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    Temporal Role Annotation for Named Entities
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2018) Koutraki, Maria; Bakhshandegan-Moghaddam, Farshad; Sack, Harald; Fensel, Anna; de Boer, Victor; Pellegrini, Tassilo; Kiesling, Elmar; Haslhofer, Bernhard; Hollink, Laura; Schindler, Alexander
    Natural language understanding tasks are key to extracting structured and semantic information from text. One of the most challenging problems in natural language is ambiguity and resolving such ambiguity based on context including temporal information. This paper, focuses on the task of extracting temporal roles from text, e.g. CEO of an organization or head of a state. A temporal role has a domain, which may resolve to different entities depending on the context and especially on temporal information, e.g. CEO of Microsoft in 2000. We focus on the temporal role extraction, as a precursor for temporal role disambiguation. We propose a structured prediction approach based on Conditional Random Fields (CRF) to annotate temporal roles in text and rely on a rich feature set, which extracts syntactic and semantic information from text. We perform an extensive evaluation of our approach based on two datasets. In the first dataset, we extract nearly 400k instances from Wikipedia through distant supervision, whereas in the second dataset, a manually curated ground-truth consisting of 200 instances is extracted from a sample of The New York Times (NYT) articles. Last, the proposed approach is compared against baselines where significant improvements are shown for both datasets.
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    The Research Core Dataset (KDSF) in the Linked Data context
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2019) Walther, Tatiana; Hauschke, Christian; Kasprzik, Anna; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Simons, Ed; Clements, Anna; de Castro, Pablo; Bergström, Johan
    This paper describes our efforts to implement the Research Core Dataset (“Kerndatensatz Forschung”; KDSF) as an ontology in VIVO. KDSF is used in VIVO to record the required metadata on incoming data and to produce reports as an output. While both processes need an elaborate adaptation of the KDSF specification, this paper focusses on the adaptation of the KDSF basic data model for recording data in VIVO. In this context, the VIVO and KDSF ontologies were compared with respect to domain, syntax, structure, and granularity in order to identify correspondences and mismatches. To produce an alignment, different matching approaches have been applied. Furthermore, we made necessary modifications and extensions on KDSF classes and properties.
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    Evaluation of Expert Reports to Quantify the Exploration Risk for Geothermal Projects in Germany
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2015) Ganz, Britta; Ask, Maria; Hangx, Suzanne; Bruckman, Viktor; Kühn, Michael
    The development of deep geothermal energy sources in Germany still faces many uncertainties and high upfront investment costs. Methodical approaches to assess the exploration risk are thus of major importance for geothermal project development. Since 2002, expert reports to quantify the exploration risk for geothermal projects in Germany were carried out. These reports served as a basis for insurance contracts covering the exploration risk. Using data from wells drilled in the meantime, the reports were evaluated and the stated probabilities compared with values actually reached.
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    SemSur: A Core Ontology for the Semantic Representation of Research Findings
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2018) Fathalla, Said; Vahdati, Sahar; Auer, Sören; Lange, Christoph; Fensel, Anna; de Boer, Victor; Pellegrini, Tassilo; Kiesling, Elmar; Haslhofer, Bernhard; Hollink, Laura; Schindler, Alexander
    The way how research is communicated using text publications has not changed much over the past decades. We have the vision that ultimately researchers will work on a common structured knowledge base comprising comprehensive semantic and machine-comprehensible descriptions of their research, thus making research contributions more transparent and comparable. We present the SemSur ontology for semantically capturing the information commonly found in survey and review articles. SemSur is able to represent scientific results and to publish them in a comprehensive knowledge graph, which provides an efficient overview of a research field, and to compare research findings with related works in a structured way, thus saving researchers a significant amount of time and effort. The new release of SemSur covers more domains, defines better alignment with external ontologies and rules for eliciting implicit knowledge. We discuss possible applications and present an evaluation of our approach with the retrospective, exemplary semantification of a survey. We demonstrate the utility of the SemSur ontology to answer queries about the different research contributions covered by the survey. SemSur is currently used and maintained at
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    Deep Geothermal Energy for Lower Saxony (North Germany) – Combined Investigations of Geothermal Reservoir Characteristics
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2014) Hahne, Barbara; Thomas, Rüdiger; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Hangx, Suzanne; Ask, Maria
    For the economic success of a geothermal project the hydraulic properties and temperature of the geothermal reservoir are crucial. New methodologies in seismics, geoelectrics and reservoir geology are tested within the frame of the collaborative research programme “Geothermal Energy and High-Performance Drilling” (gebo). Within nine geoscientific projects, tools were developed that help in the evaluation and interpretation of acquired data. Special emphasis is placed on the investigation of rock properties, on the development of early reservoir assessment even during drilling, and on the interaction between the drilling devices and the reservoir formation. The propagation of fractures and the transport of fluid and heat within the regional stress field are investigated using different approaches (field studies, seismic monitoring, multi-parameter modelling). Geologic structural models have been created for simulation of the local stress field and hydromechanical processes. Furthermore, a comprehensive dataset of hydrogeochemical environments was collected allowing characterisation and hydrogeochemical modelling of the reservoir.
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    Modelling the Surface Heat Flow Distribution in the Area of Brandenburg (Northern Germany)
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2013) Cacace, Mauro; Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena; Noack, Vera; Cherubini, Yvonne; Schellschmidt, Rüdiger; Kühn, Michael; Juhlin, Christopher; Held, Hermann; Bruckman, Viktor; Tambach, Tim; Kempka, Thomas
    A lithosphere scale geological model has been used to determine the surface heat flow component due to conductive heat transport for the area of Brandenburg. The modelling results have been constrained by a direct comparison with available heat flow measurements. The calculated heat flow captures the regional trend in the surface heat flow distribution which can be related to existing thermal conductivity variations between the different sedimentary units. An additional advective component due to topography induced regional flow and focused flow within major fault zones should be considered to explain the spatial variation observed in the surface heat flow.
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    Carrier Lifetime in Liquid-phase Crystallized Silicon on Glass
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2016) Vetter, Michael; Gawlik, Annett; Plentz, Jonathan; Andrä, Gudrun; Ribeyron, Pierre-Jean; Cuevas, Andres; Weeber, Arthur; Ballif, Christophe; Glunz, Stefan; Poortmans, Jef; Brendel, Rolf; Aberle, Armin; Sinton, Ron; Verlinden, Pierre; Hahn, Giso
    Liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass (LPCSG) presents a promising material to fabricate high quality silicon thin films, e.g. for solar cells and modules. Barrier layers and a doped amorphous silicon layer are deposited on the glass substrate followed by crystallization with a line focus laser beam. In this paper we introduce injection level dependent lifetime measurements generated by the quasi steady-state photoconductance decay method (QSSPC) to characterize LPCSG absorbers. This contactless method allows a determination of the LPCSG absorber quality already at an early stage of solar cell fabrication, and provides a monitoring of the absorber quality during the solar cell fabrication steps. We found minority carrier lifetimes higher than 200ns in our layers (e.g. n-type absorber with ND=2x1015cm-3) indicating a surface recombination velocity SBL<3000cm/s at the barrier layer/Si interface.
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    Laser-Induced front Side Etching: An Easy and Fast Method for Sub-μm Structuring of Dielectrics
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2012) Lorenz, P.; Ehrhardt, M.; Zimmer, K.
    Laser-induced front side etching (LIFE) is a method for the nanometer-precision structuring of dielectrics, e.g. fused silica, using thin metallic as well as organic absorber layer attached to the laser-irradiated front side of the sample. As laser source an excimer laser with a wavelength of 248 nm and an pulse duration of 25 ns was used. For sub-μm patterning a phase mask illuminated by the top hat laser beam was projected by a Schwarzschild objective. The LIFE process allows the fabrication of well-defined and smooth surface structures with sub-μm lateral etching regions (Δx < 350 nm) and vertical etching depths from 1 nm to sub-mm.
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    Measurements of Streams Agitated by Fluid Loaded SAW-devices Using a Volumetric 3-component Measurement Technique (V3V)
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2015) Kiebert, Florian; König, Jörg; Kykal, Carsten; Schmidt, Hagen
    Utilizing surface acoustic waves (SAW) to induce tailored fluid motion via the acoustic streaming requires detailed knowledge about the acoustic bulk wave excitation. For the first time, the Defocus Digital Particle Image Velocimetry is used to measure the fluid motion originating from a fluid loaded SAW-device. With this flow measurement technique, the acoustic streaming-induced fluid motion can be observed volumetrically, which is attractive not only for application, but also for simulation in order to gain deeper insights regarding three-dimensional acoustic effects.
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    Laser structuring of thin layers for flexible electronics by a shock wave-induced delamination process
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2014) Lorenz, P.; Ehrhardt, M.; Zimmer, K.
    The defect-free laser-assisted structuring of thin films on flexible substrates is a challenge for laser methods. However, solving this problem exhibits an outstanding potential for a pioneering development of flexible electronics. Thereby, the laser-assisted delamination method has a great application potential. At the delamination process: the localized removal of the layer is induced by a shock wave which is produced by a laser ablation process on the rear side of the substrate. In this study, the thin-film patterning process is investigated for different polymer substrates dependent on the material and laser parameters using a KrF excimer laser. The resultant structures were studied by optical microscopy and white light interferometry (WLI). The delamination process was tested at different samples (indium tin oxide (ITO) on polyethylene terephthalate (PET), epoxy-based negative photoresist (SU8) on polyimide (PI) and indium tin oxide/copper indium gallium selenide/molybdenum (ITO/CIGS/Mo) on PI.