    On the relationship between SiF4plasma species and sample properties in ultra low-k etching processes
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Haase, Micha; Melzer, Marcel; Lang, Norbert; Ecke, Ramona; Zimmermann, Sven; van Helden, Jean-Pierre H.; Schulz, Stefan E.
    The temporal behavior of the molecular etching product SiF4 in fluorocarbon-based plasmas used for the dry etching of ultra low-k (ULK) materials has been brought into connection with the polymer deposition on the surface during plasma treatment within the scope of this work. For this purpose, time-resolved measurements of the density of SiF4 have been performed by quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy. A quantification of the non-linear time dependence was achieved by its characterization via a time constant of the decreasing SiF4 density over the process time. The time constant predicts how fast the stationary SiF4 density is reached. The higher the time constant is, the thicker the polymer film on top of the treated ultra low-k surface. A correlation between the time constant and the ULK damage was also found. ULK damage and polymer deposition were proven by Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. In summary, the observed decay of the etching product concentration over process time is caused by the suppressed desorption of the SiF4 molecules due to a more dominant adsorption of polymers. © 2020 Author(s).
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    Photoluminescence at room temperature of liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2016) Vetter, Michael; Schwuchow, Anka; Andrä, Gudrun
    The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectrum due band-to-band recombination in an only 8 μm thick liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass solar cell absorber is measured over 3 orders of magnitude with a thin 400 μm thick optical fiber directly coupled to the spectrometer. High PL signal is achieved by the possibility to capture the PL spectrum very near to the silicon surface. The spectra measured within microcrystals of the absorber present the same features as spectra of crystalline silicon wafers without showing defect luminescence indicating the high electronic material quality of the liquid-phase multi-crystalline layer after hydrogen plasma treatment.
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    High-temperature annealing of AlN films grown on 4H-SiC
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Brunner, F.; Cancellara, L.; Hagedorn, S.; Albrecht, M.; Weyers, M.
    The effect of high-temperature annealing (HTA) at 1700 °C on AlN films grown on 4H-SiC substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy has been studied. It is shown that the structural quality of the AlN layers improves significantly after HTA similar to what has been demonstrated for AlN grown on sapphire. Dislocation densities reduce by one order of magnitude resulting in 8 × 108 cm-2 for a-type and 1 × 108 cm-2 for c-type dislocations. The high-temperature treatment removes pits from the surface by dissolving nanotubes and dislocations in the material. XRD measurements prove that the residual strain in AlN/4H-SiC is further relaxed after annealing. AlN films grown at higher temperature resulting in a lower as-grown defect density show only a marginal reduction in dislocation density after annealing. Secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of impurity concentrations reveals an increase of Si after HTA probably due to in-diffusion from the SiC substrate. However, C concentration reduces considerably with HTA that points to an efficient carbon removal process (i.e., CO formation). © 2020 Author(s).
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    High temperature behavior of rual thin films on piezoelectric CTGS and LGS substrates
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Seifert, M.
    This paper reports on a significant further improvement of the high temperature stability of RuAl thin films (110 nm) on the piezoelectric Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) and La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS) substrates. RuAl thin films with AlN or SiO2 cover layers and barriers to the substrate (each 20 nm), as well as a combination of both were prepared on thermally oxidized Si substrates, which serve as a reference for fundamental studies, and the piezoelectric CTGS, as well as LGS substrates. In somefilms, additional Al layers were added. To study their high temperature stability, the samples were annealed in air and in high vacuum up to 900 °C, and subsequently their cross-sections, phase formation, film chemistry, and electrical resistivity were analyzed. It was shown that on thermally oxidized Si substrates, all films were stable after annealing in air up to 800 °C and in high vacuum up to 900 °C. The high temperature stability of RuAl thin films on CTGS substrates was improved up to 900 °C in high vacuum by the application of a combined AlN/SiO2 barrier layer and up to 800 °C in air using a SiO2 barrier. On LGS, the films were only stable up to 600 °C in air; however, a single SiO2 barrier layer was sufficient to prevent oxidation during annealing at 900 °C in high vacuum.
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    Phase formation and high-temperature stability of very thin co-sputtered Ti-Al and multilayered Ti/Al films on thermally oxidized si substrates
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Seifert, M.; Lattner, E.; Menzel, S.B.; Oswald, S.; Gemming, T.
    Ti-Al thin films with a thickness of 200 nm were prepared either by co-sputtering from elemental Ti and Al targets or as Ti/Al multilayers with 10 and 20 nm individual layer thickness on thermally oxidized Si substrates. Some of the films were covered with a 20-nm-thick SiO2 layer, which was used as an oxidation protection against the ambient atmosphere. The films were annealed at up to 800 °C in high vacuum for 10 h, and the phase formation as well as the film architecture was analyzed by X-ray diffraction, cross section, and transmission electron microscopy, as well as Auger electron and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results reveal that the co-sputtered films remained amorphous after annealing at 600 °C independent on the presence of the SiO2 cover layer. In contrast to this, the γ-TiAl phase was formed in the multilayer films at this temperature. After annealing at 800 °C, all films were degraded completely despite the presence of the cover layer. In addition, a strong chemical reaction between the Ti and SiO2 of the cover layer and the substrate took place, resulting in the formation of Ti silicide. In the multilayer samples, this reaction already started at 600 °C.
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    Modulation Linearity Characterization of Si Ring Modulators
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Jo, Youngkwan; Mai, Christian; Lischke, Stefan; Zimmermann, Lars; Choi, Woo-Young
    Modulation linearity of Si ring modulators (RMs) is investigated through the numerical simulation based on the coupled-mode theory and experimental verification. Numerical values of the key parameters needed for the simulation are experimentally extracted. Simulation and measurement results agree well. With these, the influence of input optical wavelength and power on the Si RM linearity are characterized.
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    Terahertz stimulated emission from silicon doped by hydrogenlike acceptors
    (College Park : American Institute of Physics Inc., 2014) Pavlov, S.G.; Deßmann, N.; Shastin, V.N.; Zhukavin, R.K.; Redlich, B.; van der Meer, A.F.G.; Mittendorff, M.; Winnerl, S.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Riemann, H.; Hübers, H.-W.
    Stimulated emission in the terahertz frequency range has been realized from boron acceptor centers in silicon. Population inversion is achieved at resonant optical excitation on the 1Λ8+ → 1Λ7- , 1Λ6-, 1Λ8- intracenter transitions with a midinfrared free-electron laser. Lasing occurs on two intracenter transitions around 1.75 THz. The upper laser levels are the 1Λ7- , 1Λ6- , and 1Λ8- states, and the lower laser level for both emission lines is the 2Λ8+ state. In contrast to n-type intracenter silicon lasers, boron-doped silicon lasers do not involve the excited states with the longest lifetimes. Instead, the absorption cross section for the pump radiation is the dominating factor. The four-level lasing scheme implies that the deepest even-parity boron state is the 2Λ8+ state and not the 1Λ7+ split-off ground state, as indicated by other experiments. This is confirmed by infrared absorption spectroscopy of Si:B.
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    Scalable, high power line focus diode laser for crystallizing of silicon thin films
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010) Lichtenstein, N.; Baettig, R.; Brunner, R.; Müller, J.; Valk, B.; Gawlik, A.; Bergmann, J.; Falk, F.
    We present the design and performance of a diode laser module producing a high intensity line focus at 808 nm for material processing. The design is based on a linear array of 7 laser bars and beam forming optics featuring a micro-optic homogenizer. The module delivers a total output power of 900 W at 140 A and peak intensity created in the focus area of 10.3 kW/cm2. Two systems with line length of 5 cm and 10 cm at a large working distance of 110 mm have been realized. The chosen concept allows scaling in length by joining multiple modules which is of interest for material processing in industrial applications. Application results from laser crystallization of amorphous silicon seed layers used in the fabrication of photovoltaic cells for solar panels are given.
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    Si photonic-electronic monolithically integrated optical receiver with a built-in temperature-controlled wavelength filter
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Kim, Hyun-Kyu; Kim, Minkyu; Kim, Min-Hyeong; Jo, Youngkwan; Lischke, Stefan; Mai, Christian; Zimmermann, Lars; Choi, Woo-Young
    We present a Si photonic-electronic integrated ring-resonator based optical receiver that contains a temperature-controlled ring-resonator filter (RRF), a Ge photodetector, and receiver circuits in a single chip. The temperature controller automatically determines the RRF temperature at which the maximum transmission of the desired WDM signal is achieved and maintains this condition against any temperature or input wavelength fluctuation. This Si photonic-electronic integrated circuit is realized with 0.25-µm photonic BiCMOS technology, and its operation is successfully confirmed with measurement.