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    Blind Super-Resolution Approach for Exploiting Illumination Variety in Optical-Lattice Illumination Microscopy
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Samanta, Krishnendu; Sarkar, Swagato; Acuña, Sebastian; Joseph, Joby; Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh; Agarwal, Krishna
    Optical-lattice illumination patterns help in pushing high spatial frequency components of the sample into the optical transfer function of a collection microscope. However, exploiting these high-frequency components require precise knowledge of illumination if reconstruction approaches similar to structured illumination microscopy are employed. Here, we present an alternate blind reconstruction approach that can provide super-resolution without the requirement of extra frames. For this, the property of exploiting temporal fluctuations in the sample emissions using “multiple signal classification algorithm” is extended aptly toward using spatial fluctuation of phase-modulated lattice illuminations for super-resolution. The super-resolution ability is shown for sinusoidal and multiperiodic lattice with approximately 3- and 6-fold resolution enhancements, respectively, over the diffraction limit. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society
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    Plasmonic Properties of Colloidal Assemblies
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Rossner, Christian; König, Tobias A.F.; Fery, Andreas
    The assembly of metal nanoparticles into supracolloidal structures unlocks optical features, which can go beyond synergistic combinations of the properties of their primary building units. This is due to inter-particle plasmonic coupling effects, which give rise to emergent properties. The motivation for this progress report is twofold: First, it is described how simulation approaches can be used to predict and understand the optical properties of supracolloidal metal clusters. These simulations may form the basis for the rational design of plasmonic assembly architectures, based on the desired functional cluster properties, and they may also spark novel material designs. Second, selected scalable state-of-the-art preparative strategies based on synthetic polymers to guide the supracolloidal assembly are discussed. These routes also allow for equipping the assembly structures with adaptive properties, which in turn enables (inter-)active control over the cluster optical properties. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Nanoimprint Lithography Facilitated Plasmonic-Photonic Coupling for Enhanced Photoconductivity and Photocatalysis
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Gupta, Vaibhav; Sarkar, Swagato; Aftenieva, Olha; Tsuda, Takuya; Kumar, Labeesh; Schletz, Daniel; Schultz, Johannes; Kiriy, Anton; Fery, Andreas; Vogel, Nicolas; König, Tobias A.F.
    Imprint lithography has emerged as a reliable, reproducible, and rapid method for patterning colloidal nanostructures. As a promising alternative to top-down lithographic approaches, the fabrication of nanodevices has thus become effective and straightforward. In this study, a fusion of interference lithography (IL) and nanosphere imprint lithography on various target substrates ranging from carbon film on transmission electron microscope grid to inorganic and dopable polymer semiconductor is reported. 1D plasmonic photonic crystals are printed with 75% yield on the centimeter scale using colloidal ink and an IL-produced polydimethylsiloxane stamp. Atomically smooth facet, single-crystalline, and monodisperse colloidal building blocks of gold (Au) nanoparticles are used to print 1D plasmonic grating on top of a titanium dioxide (TiO2) slab waveguide, producing waveguide-plasmon polariton modes with superior 10 nm spectral line-width. Plasmon-induced hot electrons are confirmed via two-terminal current measurements with increased photoresponsivity under guiding conditions. The fabricated hybrid structure with Au/TiO2 heterojunction enhances photocatalytic processes like degradation of methyl orange (MO) dye molecules using the generated hot electrons. This simple colloidal printing technique demonstrated on silicon, glass, Au film, and naphthalenediimide polymer thus marks an important milestone for large-scale implementation in optoelectronic devices. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Exploiting Combinatorics to Investigate Plasmonic Properties in Heterogeneous Ag-Au Nanosphere Chain Assemblies
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Schletz, Daniel; Schultz, Johannes; Potapov, Pavel L.; Steiner, Anja Maria; Krehl, Jonas; König, Tobias A.F.; Mayer, Martin; Lubk, Axel; Fery, Andreas
    Chains of coupled metallic nanoparticles are of special interest for plasmonic applications because they can sustain highly dispersive plasmon bands, allowing strong ballistic plasmon wave transport. Whereas early studies focused on homogeneous particle chains exhibiting only one dominant band, heterogeneous assemblies consisting of different nanoparticle species came into the spotlight recently. Their increased configuration space principally allows engineering multiple bands, bandgaps, or topological states. Simultaneously, the challenge of the precise arrangement of nanoparticles, including their distances and geometric patterns, as well as the precise characterization of the plasmonics in these systems, persists. Here, the surface plasmon resonances in heterogeneous Ag-Au nanoparticle chains are reported. Wrinkled templates are used for directed self-assembly of monodisperse gold and silver nanospheres as chains, which allows assembling statistical combinations of more than 109 particles. To reveal the spatial and spectral distribution of the plasmonic response, state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscopy coupled with electron energy loss spectroscopy accompanied by boundary element simulations is used. A variety of modes in the heterogeneous chains are found, ranging from localized surface plasmon modes occurring in single gold or silver spheres, respectively, to modes that result from the hybridization of the single particles. This approach opens a novel avenue toward combinatorial studies of plasmonic properties in heterosystems. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Self-Replication of Deeply Buried Doped Silicon Structures, which Remotely Control the Etching Process: A New Method for Forming a Silicon Pattern from the Bottom Up
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Schutzeichel, Christopher; Kiriy, Nataliya; Kiriy, Anton; Voit, Brigitte
    A typical microstructuring process utilizes photolithographic masks to create arbitrary patterns on silicon substrates in a top-down approach. Herein, a new, bottom-up microstructuring method is reported, which enables the patterning of n-doped silicon substrates to be performed without the need for application of etch-masks or stencils during the etching process. Instead, the structuring process developed herein involves a simple alkaline etching performed under illumination and is remotely controlled by the p-doped micro-sized implants, buried beneath a homogeneous n-doped layer at depths of 0.25 to 1 µm. The microstructuring is realized because the buried implants act upon illumination as micro-sized photovoltaic cells, which generate a flux of electrons and increase the negative surface charge in areas above the implants. The locally increased surface charge causes a local protection of the native silicon oxide layer from alkaline etching, which ultimately leads to the microstructuring of the substrate. In this way, substrates having at their top a thick layer of homogeneously n-doped silicon can be structured, reducing the need for costly, time-consuming photolithography steps. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH