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    Model simulations of chemical effects of sprites in relation with observed HO2 enhancements over sprite-producing thunderstorms
    (Katlenburg-Lindau : European Geosciences Union, 2021) Winkler, Holger; Yamada, Takayoshi; Kasai, Yasuko; Berger, Uwe; Notholt, Justus
    Recently, measurements by the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES) satellite instrument have been presented which indicate an increase in mesospheric HO2 above sprite-producing thunderstorms. The aim of this paper is to compare these observations to model simulations of chemical sprite effects. A plasma chemistry model in combination with a vertical transport module was used to simulate the impact of a streamer discharge in the altitude range 70–80 km, corresponding to one of the observed sprite events. Additionally, a horizontal transport and dispersion model was used to simulate advection and expansion of the sprite air masses. The model simulations predict a production of hydrogen radicals mainly due to reactions of proton hydrates formed after the electrical discharge. The net effect is a conversion of water molecules into H+OH. This leads to increasing HO2 concentrations a few hours after the electric breakdown. Due to the modelled long-lasting increase in HO2 after a sprite discharge, an accumulation of HO2 produced by several sprites appears possible. However, the number of sprites needed to explain the observed HO2 enhancements is unrealistically large. At least for the lower measurement tangent heights, the production mechanism of HO2 predicted by the model might contribute to the observed enhancements.
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    Investigating the Mutagenicity of a Cold Argon-Plasma Jet in an HET-MN Model
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2016) Kluge, Susanne; Bekeschus, Sander; Bender, Claudia; Benkhai, Hicham; Sckell, Axel; Below, Harald; Stope, Matthias B.; Kramer, Axel; Yousfi, Mohammed
    Objective: So-called cold physical plasmas for biomedical applications generate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and the latter can trigger DNA damage at high concentrations. Therefore, the mutagenic risks of a certified atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet (kINPen MED) and its predecessor model (kINPen 09) were assessed. Methods: Inner egg membranes of fertilized chicken eggs received a single treatment with either the kINPen 09 (1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 min) or the kINPen MED (3, 4, 5, or 10 min). After three days of incubation, blood smears (panoptic May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain) were performed, and 1000 erythrocytes per egg were evaluated for the presence of polychromatic and normochromic nuclear staining as well as nuclear aberrations and binucleated cells (hen’s egg test for micronuclei induction, HET-MN). At the same time, the embryo mortality was documented. For each experiment, positive controls (cyclophosphamide and methotrexate) and negative controls (NaCl-solution, argon gas) were included. Additionally, the antioxidant potential of the blood plasma was assessed by ascorbic acid oxidation assay after treatment. Results: For both plasma sources, there was no evidence of genotoxicity, although at the longest plasma exposure time of 10 min the mortality of the embryos exceeded 40%. The antioxidant potential in the egg’s blood plasma was not significantly reduced immediately (p = 0.32) or 1 h (p = 0.19) post exposure to cold plasma. Conclusion: The longest plasma treatment time with the kINPen MED was 5–10 fold above the recommended limit for treatment of chronic wounds in clinics. We did not find mutagenic effects for any plasma treatment time using the either kINPen 09 or kINPen MED. The data provided with the current study seem to confirm the lack of a genotoxic potential suggesting that a veterinary or clinical application of these argon plasma jets does not pose mutagenic risks.
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    Efficiency of plasma-processed air for biological decontamination of crop seeds on the premise of unimpaired seed germination
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Interscience, 2021) Wannicke, Nicola; Wagner, Robert; Stachowiak, Joerg; Nishime, Thalita M.C.; Ehlbeck, Joerg; Weltmann, Klaus‐Dieter; Brust, Henrike
    In this study, the antimicrobial effect of plasma-processed air (PPA) generated by a microwave-induced nonthermal plasma was investigated for preharvest utilization using three crop species: Barley, rape, and lupine. Bacillus atrophaeus spores were chosen as a model, inoculated onto seeds, and subsequently treated with PPA at two different flow rates, different filling regimes, and gas exposure times. PPA treatment was efficient in reducing viable spores of B. atrophaeus, reaching sporicidal effects in all species at certain parameter combinations. Maximum germination of seeds was strongly reduced in barley and rape seeds at some parameter combination, whereas it had a modest effect on lupine seeds. Seed hydrophilicity was not altered. Overall, PPA investigated in this study proved suitable for preharvest applications.
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    Verified modeling of a low pressure hydrogen plasma generated by electron cyclotron resonance
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2022) Sigeneger, F.; Ellis, J.; Harhausen, J.; Lang, N.; van Helden, J.H.
    A self-consistent fluid model has been successfully developed and employed to model an electron cyclotron resonance driven hydrogen plasma at low pressure. This model has enabled key insights to be made on the mutual interaction of microwave propagation, power density, plasma generation, and species transport at conditions where the critical plasma density is exceeded. The model has been verified by two experimental methods. Good agreement with the ion current density and floating potential—as measured by a retarding energy field analyzer—and excellent agreement with the atomic hydrogen density—as measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence—enables a high level of confidence in the validity of the simulation.
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    Redox Stimulation of Human THP-1 Monocytes in Response to Cold Physical Plasma
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2015) Bekeschus, Sander; Schmidt, Anke; Bethge, Lydia; Masur, Kai; von Woedtke, Thomas; Hasse, Sybille; Wende, Kristian
    In plasma medicine, cold physical plasma delivers a delicate mixture of reactive components to cells and tissues. Recent studies suggested a beneficial role of cold plasma in wound healing. Yet, the biological processes related to the redox modulation via plasma are not fully understood. We here used the monocytic cell line THP-1 as a model to test their response to cold plasma in vitro. Intriguingly, short term plasma treatment stimulated cell growth. Longer exposure only modestly compromised cell viability but apparently supported the growth of cells that were enlarged in size and that showed enhanced metabolic activity. A significantly increased mitochondrial content in plasma treated cells supported this notion. On THP-1 cell proteome level, we identified an increase of protein translation with key regulatory proteins being involved in redox regulation (hypoxia inducible factor 2α), differentiation (retinoic acid signaling and interferon inducible factors), and cell growth (Yin Yang 1). Regulation of inflammation is a key element in many chronic diseases, and we found a significantly increased expression of the anti-inflammatory heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX1) and of the neutrophil attractant chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8). Together, these results foster the view that cold physical plasma modulates the redox balance and inflammatory processes in wound related cells.
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    Enhancing surface production of negative ions using nitrogen doped diamond in a deuterium plasma
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Smith, Gregory J.; Ellis, James; Moussaoui, Roba; Pardanaud, Cédric; Martin, Céline; Achard, Jocelyn; Issaoui, Riadh; Gans, Timo; Dedrick, James P.; Cartry, Gilles
    The production of negative ions is of significant interest for applications including mass spectrometry, particle acceleration, material surface processing, and neutral beam injection for magnetic confinement fusion. Methods to improve the efficiency of the surface production of negative ions, without the use of low work function metals, are of interest for mitigating the complex engineering challenges these materials introduce. In this study we investigate the production of negative ions by doping diamond with nitrogen. Negatively biased (-20 V or-130 V), nitrogen doped micro-crystalline diamond films are introduced to a low pressure deuterium plasma (helicon source operated in capacitive mode, 2 Pa, 26 W) and negative ion energy distribution functions are measured via mass spectrometry with respect to the surface temperature (30 °C to 750 °C) and dopant concentration. The results suggest that nitrogen doping has little influence on the yield when the sample is biased at-130 V, but when a relatively small bias voltage of-20 V is applied the yield is increased by a factor of 2 above that of un-doped diamond when its temperature reaches 550 °C. The doping of diamond with nitrogen is a new method for controlling the surface production of negative ions, which continues to be of significant interest for a wide variety of practical applications. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Recent advances in nano-photonic techniques for pharmaceutical drug monitoring with emphasis on Raman spectroscopy
    (Berlin : de Gruyter, 2019) Frosch, Timea; Knebl, Andreas; Frosch, Torsten
    Innovations in Raman spectroscopic techniques provide a potential solution to current problems in pharmaceutical drug monitoring. This review aims to summarize the recent advances in the field. The developments of novel plasmonic nanoparticles continuously push the limits of Raman spectroscopic detection. In surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), these particles are used for the strong local enhancement of Raman signals from pharmaceutical drugs. SERS is increasingly applied for forensic trace detection and for therapeutic drug monitoring. In combination with spatially offset Raman spectroscopy, further application fields could be addressed, e.g. in situ pharmaceutical quality testing through the packaging. Raman optical activity, which enables the thorough analysis of specific chiral properties of drugs, can also be combined with SERS for signal enhancement. Besides SERS, micro- and nano-structured optical hollow fibers enable a versatile approach for Raman signal enhancement of pharmaceuticals. Within the fiber, the volume of interaction between drug molecules and laser light is increased compared with conventional methods. Advances in fiber-enhanced Raman spectroscopy point at the high potential for continuous online drug monitoring in clinical therapeutic diagnosis. Furthermore, fiber-array based non-invasive Raman spectroscopic chemical imaging of tablets might find application in the detection of substandard and counterfeit drugs. The discussed techniques are promising and might soon find widespread application for the detection and monitoring of drugs in various fields.
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    Proteomic Changes of Tissue-Tolerable Plasma Treated Airway Epithelial Cells and Their Relation to Wound Healing
    (New York [u.a.] : Hindawi, 2015) Lendeckel, Derik; Eymann, Christine; Emicke, Philipp; Daeschlein, Georg; Darm, Katrin; O'Neil, Serena; Beule, Achim G; von Woedtke, Thomas; Völker, Uwe; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Jünger, Michael; Hosemann, Werner; Scharf, Christian
    Background. The worldwide increasing number of patients suffering from nonhealing wounds requires the development of new safe strategies for wound repair. Recent studies suggest the possibility of nonthermal (cold) plasma application for the acceleration of wound closure. Methods. An in vitro wound healing model with upper airway S9 epithelial cells was established to determine the macroscopically optimal dosage of tissue-tolerable plasma (TTP) for wound regeneration, while a 2D-difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) approach was used to quantify the proteomic changes in a hypothesis-free manner and to evaluate the balance of beneficial and adverse effects due to TTP application. Results. Plasma doses from 30 s up to 360 s were tested in relation to wound closure after 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h, in which lower doses (30, 60, and 120 s) resulted in dose-dependent improved wound healing rate compared to untreated cells. Thereby, the 120 s dose caused significantly the best wound healing properties after 96 and 120 h. The proteome analysis combined with IPA revealed that a lot of affected stress adaptation responses are linked to oxidative stress response emphasizing oxidative stress as a possible key event in the regeneration process of epithelial cells as well as in the adaptation to plasma exposure. Further cellular and molecular functions like proliferation and apoptosis were significantly up- or downregulated by all TTP treatments but mostly by the 120 s dose. Conclusions. For the first time, we were able to show plasma effects on cellular adaptation of upper airway epithelial S9 cells improving wound healing. This is of particular interest for plasma application, for example, in the surgery field of otorhinolaryngology or internal medicine.
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    Terahertz pulse generation by two-color laser fields with circular polarization
    ([London] : IOP, 2020) Tailliez, C.; Stathopulos, A.; Skupin, S.; Buožius, D.; Babushkin, T.; Vaičaitis, I.; Bergé, L.
    We study the influence of the polarization states of ionizing femtosecond two-color pulses on the emitted terahertz radiation in gases. A local-current model and plane-wave evaluations justify the previously-reported impact on the THz energy yield and a (almost) linearly-polarized THz field when using circularly-polarized laser harmonics. For such pump pulses, the THz yield is independent of the relative phase between the two colors. When the pump pulses have same helicity, the increase in the THz yield is associated with longer ionization sequences and higher electron transverse momenta acquired in the driving field. Reversely, for two color pulses with opposite helicity, the dramatic loss of THz power comes from destructive interferences driven by the highly symmetric response of the photocurrents lined up on the third harmonic of the fundamental pulse. While our experiments confirm an increased THz yield for circularly-polarized pumps of same helicity, surprisingly, the emitted THz radiation is not linearly-polarized. This effect is explained by means of comprehensive 3D numerical simulations highlighting the role of the spatial alignment and non-collinear propagation of the two colors. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    Ageing-associated small RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles
    (Philadelphia, Pa. : Taylor & Francis, 2023) Kern, Fabian; Kuhn, Thomas; Ludwig, Nicole; Simon, Martin; Gröger, Laura; Fabis, Natalie; Aparicio-Puerta, Ernesto; Salhab, Abdulrahman; Fehlmann, Tobias; Hahn, Oliver; Engel, Annika; Wagner, Viktoria; Koch, Marcus; Winek, Katarzyna; Soreq, Hermona; Nazarenko, Irina; Fuhrmann, Gregor; Wyss-Coray, Tony; Meese, Eckart; Keller, Verena; Laschke, Matthias W.; Keller, Andreas
    Previous work on murine models and humans demonstrated global as well as tissue-specific molecular ageing trajectories of RNAs. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane vesicles mediating the horizontal transfer of genetic information between different tissues. We sequenced small regulatory RNAs (sncRNAs) in two mouse plasma fractions at five time points across the lifespan from 2–18 months: (1) sncRNAs that are free-circulating (fc-RNA) and (2) sncRNAs bound outside or inside EVs (EV-RNA). Different sncRNA classes exhibit unique ageing patterns that vary between the fcRNA and EV-RNA fractions. While tRNAs showed the highest correlation with ageing in both fractions, rRNAs exhibited inverse correlation trajectories between the EV- and fc-fractions. For miRNAs, the EV-RNA fraction was exceptionally strongly associated with ageing, especially the miR-29 family in adipose tissues. Sequencing of sncRNAs and coding genes in fat tissue of an independent cohort of aged mice up to 27 months highlighted the pivotal role of miR-29a-3p and miR-29b-3p in ageing-related gene regulation that we validated in a third cohort by RT-qPCR.