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    Plasticity, crack initiation and defect resistance in alkali-borosilicate glasses: From normal to anomalous behavior
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2015) Limbach, R.; Winterstein-Beckmann, A.; Dellith, J.; Möncke, D.; Wondraczek, L.
    We provide a comprehensive description of the defect tolerance of sodium-borosilicate glasses upon sharp contact loading. This is motivated by the key role which is taken by this particular glass system in a wide variety of applications, ranging from electronic substrates, display covers and substrates for biomedical imaging and sensing to, e.g., radioactive waste vitrification. The present report covers the mechanical properties of glasses in the Na2O–B2O3–SiO2 ternary over the broad range of compositions from pure SiO2 to binary sodium-borates, and crossing the regions of various commercially relevant specialty borosilicate glasses, such as the multi-component Duran-, Pyrex- and BK7-type compositions and typical soda-lime silicate glasses, which are also included in this study. In terms of structure, the considered glasses may be separated into two groups, that is, one series which contains only bridging oxygen atoms, and another series which is designed with an increasing number of non-bridging oxygen ions. Elastic moduli, Poisson ratio, hardness as well as creep and crack resistance were evaluated, as well as the contribution of densification to the overall amount of indentation deformation. Correlations between the mechanical properties and structural characteristics of near- and mid-range order are discussed, from which we obtain a mechanistic view at the molecular reactions which govern the overall deformation reaction and, ultimately, contact cracking.
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    The Effect of Boron Content on Wetting Kinetics in Si-B Alloy/h-BN System
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2019) Polkowski, Wojciech; Sobczak, Natalia; Bruzda, Grzegorz; Nowak, Rafał; Giuranno, Donatella; Kudyba, Artur; Polkowska, Adelajda; Pajor, Krzysztof; Kozieł, Tomasz; Kaban, Ivan
    In this work, the effect of boron content on the high-temperature wetting behavior in the Si-B alloy/h-BN systems was experimentally examined. For this reason, hypoeutectic, eutectic and hypereutectic Si-B alloys (Si-1B, Si-3.2B and Si-5.7B wt.%, respectively) were produced by electric arc melting method and then subjected to sessile drop/contact heating experiments with polycrystalline h-BN substrates, at temperatures up to 1750 °C. Similar to pure Si/h-BN system, wetting kinetics curves calculated on a basis of in situ recorded drop/substrate images point toward non-wetting behavior of all selected Si-B alloy/h-BN couples. The highest contact angle values of ~ 150° were obtained for hypoeutectic and eutectic Si-B alloys in the whole examined temperature range. © 2018, The Author(s).
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    High-Temperature Interaction of Liquid Gd with Y2O3
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2019) Turalska, P.; Sobczak, N.; Bruzda, G.; Kaban, I.; Mattern, N.
    The sessile drop method combined with contact heating procedure was applied for the investigation of high-temperature interaction between liquid Gd and Y2O3 substrate. Real-time behavior of Gd sample in flowing inert gas (Ar) atmosphere upon heating to and at temperature of 1362 °C was recorded using high-speed high-resolution CCD camera. The results evidenced that molten Gd wets Y2O3 substrate (the contact angle θ < 90°) immediately after melting of metal sample observed at T = 1324 °C (Tm = 1312 °C). During the first 3 min of the sessile drop test, the contact angle dropped from θ = 52° to θ = 24° and then stabilized at the final value of θf * = 33°. The solidified Gd/Y2O3 couple was subjected to structural characterization using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with x-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy. The results evidenced that the wettability in the Gd/Y2O3 system has a reactive nature and the leading mechanism of the interaction between liquid Gd and Y2O3 is the dissolution of the ceramic in the liquid metal responsible for the formation of a deep crater in the substrate under the drop. Therefore, the final contact angle θf*, estimated from the side-view drop image, should be considered as an apparent value, compared to the more reliable value of θf = 70° measured on the cross section of the solidified couple. © 2019, The Author(s).
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    Metal Plastic Hybrids: Optimisation in model experiments [Metall-Kunststoff-Verbunde: Modellversuche zur Optimierung]
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Bräuer, M.; Edelmann, M.; Lehmann, D.; Tuschla, M.
    Metal plastic hybrids will become more important as components for lightweight constructions. It is reported about optimisation of making three layer hybrids consisted of a steel plate, an adhesion layer based of uretdione powder coating material and a flexible component polyurethane in model experiments. Hybrid formation is performed in a compression moulding process. The adhesion layer and the polyurethane are modified to increase the hybrid bond strength. Peel test are conducted to quantitatively characterize the bond strength and an apparent energy release rate is calculated based on the peel force. For hybrids with widths of 2 mm polyurethane stripes it is possible to increase the apparent energy release rate for about 30 % to 16 N/mm in comparison with a hybrid with unmodified components. These hybrids have the same high bond strength level as the strongest hybrids reported in literature. Concluding the optimisation results are discussed related to their relevancy for the interpretation of the adhesion mechanisms in the interface between adhesion layer and polyurethane. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
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    Serrated flow of CuZr-based bulk metallic glasses probed by nanoindentation: Role of the activation barrier, size and distribution of shear transformation zones
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2017) Limbach, R.; Kosiba, K.; Pauly, S.; Kühn, U.; Wondraczek, L.
    We report on the effect of Al and Co alloying in vitreous Cu50Zr50 on local deformation and serrated flow as a model for relating the size and localization of shear transformation zones (STZ) to Poisson ratio and strain-rate sensitivity of metallic glasses. Alloying with Al results in significant variations in mechanical performance, in particular, in Young's modulus, hardness and strain-rate sensitivity. Increasing strain-rate sensitivity with increasing degree of alloying indicates a reduced tendency for shear localization. In parallel, a gradual transition from inhomogeneous to homogeneous plastic flow is observed. Using a statistical analysis of the shear stress associated with the initiation of the first pop-in in the load-displacement curve during spherical indentation, the activation volume for plastic flow at the onset of yielding is reported. This analysis is employed for experimental evaluation of the compositional dependence of activation barrier, size and distribution of STZs. It is demonstrated that the STZ size does not change significantly upon Al alloying and encompasses a local volume of around 22–24 atoms. However, the barrier energy density for the initiation of a single STZ progressively increases. The broader distribution of STZs impedes their accumulation into larger-size flow units, leading to a lower number and reduced size of serrations in the load-displacement curve. On the contrary, lower barrier energy densities enable a larger quantity of STZs to be activated simultaneously. These STZs can easily percolate into large flow units, promoting plastic flow through their interaction. We employ Poisson's ratio as an indicator for plasticity to shown that this interpretation can be transferred to other types of metallic glasses. That is, larger flow units were found for metallic glasses with higher Poisson ratio and more pronounced plasticity, while the flow units in alloys with very low Poisson ratio and high brittleness are significantly reduced in size and more homogeneously distributed throughout the material.
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    Heat accumulation during femtosecond laser treatment at high repetition rate – A morphological, chemical and crystallographic characterization of self-organized structures on Ti6Al4V
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2021) Schnell, Georg; Lund, Henrik; Bartling, Stephan; Polley, Christian; Riaz, Abdullah; Senz, Volkmar; Springer, Armin; Seitz, Hermann
    This study presents a detailed characterization of self-organized nano- and microstructures on Ti6Al4V evoked by different scanning strategies and fluences with a 300 fs laser operating at a laser wavelength of 1030 nm. The resulting surface morphology was visualized via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) images of the surface and cross-sections. X-ray diffraction (XRD)-analysis was performed to analyse changes in crystal structures. The chemical surface composition of the near-surface layer was determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results show a significant influence of heat accumulation while processing with high laser repetition rates on the formation, crystallinity and chemical composition of self-organized structures depending on the scanning strategy. The ablation with different laser scanning strategies led to varying dynamics of growth-mechanisms of self-organized structures, formation of intermetallic phases (Ti3Al), sub-oxides and oxides (Ti6O, TiO) as well as ions (Ti3+, Ti4+) in surface layer reliant on applied fluence. Furthermore, investigations revealed a heat-affected zone up to several micrometers in non-ablated material. © 2021 The Authors
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    Self-organized formation of unidirectional and quasi-one-dimensional metallic Tb silicide nanowires on Si(110)
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2022) Appelfeller, Stephan; Franz, Martin; Karadag, Murat; Kubicki, Milan; Zielinski, Robert; Krivenkov, Maxim; Varykhalov, Andrei; Preobrajenski, Alexei; Dähne, Mario
    Terbium induced nanostructures on Si(110) and their growth are thoroughly characterized by low energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, core-level and valence band photoelectron spectroscopy, and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. For low Tb coverage, a wetting layer forms with its surface fraction continuously decreasing with increasing Tb coverage in favor of the formation of unidirectional Tb silicide nanowires. These nanowires show high aspect ratios for high annealing temperatures or on substrates already containing Tb in the bulk. Both wetting layer and nanowires are stable for temperatures up to 750°C. In contrast to the nanowires, the wetting layer is characterized by a band gap. Thus, the metallic nanowires, which show a quasi-one-dimensional electronic band structure, are embedded in a semiconducting surrounding of wetting layer and substrate, insulating the nanowires from each other.
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    Self-stabilization of the equilibrium state in ferroelectric thin films
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2022) Gaal, Peter; Schmidt, Daniel; Khosla, Mallika; Richter, Carsten; Boesecke, Peter; Novikov, Dmitri; Schmidbauer, Martin; Schwarzkopf, Jutta
    (K,Na)NbO3 is a lead-free and sustainable ferroelectric material with electromechanical parameters comparable to Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) and other lead-based solid solutions. It is therefore a promising candidate for caloric cooling and energy harvesting applications. Specifically, the structural transition from the low-temperature Mc- to the high-temperature c-phase displays a rich hierarchical order of domains and superdomains, that forms at specific strain conditions. The relevant length scales are few tens of nanometers for the domain and few micrometers for the superdomain size, respectively. Phase-field calculations show that this hierarchical order adds to the total free energy of the solid. Thus, domains and their formation has a strong impact on the functional properties relevant for electrocaloric cooling or energy harvesting applications. However, monitoring the formation of domains and superdomains is difficult and requires both, high spatial and high temporal resolution of the experiment. Synchrotron-based time-resolved X-ray diffraction methods in combination with scanning imaging X-ray microscopy is applied to resolve the local dynamics of the domain morphology with sub-micrometer spatial and nanosecond temporal resolution. In this regime, the material displays a novel self-stabilization mechanism of the domain morphology, which may be a general property of first-order phase transitions.
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    Comparison of nanotubes produced by fixed bed and aerosol-CVD methods and their electrical percolation behaviour in melt mixed polyamide 6.6 composites
    (Barking : Elsevier, 2010) Krause, Beate; Ritschel, M.; Täschner, C.; Oswald, S.; Gruner, W.; Leonhardt, A.; Pötschke, Petra
    The electrical percolation behaviour of five different kinds of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) synthesised by two CVD techniques was investigated on melt mixed composites based on an insulating polyamide 6.6 matrix. The electrical percolation behaviour was found to be strongly dependent on the properties of CNTs which varied with the synthesis conditions. The lowest electrical percolation threshold (0.04 wt.%) was determined for as grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes without any purification or chemical treatment. Such carbon nanotubes were synthesised by the aerosol method using acetonitrile as ferrocene containing solvent and show relatively low oxygen content near the surface, high aspect ratio, and good dispersability. Similar properties could be found for nanotubes produced by the aerosol method using cyclohexane, whereas CNTs produced by the fixed bed method using different iron contents in the catalyst material showed much higher electrical percolation thresholds between 0.35 and 1.02 wt.%. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    Electrical and thermal properties of polyamide 12 composites with hybrid fillers systems of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and carbon black
    (Barking : Elsevier, 2011) Socher, Robert; Krause, Beate; Hermasch, Sylvia; Wursche, Roland; Pötschke, Petra
    Hybrid filler systems of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and carbon black (CB) were incorporated into two types of polyamide 12 (PA12) using small-scale melt mixing in order to identify potential synergistic effects on the interaction of these two electrical conductive fillers. Although no synergistic effects were observed regarding the electrical percolation threshold, at loadings well above the percolation threshold higher volume conductivities were obtained for samples containing both, MWCNT and CB, as compared to single fillers. This effect was more pronounced when using a higher viscous PA12 matrix. The formation of a co-supporting network can be assumed. The combined use of CB and MWCNTs improved the macrodispersion of MWCNT agglomerates, which can be assigned as a synergistic effect. DSC measurements indicated an effect of the nanofiller on crystallisation temperatures of PA12; however this was independent of the kind or amount of the carbon nanofiller. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.