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    Nonlinear Optical Characterization of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals as a Novel Material for the Integration into Electro-Optic Modulators
    (Millersville, PA : Materials Research Forum LLC, 2020) Vitale, Francesco; De Matteis, Fabio; Casalboni, Mauro; Prosposito, Paolo; Steglich, Patrick; Ksianzou, Viachaslau; Breiler, Christian; Schrader, Sigurd; Paci, Barbara; Generosi, Amanda; Prosposito, Paolo
    The present work is concerned with the investigation of the nonlinear optical response of green emissive CsPbBr3 nanocrystals, in the form of colloidal dispersions in toluene, synthesized via a room-temperature ligand-assisted supersaturation recrystallization (LASR) method. After carrying out a preliminary characterization via X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Absorption and Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopies, the optical nonlinearity of the as-obtained colloids is probed by means of a single-beam Z-scan setup. Results show that the material in question, within the sensitivity of the experimental apparatus, exhibits a nonlinear refractive index n2 that is the order of 10-15 cm2/W. Moreover, a three-photon absorption mechanism (3PA) is postulated, according to the fitting of the recorded Z-scan traces and the fundamental absorption threshold, which turns out to be off resonance with twice the energy of the laser radiation. A figure of merit is, then, calculated as an indicator of the quality of the CsPbBr3 nanocrystals as a candidate material for photonic devices, for instance, Kerr-like electro-optic modulators (EOMs).
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    Dielectrophoretic Immobilization of Yeast Cells Using CMOS Integrated Microfluidics
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Ettehad, Honeyeh Matbaechi; Soltani Zarrin, Pouya; Hölzel, Ralph; Wenger, Christian
    This paper presents a dielectrophoretic system for the immobilization and separation of live and dead cells. Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a promising and efficient investigation technique for the development of novel lab-on-a-chip devices, which characterizes cells or particles based on their intrinsic and physical properties. Using this method, specific cells can be isolated from their medium carrier or the mixture of cell suspensions (e.g., separation of viable cells from non-viable cells). Main advantages of this method, which makes it favorable for disease (blood) analysis and diagnostic applications are, the preservation of the cell properties during measurements, label-free cell identification, and low set up cost. In this study, we validated the capability of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated microfluidic devices for the manipulation and characterization of live and dead yeast cells using dielectrophoretic forces. This approach successfully trapped live yeast cells and purified them from dead cells. Numerical simulations based on a two-layer model for yeast cells flowing in the channel were used to predict the trajectories of the cells with respect to their dielectric properties, varying excitation voltage, and frequency.
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    Modulation Linearity Characterization of Si Ring Modulators
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Jo, Youngkwan; Mai, Christian; Lischke, Stefan; Zimmermann, Lars; Choi, Woo-Young
    Modulation linearity of Si ring modulators (RMs) is investigated through the numerical simulation based on the coupled-mode theory and experimental verification. Numerical values of the key parameters needed for the simulation are experimentally extracted. Simulation and measurement results agree well. With these, the influence of input optical wavelength and power on the Si RM linearity are characterized.
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    High-resolution net load forecasting for micro-neighbourhoods with high penetration of renewable energy sources
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2020) Kobylinski, P.; Wierzbowski, M.; Piotrowski, K.
    Though extensive, the literature on electrical load forecasting lacks reports on studies focused on existing residential micro-neighbourhoods comprising small numbers of single-family houses equipped with solar panels. This paper provides a full description of an ANN-based model designed to predict short-term high-resolution (15-min intervals) micro-scale residential net load profiles. Since it seems especially relevant due to the specificity of local autocorrelations in load signal, in this paper we put stress on the systematic approach to feature selection in the context of lagged signal. We performed a case study of a real micro-neighbourhood comprising only 75 single-family houses. The obtained average prediction error was equivalent to 5.4 per cent of the maximal measured net load. The issues, i.e.: (1) the feasibility of micro-scale residential load forecasting taking into account renewable energy penetration, (2) the feasibility to predict net load with dense temporal resolution of 15 min, (3) the feature selection problem, (4) the proposed prosumption- and comparison-oriented prediction model key performance measure, could be of interest to engineers designing energy balancing systems for local smart grids. © 2019 The Authors
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    240-GHz Reflectometer-Based Dielectric Sensor With Integrated Transducers in a 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2021) Wang, Defu; Eissa, Mohamed Hussein; Schmalz, Klaus; Kampfe, Thomas; Kissinger, Dietmar
    This article presents a reflectometer-based on-chip dielectric sensor with integrated transducers at 240 GHz. The chip simplifies the measurement of a vector network analyzer (VNA) to sense the incident and reflected waves by using two heterodyne mixer-based receivers with a dielectric sensing element. Radio frequency (RF) and local oscillator (LO) submillimeter waves are generated by two frequency multiplier chains, respectively. Two back-to-back identical differential side-coupled directive couplers are proposed to separate the incident and reflected signals and couple them to mixers. Both transmission line and coplanar stripline transducers are proposed and integrated with reflectometer to investigate the sensitivity of dielectric sensors. The latter leads to a larger power variation of the reflectometer by providing more sufficient operating bands for the magnitude and phase slope of S11 . The readout of the transducers upon exposure to liquids is performed by the measurement of their reflected signals using two external excitation sources. The experimental dielectric sensing is demonstrated by using binary methanol–ethanol mixture placed on the proposed on-chip dielectric sensor in the assembled printed circuit board. It enables a maximum 8 dB of the power difference between the incident and reflected channels on the measurement of liquid solvents. Both chips occupy an area of 4.03 mm 2 and consume 560 mW. Along with a wide operational frequency range from 200 to 240 GHz, this simplified one-port-VNA-based on-chip device makes it feasible for the use of handle product and suitable for the submillimeter-wave dielectric spectroscopy applications.
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    Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Transceivers in SiGe BiCMOS Technologies
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2021) Kissinger, Dietmar; Kahmen, Gerhard; Weigel, Robert
    This invited paper reviews the progress of silicon–germanium (SiGe) bipolar-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology-based integrated circuits (ICs) during the last two decades. Focus is set on various transceiver (TRX) realizations in the millimeter-wave range from 60 GHz and at terahertz (THz) frequencies above 300 GHz. This article discusses the development of SiGe technologies and ICs with the latter focusing on the commercially most important applications of radar and beyond 5G wireless communications. A variety of examples ranging from 77-GHz automotive radar to THz sensing as well as the beginnings of 60-GHz wireless communication up to THz chipsets for 100-Gb/s data transmission are recapitulated. This article closes with an outlook on emerging fields of research for future advancement of SiGe TRX performance.
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    CMOS-Compatible Silicon Photonic Sensor for Refractive Index Sensing Using Local Back-Side Release
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2020) Steglich, Patrick; Bondarenko, Siegfried; Mai, Christian; Paul, Martin; Weller, Michael G.; Mai, Andreas
    Silicon photonic sensors are promising candidates for lab-on-a-chip solutions with versatile applications and scalable production prospects using complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication methods. However, the widespread use has been hindered because the sensing area adjoins optical and electrical components making packaging and sensor handling challenging. In this work, a local back-side release of the photonic sensor is employed, enabling a separation of the sensing area from the rest of the chip. This approach allows preserving the compatibility of photonic integrated circuits in the front-end of line and metal interconnects in the back-end of line. The sensor is based on a micro-ring resonator and is fabricated on wafer-level using a CMOS technology. We revealed a ring resonator sensitivity for homogeneous sensing of 106 nm/RIU. © 1989-2012 IEEE.
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    Design and Evaluation of Radiation-Hardened Standard Cell Flip-Flops
    (New York, NY : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021) Schrape, Oliver; Andjelkovic, Marko; Breitenreiter, Anselm; Zeidler, Steffen; Balashov, Alexey; Krstic, Milos
    Use of a standard non-rad-hard digital cell library in the rad-hard design can be a cost-effective solution for space applications. In this paper we demonstrate how a standard non-rad-hard flip-flop, as one of the most vulnerable digital cells, can be converted into a rad-hard flip-flop without modifying its internal structure. We present five variants of a Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) flip-flop: baseline TMR flip-flop, latch-based TMR flip-flop, True-Single Phase Clock (TSPC) TMR flip-flop, scannable TMR flip-flop and self-correcting TMR flip-flop. For all variants, the multi-bit upsets have been addressed by applying special placement constraints, while the Single Event Transient (SET) mitigation was achieved through the usage of customized SET filters and selection of optimal inverter sizes for the clock and reset trees. The proposed flip-flop variants feature differing performance, thus enabling to choose the optimal solution for every sensitive node in the circuit, according to the predefined design constraints. Several flip-flop designs have been validated on IHP’s 130nm BiCMOS process, by irradiation of custom-designed shift registers. It has been shown that the proposed TMR flip-flops are robust to soft errors with a threshold Linear Energy Transfer (LET) from ( 32.4 (MeV⋅cm2/mg) ) to ( 62.5 (MeV⋅cm2/mg) ), depending on the variant.
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    A QPSK 110-Gb/s Polarization-Diversity MIMO Wireless Link with a 220-255 GHz Tunable LO in a SiGe HBT Technology
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2020) Rodríguez-Vázquez, Pedro; Grzyb, Janusz; Heinemann, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
    In this article, a polarization-diversity technique multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is demonstrated to double the spectral efficiency of a line-of-sight quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) wireless link at 220-255 GHz with a pair of highly integrated single-chip transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) front-end modules in 0.13-µ {m SiGe HBT technology ( fTmax=350 /550 GHz) exploiting only a low-cost wire-bonded chip-on-board packaging solution for high-speed baseband (BB) signals. Both TX and RX chips accommodate two independent fundamentally operated direct-conversion in-phase and quadrature (IQ) paths with separately tunable on-chip multiplier-based ( × 16 ) local oscillator (LO) generation paths driven from a single external highly stable 13.75-16-GHz frequency synthesizer. On the RX side, a mixer-first architecture is implemented to improve the symmetry between upper and lower sidebands (USB and LSB) at the cost of an increased noise figure (NF), whereas, on the TX chip, each upconversion mixer is followed by a gain-bandwidth (BW)-limited four-stage power amplifier (PA) to support the link budget at a meter distance. Next, two independent IQ data streams from the upconversion/downconversion paths on each chip are directed to a common lens-coupled broadband on-chip slot antenna system. This way, two orthogonal circular polarizations [left-handed circular polarization (LHCP) and right-handed circular polarization (RHCP)] can be transmitted with sufficient isolation for link operation without the need for a high-speed depolarizer in the BB for any relative orientation between TX and RX modules. The antenna combined with a 9-mm diameter Si-lens provides a directivity of 23.5-27 dBi at 210-270 GHz for each of the modules. This, along with a peak radiated power of 7.5 dBm/ch from the TX module, and the cascaded conversion gain (CG)/single sideband (SSB) NF of 18/18 dB/ch for the RX module followed by a broadband amplifier (PSPL5882) from Tektronix allowed successful transmission of two independent QPSK data streams with an aggregate speed of 110 and 80 Gb/s over 1 and 2 m, respectively, at 230 GHz with a board-level limited channel BB bandwidth (BW) of 13.5 GHz. © 1963-2012 IEEE.
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    CMOS-Compatible Bias-Tunable Dual-Band Detector Based on GeSn/Ge/Si Coupled Photodiodes
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Talamas Simola, Enrico; Kiyek, Vivien; Ballabio, Andrea; Schlykow, Viktoria; Frigerio, Jacopo; Zucchetti, Carlo; De Iacovo, Andrea; Colace, Lorenzo; Yamamoto, Yuji; Capellini, Giovanni; Grützmacher, Detlev; Buca, Dan; Isella, Giovanni
    Infrared (IR) multispectral detection is attracting increasing interest with the rising demand for high spectral sensitivity, room temperature operation, CMOS-compatible devices. Here, we present a two-terminal dual-band detector, which provides a bias-switchable spectral response in two distinct IR bands. The device is obtained from a vertical GeSn/Ge/Si stack, forming a double junction n-i-p-i-n structure, epitaxially grown on a Si wafer. The photoresponse can be switched by inverting the bias polarity between the near and the short-wave IR bands, with specific detectivities of 1.9 × 1010 and 4.0 × 109 cm·(Hz)1/2/W, respectively. The possibility of detecting two spectral bands with the same pixel opens up interesting applications in the field of IR imaging and material recognition, as shown in a solvent detection test. The continuous voltage tuning, combined with the nonlinear photoresponse of the detector, enables a novel approach to spectral analysis, demonstrated by identifying the wavelength of a monochromatic beam. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.