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    Self-assembly of Co/Pt stripes with current-induced domain wall motion towards 3D racetrack devices
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2024) Fedorov, Pavel; Soldatov, Ivan; Neu, Volker; Schäfer, Rudolf; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Karnaushenko, Daniil
    Modification of the magnetic properties under the induced strain and curvature is a promising avenue to build three-dimensional magnetic devices, based on the domain wall motion. So far, most of the studies with 3D magnetic structures were performed in the helixes and nanowires, mainly with stationary domain walls. In this study, we demonstrate the impact of 3D geometry, strain and curvature on the current-induced domain wall motion and spin-orbital torque efficiency in the heterostructure, realized via a self-assembly rolling technique on a polymeric platform. We introduce a complete 3D memory unit with write, read and store functionality, all based on the field-free domain wall motion. Additionally, we conducted a comparative analysis between 2D and 3D structures, particularly addressing the influence of heat during the electric current pulse sequences. Finally, we demonstrated a remarkable increase of 30% in spin-torque efficiency in 3D configuration.
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    The multi-photon induced Fano effect
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2021) Litvinenko, K.L.; Le, Nguyen H.; Redlich, B.; Pidgeon, C.R.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Andreev, Y.; Huang, Zhiming; Murdin, B.N.
    The ordinary Fano effect occurs in many-electron atoms and requires an autoionizing state. With such a state, photo-ionization may proceed via pathways that interfere, and the characteristic asymmetric resonance structures appear in the continuum. Here we demonstrate that Fano structure may also be induced without need of auto-ionization, by dressing the continuum with an ordinary bound state in any atom by a coupling laser. Using multi-photon processes gives complete, ultra-fast control over the interference. We show that a line-shape index q near unity (maximum asymmetry) may be produced in hydrogenic silicon donors with a relatively weak beam. Since the Fano lineshape has both constructive and destructive interference, the laser control opens the possibility of state-selective detection with enhancement on one side of resonance and invisibility on the other. We discuss a variety of atomic and molecular spectroscopies, and in the case of silicon donors we provide a calculation for a qubit readout application.
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    Anharmonic strong-coupling effects at the origin of the charge density wave in CsV3Sb5
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2024) He, Ge; Peis, Leander; Cuddy, Emma Frances; Zhao, Zhen; Li, Dong; Zhang, Yuhang; Stumberger, Romona; Moritz, Brian; Yang, Haitao; Gao, Hongjun; Devereaux, Thomas Peter; Hackl, Rudi
    The formation of charge density waves is a long-standing open problem, particularly in dimensions higher than one. Various observations in the vanadium antimonides discovered recently further underpin this notion. Here, we study the Kagome metal CsV3Sb5 using polarized inelastic light scattering and density functional theory calculations. We observe a significant gap anisotropy with 2Δmax/kBTCDW≈20, far beyond the prediction of mean-field theory. The analysis of the A1g and E2g phonons, including those emerging below TCDW, indicates strong phonon-phonon coupling, presumably mediated by a strong electron-phonon interaction. Similarly, the asymmetric Fano-type lineshape of the A1g amplitude mode suggests strong electron-phonon coupling below TCDW. The large electronic gap, the enhanced anharmonic phonon-phonon coupling, and the Fano shape of the amplitude mode combined are more supportive of a strong-coupling phonon-driven charge density wave transition than of a Fermi surface instability or an exotic mechanism in CsV3Sb5.
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    Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid behavior and spinon confinement in YbAlO 3
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Wu, L.S.; Nikitin, S.E.; Wang, Z.; Zhu, W.; Batista, C.D.; Tsvelik, A.M.; Samarakoon, A.M.; Tennant, D.A.; Brando, M.; Vasylechko, L.; Frontzek, M.; Savici, A.T.; Sala, G.; Ehlers, G.; Christianson, A.D.; Lumsden, M.D.; Podlesnyak, A.
    Low dimensional quantum magnets are interesting because of the emerging collective behavior arising from strong quantum fluctuations. The one-dimensional (1D) S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is a paradigmatic example, whose low-energy excitations, known as spinons, carry fractional spin S = 1/2. These fractional modes can be reconfined by the application of a staggered magnetic field. Even though considerable progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of such magnets, experimental realizations of this low-dimensional physics are relatively rare. This is particularly true for rare-earth-based magnets because of the large effective spin anisotropy induced by the combination of strong spin–orbit coupling and crystal field splitting. Here, we demonstrate that the rare-earth perovskite YbAlO3 provides a realization of a quantum spin S = 1/2 chain material exhibiting both quantum critical Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid behavior and spinon confinement–deconfinement transitions in different regions of magnetic field–temperature phase diagram.
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    Thermoelectric Properties of Novel Semimetals: A Case Study of YbMnSb2
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Pan, Yu; Fan, Feng-Ren; Hong, Xiaochen; He, Bin; Le, Congcong; Schnelle, Walter; He, Yangkun; Imasato, Kazuki; Borrmann, Horst; Hess, Christian; Büchner, Bernd; Sun, Yan; Fu, Chenguang; Snyder, G. Jeffrey; Felser, Claudia
    The emerging class of topological materials provides a platform to engineer exotic electronic structures for a variety of applications. As complex band structures and Fermi surfaces can directly benefit thermoelectric performance it is important to identify the role of featured topological bands in thermoelectrics particularly when there are coexisting classic regular bands. In this work, the contribution of Dirac bands to thermoelectric performance and their ability to concurrently achieve large thermopower and low resistivity in novel semimetals is investigated. By examining the YbMnSb2 nodal line semimetal as an example, the Dirac bands appear to provide a low resistivity along the direction in which they are highly dispersive. Moreover, because of the regular-band-provided density of states, a large Seebeck coefficient over 160 µV K−1 at 300 K is achieved in both directions, which is very high for a semimetal with high carrier concentration. The combined highly dispersive Dirac and regular bands lead to ten times increase in power factor, reaching a value of 2.1 mW m−1 K−2 at 300 K. The present work highlights the potential of such novel semimetals for unusual electronic transport properties and guides strategies towards high thermoelectric performance. © 2020 The Authors. Advanced Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Self-assembly as a tool to study microscale curvature and strain-dependent magnetic properties
    (London : Springer Nature, 2022) Singh, Balram; Otálora, Jorge. A.; Kang, Tong H.; Soldatov, Ivan; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Becker, Christian; Schäfer, Rudolf; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Neu, Volker; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    The extension of 2D ferromagnetic structures into 3D curved geometry enables to tune its magnetic properties such as uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Tuning the anisotropy with strain and curvature has become a promising ingredient in modern electronics, such as flexible and stretchable magnetoelectronic devices, impedance-based field sensors, and strain gauges, however, has been limited to extended thin films and to only moderate bending. By applying a self-assembly rolling technique using a polymeric platform, we provide a template that allows homogeneous and controlled bending of a functional layer adhered to it, irrespective of its shape and size. This is an intriguing possibility to tailor the sign and magnitude of the surface strain of integrated, micron-sized devices. In this article, the impact of strain and curvature on the magnetic ground state and anisotropy is quantified for thin-film Permalloy micro-scale structures, fabricated on the surface of the tubular architectures, using solely electrical measurements.
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    Directed exciton transport highways in organic semiconductors
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2023) Müller, Kai; Schellhammer, Karl S.; Gräßler, Nico; Debnath, Bipasha; Liu, Fupin; Krupskaya, Yulia; Leo, Karl; Knupfer, Martin; Ortmann, Frank
    Exciton bandwidths and exciton transport are difficult to control by material design. We showcase the intriguing excitonic properties in an organic semiconductor material with specifically tailored functional groups, in which extremely broad exciton bands in the near-infrared-visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum are observed by electron energy loss spectroscopy and theoretically explained by a close contact between tightly packing molecules and by their strong interactions. This is induced by the donor–acceptor type molecular structure and its resulting crystal packing, which induces a remarkable anisotropy that should lead to a strongly directed transport of excitons. The observations and detailed understanding of the results yield blueprints for the design of molecular structures in which similar molecular features might be used to further explore the tunability of excitonic bands and pave a way for organic materials with strongly enhanced transport and built-in control of the propagation direction.
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    A numerical sensitivity study of how permeability, porosity, geological structure, and hydraulic gradient control the lifetime of a geothermal reservoir
    (Göttingen : Copernicus Publ., 2019) Bauer, Johanna F.; Krumbholz, Michael; Luijendijk, Elco; Tanner, David C.
    Geothermal energy is an important and sustainable resource that has more potential than is currently utilized. Whether or not a deep geothermal resource can be exploited, mostly depends on, besides temperature, the utilizable reservoir volume over time, which in turn largely depends on petrophysical parameters. We show, using over 1000 (n=1027) 4-D finite-element models of a simple geothermal doublet, that the lifetime of a reservoir is a complex function of its geological parameters, their heterogeneity, and the background hydraulic gradient (BHG). In our models, we test the effects of porosity, permeability, and BHG in an isotropic medium. Furthermore, we simulate the effect of permeability contrast and anisotropy induced by layering, fractures, and a fault. We quantify the lifetime of the reservoir by measuring the time to thermal breakthrough, i.e. how many years pass before the temperature of the produced fluid falls below the 100 ∘C threshold. The results of our sensitivity study attest to the positive effect of high porosity; however, high permeability and BHG can combine to outperform the former. Particular configurations of all the parameters can cause either early thermal breakthrough or extreme longevity of the reservoir. For example, the presence of high-permeability fractures, e.g. in a fault damage zone, can provide initially high yields, but it channels fluid flow and therefore dramatically restricts the exploitable reservoir volume. We demonstrate that the magnitude and orientation of the BHG, provided permeability is sufficiently high, are the prime parameters that affect the lifetime of a reservoir. Our numerical experiments show also that BHGs (low and high) can be outperformed by comparatively small variations in permeability contrast (103) and fracture-induced permeability anisotropy (101) that thus strongly affect the performance of geothermal reservoirs.