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    Strain induced power enhancement of far-UVC LEDs on high temperature annealed AlN templates
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2023) Knauer, A.; Kolbe, T.; Hagedorn, S.; Hoepfner, J.; Guttmann, M.; Cho, H.K.; Rass, J.; Ruschel, J.; Einfeldt, S.; Kneissl, M.; Weyers, M.
    High temperature annealed AlN/sapphire templates exhibit a reduced in-plane lattice constant compared to conventional non-annealed AlN/sapphire grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). This leads to additional lattice mismatch between the template and the AlGaN-based ultraviolet-C light emitting diode (UVC LED) heterostructure grown on these templates. This mismatch introduces additional compressive strain in AlGaN quantum wells resulting in enhanced transverse electric polarization of the quantum well emission at wavelengths below 235 nm compared to layer structures deposited on conventional MOVPE-grown AlN templates, which exhibit mainly transverse magnetic polarized emission. In addition, high temperature annealed AlN/sapphire templates also feature reduced defect densities leading to reduced non-radiative recombination. Based on these two factors, i.e., better outcoupling efficiency of the transverse electric polarized light and an enhanced internal quantum efficiency, the performance characteristic of far-UVC LEDs emitting at 231 nm was further improved with a cw optical output power of 3.5 mW at 150 mA.
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    Long-term stability of GaAs/AlAs terahertz quantum-cascade lasers
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2022) Schrottke, L.; Lü, X.; Biermann, K.; Gellie, P.; Grahn, H.T.
    We have investigated high-performance GaAs/AlAs terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) with respect to the long-term stability of their operating parameters. The output power of lasers that contain an additional, thick AlAs refractive-index contrast layer underneath the cascade structure decreases after three months by about 35%. The deterioration of these lasers is attributed to the oxidation processes in this contrast layer starting from the facets. However, GaAs/AlAs THz QCLs with an Al0.9Ga0.1As refractive-index contrast layer exhibit long-term stability of the operating parameters over many years even when they are exposed to atmospheric conditions. Therefore, these lasers are promising high-power radiation sources in the terahertz spectral region for commercial applications.
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    783 nm wavelength stabilized DBR tapered diode lasers with a 7 W output power
    (Washington, DC : The Optical Society, 2021) Sumpf, Bernd; Theurer, Lara Sophie; Maiwald, Martin; Müller, André; Maaßdorf, André; Fricke, Jörg; Ressel, Peter; Tränkle, Günther
    Wavelength stabilized distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) tapered diode lasers at 783 nm will be presented. The devices are based on GaAsP single quantum wells embedded in a large optical cavity leading to a vertical far field angle of about 29◦ (full width at half maximum). The 3-inch (7.62 cm) wafers are grown using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. In a full wafer process, 4 mm long DBR tapered lasers are manufactured. The devices consist of a 500 µm long 10th order surface DBR grating that acts as rear side mirror. After that, a 1 mm long ridge waveguide section is realized for lateral confinement, which is connected to a 2.5 mm long flared section having a full taper angle of 6◦. At an injection current of 8 A, a maximum output power of about 7 W is measured. At output powers up to 6 W, the measured emission width limited by the resolution of the spectrometer is smaller than 19 pm. Measured at 1/e2 level at this output power, the lateral beam waist width is 11.5 µm, the lateral far field angle 12.5◦, and the lateral beam parameter M2 2.5. The respective parameters measured using the second moments are 31 µm, 15.2◦, and 8.3. 70% of the emitted power is originated from the central lobe. © 2021 Optical Society of America
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    Non-isothermal phase-field simulations of laser-written in-plane SiGe heterostructures for photonic applications
    (London : Springer Nature, 2021) Aktas, Ozan; Yamamoto, Yuji; Kaynak, Mehmet; Peacock, Anna C.
    Advanced solid-state devices, including lasers and modulators, require semiconductor heterostructures for nanoscale engineering of the electronic bandgap and refractive index. However, existing epitaxial growth methods are limited to fabrication of vertical heterostructures grown layer by layer. Here, we report the use of finite-element-method-based phase-field modelling with thermocapillary convection to investigate laser inscription of in-plane heterostructures within silicon-germanium films. The modelling is supported by experimental work using epitaxially-grown Si0.5Ge0.5 layers. The phase-field simulations reveal that various in-plane heterostructures with single or periodic interfaces can be fabricated by controlling phase segregation through modulation of the scan speed, power, and beam position. Optical simulations are used to demonstrate the potential for two devices: graded-index waveguides with Ge-rich (>70%) cores, and waveguide Bragg gratings with nanoscale periods (100–500 nm). Periodic heterostructure formation via sub-millisecond modulation of the laser parameters opens a route for post-growth fabrication of in-plane quantum wells and superlattices in semiconductor alloy films.