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    Correcting systematic errors by hybrid 2D correlation loss functions in nonlinear inverse modelling
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2023) Mayerhöfer, Thomas G.; Noda, Isao; Pahlow, Susanne; Heintzmann, Rainer; Popp, Jürgen
    Recently a new family of loss functions called smart error sums has been suggested. These loss functions account for correlations within experimental data and force modeled data to obey these correlations. As a result, multiplicative systematic errors of experimental data can be revealed and corrected. The smart error sums are based on 2D correlation analysis which is a comparably recent methodology for analyzing spectroscopic data that has found broad application. In this contribution we mathematically generalize and break down this methodology and the smart error sums to uncover the mathematic roots and simplify it to craft a general tool beyond spectroscopic modelling. This reduction also allows a simplified discussion about limits and prospects of this new method including one of its potential future uses as a sophisticated loss function in deep learning. To support its deployment, the work includes computer code to allow reproduction of the basic results.
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    IMAGE-IN: Interactive web-based multidimensional 3D visualizer for multi-modal microscopy images
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2022) Gupta, Yubraj; Costa, Carlos; Pinho, Eduardo; A. Bastião Silva, Luís; Heintzmann, Rainer
    Advances in microscopy hardware and storage capabilities lead to increasingly larger multidimensional datasets. The multiple dimensions are commonly associated with space, time, and color channels. Since “seeing is believing”, it is important to have easy access to user-friendly visualization software. Here we present IMAGE-IN, an interactive web-based multidimensional (N-D) viewer designed specifically for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) data, with the goal of assisting biologists in their visualization and analysis tasks and promoting digital work-flows. This new visualization platform includes intuitive multidimensional opacity fine-tuning, shading on/off, multiple blending modes for volume viewers, and the ability to handle multichannel volumetric data in volume and surface views. The software accepts a sequence of image files or stacked 3D images as input and offers a variety of viewing options ranging from 3D volume/surface rendering to multiplanar reconstruction approaches. We evaluate the performance by comparing the loading and rendering timings of a heterogeneous dataset of multichannel CLSM and FIB-SEM images on two devices with installed graphic cards, as well as comparing rendered image quality between ClearVolume (the ImageJ open-source desktop viewer), Napari (the Python desktop viewer), Imaris (the closed-source desktop viewer), and our proposed IMAGE-IN web viewer.
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    simpleISM—A straight forward guide to upgrade from confocal to ISM
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2022) Goswami, Monalisa; Lachmann, René; Kretschmer, Robert; Heintzmann, Rainer
    Resolution in a confocal laser scanning microscopes (CLSM) can be improved if the pinhole is closed. But closing the pinhole will deteriorate the signal to noise ratio (SNR). A simple technique to improve the SNR while keeping the resolution same by upgrading the system to an image scanning microscope. In this paper, we explain in detail, based on an Olympus Fluoview 300 system, how a scanning microscope can be upgraded into an image scanning microscope (ISM) using a simple camera-based detector and an Arduino Due providing a galvo driving and camera synchronization signals. We could confirm a resolution improvement as well as superconcentration and made the interesting observation of a reduced influence of laser fluctuations.