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    Conductive Gas Plasma Treatment Augments Tumor Toxicity of Ringer’s Lactate Solutions in a Model of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Miebach, Lea; Freund, Eric; Cecchini, Alessandra Lourenço; Bekeschus, Sander
    Reactive species generated by medical gas plasma technology can be enriched in liquids for use in oncology targeting disseminated malignancies, such as metastatic colorectal cancer. Notwithstanding, reactive species quantities depend on the treatment mode, and we recently showed gas plasma exposure in conductive modes to be superior for cancer tissue treatment. However, evidence is lacking that such a conductive mode also equips gas plasma-treated liquids to confer augmented intraperitoneal anticancer activity. To this end, employing atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet kINPen-treated Ringer’s lactate (oxRilac) in a CT26-model of colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis, we tested repeated intraabdominal injection of such remotely or conductively oxidized liquid for antitumor control and immunomodulation. Enhanced reactive species formation in conductive mode correlated with reduced tumor burden in vivo, emphasizing the advantage of conduction over the free mode for plasma-conditioned liquids. Interestingly, the infiltration of lymphocytes into the tumors was equally enhanced by both treatments. However, significantly lower levels of interleukin (IL)4 and IL13 and increased levels of IL2 argue for a shift in intratumoral T-helper cell subpopulations correlating with disease control. In conclusion, our data argue for using conductively over remotely prepared plasma-treated liquids for anticancer treatment.
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    Combined In Vitro Toxicity and Immunogenicity of Cold Plasma and Pulsed Electric Fields
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Wolff, Christina M.; Kolb, Juergen F.; Bekeschus, Sander
    In modern oncology, therapies are based on combining monotherapies to overcome treatment resistance and increase therapy precision. The application of microsecond-pulsed electric fields (PEF) is approved to enhance local chemotherapeutic drug uptake within combination electrochemotherapy regimens. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated in anticancer effects, and cold physical plasma produces vast amounts of ROS, which have recently been shown to benefit head and neck cancer patients. PEF and cold plasma technology have been linked to immunogenic cell death (ICD) induction, a regulated cell death accompanied by sterile inflammation that promotes antitumor immunity. To this end, we investigated the combined effect of both treatments regarding their intracellular ROS accumulation, toxicity, ICD-related marker expression, and optimal exposure sequence in a leukemia model cell line. The combination treatment substantially increased ROS and intracellular glutathione levels, leading to additive cytotoxic effects accompanied by a significantly increased expression of ICD markers, such as the eat-me signal calreticulin (CRT). Preconditioned treatment with cold plasma followed by PEF exposure was the most potent treatment sequence. The results indicate additive effects of cold plasma and PEF, motivating further studies in skin and breast tumor models for the future improvement of ECT in such patients.
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    Pancreatic Cancer Cells Undergo Immunogenic Cell Death upon Exposure to Gas Plasma-Oxidized Ringers Lactate
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Miebach, Lea; Mohamed, Hager; Wende, Kristian; Miller, Vandana; Bekeschus, Sander
    Survival rates among patients with pancreatic cancer, the most lethal gastrointestinal cancer, have not improved compared to other malignancies. Early tumor dissemination and a supportive, cancer-promoting tumor microenvironment (TME) limit therapeutic options and consequently impede tumor remission, outlining an acute need for effective treatments. Gas plasma-oxidized liquid treatment showed promising preclinical results in other gastrointestinal and gynecological tumors by targeting the tumor redox state. Here, carrier solutions are enriched with reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species that can cause oxidative distress in tumor cells, leading to a broad range of anti-tumor effects. Unfortunately, clinical relevance is often limited, as many studies have forgone the use of medical-grade solutions. This study investigated the efficacy of gas plasma-oxidized Ringer’s lactate (oxRilac), a physiological solution often used in clinical practice, on two pancreatic cancer cell lines to induce tumor toxicity and provoke immunogenicity. Tumor toxicity of the oxRilac solutions was further confirmed in three-dimensional tumor spheroids monitored over 72 h and in ovo using stereomicroscope imaging of excised GFP-expressing tumors. We demonstrated that cell death signaling was induced in a dose-dependent fashion in both cell lines and was paralleled by the increased surface expression of key markers of immunogenic cell death (ICD). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy analysis suggested putative reaction pathways that may cause the non-ROS related effects. In summary, our study suggests gas plasma-deposited ROS in clinically relevant liquids as an additive option for treating pancreatic cancers via immune-stimulating and cytotoxic effects.
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    Combined toxicity of indirubins with cold physical plasma in skin cancer cells in vitro
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2022) Berner, Julia; Bekeschus, Sander
    Cold physical plasma is a partially ionized gas that generates various components identified as potential anticancer compounds. Due to its topical application, cold plasmas are suitable, especially in dermatological applications. We, therefore, tested the cold plasma effects in skin cancer cells in vitro. An atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet was used as the plasma source. The plasma exposure alone reduced the metabolic activity and induced lethal effects in a treatment time-dependent fashion in both cell lines investigated. This was accompanied by executioner caspases 3 and 7, cleavage indicative of apoptosis and reduced cell migration and proliferation. Recent research also indicated roles of novel indirubin derivatives with potent anticancer effects. Three candidates were tested, and reduced metabolic activity and viability in a dose-dependent manner were found. Strikingly, one compound exerted notable synergistic toxicity when combined with plasma in skin cancer cells, which may be promising for future in vivo experiments.
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    Argon Humidification Exacerbates Antimicrobial and Anti-MRSA kINPen Plasma Activity
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Clemen, Ramona; Singer, Debora; Skowski, Henry; Bekeschus, Sander
    Gas plasma is a medical technology with antimicrobial properties. Its main mode of action is oxidative damage via reactive species production. The clinical efficacy of gas plasma-reduced bacterial burden has been shown to be hampered in some cases. Since the reactive species profile produced by gas plasma jets, such as the kINPen used in this study, are thought to determine antimicrobial efficacy, we screened an array of feed gas settings in different types of bacteria. Antimicrobial analysis was performed by single-cell analysis using flow cytometry. We identified humidified feed gas to mediate significantly greater toxicity compared to dry argon and many other gas plasma conditions. The results were confirmed by inhibition zone analysis on gas-plasma-treated microbial lawns grown on agar plates. Our results may have vital implications for clinical wound management and potentially enhance antimicrobial efficacy of medical gas plasma therapy in patient treatment.
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    Medical Gas Plasma—A Potent ROS-Generating Technology for Managing Intraoperative Bleeding Complications
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Miebach, Lea; Poschkamp, Broder; van der Linde, Julia; Bekeschus, Sander
    Cold medical gas plasmas are under pre-clinical investigation concerning their hemostatic activity and could be applied for intra-operative bleeding control in the future. The technological leap innovation was their generation at body temperature, thereby causing no thermal harm to the tissue and ensuring tissue integrity. This directly contrasts with current techniques such as electrocautery, which induces hemostasis by carbonizing the tissue using a heated electrode. However, the necrotized tissue is prone to fall, raising the risk of post-operative complications such as secondary bleedings or infection. In recent years, various studies have reported on the ability of medical gas plasmas to induce blood coagulation, including several suggestions concerning their mode of action. As non-invasive and gentle hemostatic agents, medical gas plasmas could be particularly eligible for vulnerable tissues, e.g., colorectal surgery and neurosurgery. Further, their usage could be beneficial regarding the prevention of post-operative bleedings due to the absence or sloughing of eschar. However, no clinical trials or individual healing attempts for medical gas plasmas have been reported to pave the way for clinical approvement until now, despite promising results in experimental animal models. In this light, the present mini-review aims to emphasize the potential of medical gas plasmas to serve as a hemostatic agent in clinical procedures. Providing a detailed overview of the current state of knowledge, feasible application fields are discussed, and possible obstacles are addressed.
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    Risk Evaluation of EMT and Inflammation in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Cells Following Plasma Treatment
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2020) Freund, Eric; Spadola, Chiara; Schmidt, Anke; Privat-Maldonado, Angela; Bogaerts, Annemie; Woedtke, Thomas von; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Heidecke, Claus-Dieter; Partecke, Lars-Ivo; Käding, André; Bekeschus, Sander
    The requirements for new technologies to serve as anticancer agents go far beyond their toxicity potential. Novel applications also need to be safe on a molecular and patient level. In a broader sense, this also relates to cancer metastasis and inflammation. In a previous study, the toxicity of an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet in four human pancreatic cancer cell lines was confirmed and plasma treatment did not promote metastasis in vitro and in ovo. Here, these results are extended by additional types of analysis and new models to validate and define on a molecular level the changes related to metastatic processes in pancreatic cancer cells following plasma treatment in vitro and in ovo. In solid tumors that were grown on the chorion-allantois membrane of fertilized chicken eggs (TUM-CAM), plasma treatment induced modest to profound apoptosis in the tissues. This, however, was not associated with a change in the expression levels of adhesion molecules, as shown using immunofluorescence of ultrathin tissue sections. Culturing of the cells detached from these solid tumors for 6d revealed a similar or smaller total growth area and expression of ZEB1, a transcription factor associated with cancer metastasis, in the plasma-treated pancreatic cancer tissues. Analysis of in vitro and in ovo supernatants of 13 different cytokines and chemokines revealed cell line-specific effects of the plasma treatment but a noticeable increase of, e.g., growth-promoting interleukin 10 was not observed. Moreover, markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a metastasis-promoting cellular program, were investigated. Plasma-treated pancreatic cancer cells did not present an EMT-profile. Finally, a realistic 3D tumor spheroid co-culture model with pancreatic stellate cells was employed, and the invasive properties in a gel-like cellular matrix were investigated. Tumor outgrowth and spread was similar or decreased in the plasma conditions. Altogether, these results provide valuable insights into the effect of plasma treatment on metastasis-related properties of cancer cells and did not suggest EMT-promoting effects of this novel cancer therapy. © Copyright © 2020 Freund, Spadola, Schmidt, Privat-Maldonado, Bogaerts, von Woedtke, Weltmann, Heidecke, Partecke, Käding and Bekeschus.
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    Gas Plasma Protein Oxidation Increases Immunogenicity and Human Antigen-Presenting Cell Maturation and Activation
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Clemen, Ramona; Arlt, Kevin; von Woedtke, Thomas; Bekeschus, Sander
    Protein vaccines rely on eliciting immune responses. Inflammation is a prerequisite for immune responses to control infection and cancer but is also associated with disease onset. Reactive oxygen species (ROSs) are central during inflammation and are capable of inducing non-enzymatic oxidative protein modifications (oxMods) associated with chronic disease, which alter the functionality or immunogenicity of proteins that are relevant in cancer immunotherapy. Specifically, antigen-presenting cells (APCs) take up and degrade extracellular native and oxidized proteins to induce adaptive immune responses. However, it is less clear how oxMods alter the protein’s immunogenicity, especially in inflammation-related short-lived reactive species. Gas plasma technology simultaneously generates a multitude of ROSs to modify protein antigens in a targeted and controlled manner to study the immunogenicity of oxMods. As model proteins relevant to chronic inflammation and cancer, we used gas plasma-treated insulin and CXCL8. We added those native or oxidized proteins to human THP-1 monocytes or primary monocyte-derived cells (moDCs). Both oxidized proteins caused concentration-independent maturation phenotype alterations in moDCs and THP-1 cells concerning surface marker expression and chemokine and cytokine secretion profiles. Interestingly, concentration-matched H2O2-treated proteins did not recapitulate the effects of gas plasma, suggesting sufficiently short diffusion distances for the short-lived reactive species to modify proteins. Our data provide evidence of dendric cell maturation and activation upon exposure to gas plasma- but not H2O2-modified model proteins. The biological consequences of these findings need to be elucidated in future inflammation and cancer disease models.