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A highly flexible and compact magnetoresistive analytic device
2014, Lin, G., Makarov, D., Melzer, M., Si, W., Yan, C., Schmidt, O.G.
A grand vision of realization of smart and compact multifunctional microfluidic devices for wearable health monitoring, environment sensing and point-of-care tests emerged with the fast development of flexible electronics. As a vital component towards this vision, magnetic functionality in flexible fluidics is still missing although demanded by the broad utility of magnetic nanoparticles in medicine and biology. Here, we demonstrate the first flexible microfluidic analytic device with integrated high-performance giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensors. This device can be bent to a radius of 2 mm while still retaining its full performance. Various dimensions of magnetic emulsion droplets can be probed with high precision using a limit of detection of 0.5 pl, providing broad applicability in high-throughput droplet screening, flow cytometry and drug development. The flexible feature of this analytic device holds great promise in the realization of wearable, implantable multifunctional platforms for biomedical, pharmaceutical and chemical applications.
Probing molecular interaction in ionic liquids by low frequency spectroscopy: Coulomb energy, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces
2014, Fumino, K., Reimann, S., Ludwig, R.
Ionic liquids are defined as salts composed solely of ions with melting points below 100 °C. These remarkable liquids have unique and fascinating properties and offer new opportunities for science and technology. New combinations of ions provide changing physical properties and thus novel potential applications for this class of liquid materials. To a large extent, the structure and properties of ionic liquids are determined by the intermolecular interaction between anions and cations. In this perspective we show that far infrared and terahertz spectroscopy are suitable methods for studying the cation-anion interaction in these Coulomb fluids. The interpretation of the measured low frequency spectra is supported by density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. We present results for selected aprotic and protic ionic liquids and their mixtures with molecular solvents. In particular, we focus on the strength and type of intermolecular interaction and how both parameters are influenced by the character of the ions and their combinations. We show that the total interaction between cations and anions is a result of a subtle balance between Coulomb forces, hydrogen bonds and dispersion forces. For protic ionic liquids we could measure distinct vibrational modes in the low frequency spectra indicating clearly the cation-anion interaction characterized by linear and medium to strong hydrogen bonds. Using isotopic substitution we have been able to dissect frequency shifts related to pure interaction strength between cations and anions and to different reduced masses only. In this context we also show how these different types of interaction may influence the physical properties of ionic liquids such as the melting point, viscosity or enthalpy of vaporization. Furthermore we demonstrate that low frequency spectroscopy can also be used for studying ion speciation. Low vibrational features can be assigned to contact ion pairs and solvent separated ion pairs. In conclusion we showed how detailed knowledge of the low frequency spectra can be used to understand the change in interaction strength and structure by variation of temperature, solvent polarity and solvent concentration in ionic liquids and their mixtures with molecular solvents. In principle the used combination of methods is suitable for studying intermolecular interaction in pure molecular liquids and their solutions including additive materials such as nanoparticles.
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of adenine and adenosine in aqueous solution
2013, Buchner, F., Ritze, H.-H., Lahl, J., Lübcke, A.
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is applied to study the excited state dynamics of the DNA base adenine and its ribonucleoside adenosine in aqueous solution for pump and probe photon energies in the range between 4.66 eV and 5.21 eV. We follow the evolution of the prepared excited state on the potential energy surface and retrieve lifetimes of the S1 state under different excitation conditions.
Photoactive rolled-up TiO2 microtubes: Fabrication, characterization and applications
2014, Giudicatti, S., Marz, S.M., Soler, L., Madani, A., Jorgensen, M.R., Sanchez, S., Schmidt, O.G.
Because of its unique properties, titania (TiO2) represents a promising candidate in a wide variety of research fields. In this paper, some of the properties and potential applications of titania within rolled-up nanotechnology are explored. It is shown how the structural and optical properties of rolled titania microtubes can be controlled by properly tuning the microfabrication parameters. The rolling up of titania films on different sacrificial layers and containing different shapes, achieving a control on the diameter of the fabricated titania microtubes, is presented. In order to obtain the more photoactive crystalline form of titania, one during-fabrication and two post-fabrication methods are demonstrated. Interesting applications in the fields of photocatalysis and photonics are suggested: the use of titania rolled-up microtubes as micromotors and optical microresonators is presented.
Real-time image processing for label-free enrichment of Actinobacteria cultivated in picolitre droplets
2013, Zang, E., Brandes, S., Tovar, M., Martin, K., Mech, F., Horbert, P., Henkel, T., Figge, M.T., Roth, M.
The majority of today's antimicrobial therapeutics is derived from secondary metabolites produced by Actinobacteria. While it is generally assumed that less than 1% of Actinobacteria species from soil habitats have been cultivated so far, classic screening approaches fail to supply new substances, often due to limited throughput and frequent rediscovery of already known strains. To overcome these restrictions, we implement high-throughput cultivation of soil-derived Actinobacteria in microfluidic pL-droplets by generating more than 600000 pure cultures per hour from a spore suspension that can subsequently be incubated for days to weeks. Moreover, we introduce triggered imaging with real-time image-based droplet classification as a novel universal method for pL-droplet sorting. Growth-dependent droplet sorting at frequencies above 100 Hz is performed for label-free enrichment and extraction of microcultures. The combination of both cultivation of Actinobacteria in pL-droplets and real-time detection of growing Actinobacteria has great potential in screening for yet unknown species as well as their undiscovered natural products.
Competition between excited state proton and OH- transport via a short water wire: Solvent effects open the gate
2014, Bekçioǧlu, G., Allolio, C., Ekimova, M., Nibbering, E.T.J., Sebastiani, D.
We investigate the acid-base proton exchange reaction in a microsolvated bifunctional chromophore by means of quantum chemical calculations. The UV/vis spectroscopy shows that equilibrium of the keto-and enol-forms in the electronic ground state is shifted to the keto conformation in the excited state. A previously unknown mechanism involving a hydroxide ion transport along a short water wire is characterized energetically, which turns out to be competitive with the commonly assumed proton transport. Both mechanisms are shown to have a concerted character, as opposed to a step-wise mechanism. The alternative mechanism of a hydrogen atom transport is critically examined, and evidence for strong solvent dependence is presented. Specifically, we observe electrostatic destabilization of the corresponding πσ* state by the aqueous solvent. As a consequence, no conical intersections are found along the reaction pathway.
The influence of the Δk280 mutation and N- or C-terminal extensions on the structure, dynamics, and fibril morphology of the tau R2 repeat
2014, Raz, Y., Adler, J., Vogel, A., Scheidt, H.A., Häupl, T., Abel, B., Huster, D., Miller, Y.
Tau is a microtubule-associated protein and is involved in microtubule assembly and stabilization. It consists of four repeats that bind to the microtubule. The ΔK280 deletion mutation in the tau R2 repeat region is directly associated with the development of the frontotemporal dementia parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). This deletion mutation is known to accelerate tau R2 repeat aggregation. However, the secondary and the tertiary structures of the self-assembled ΔK280 tau R2 repeat mutant aggregates are still controversial. Moreover, it is unclear whether extensions by one residue in the N- or the C-terminus of this mutant can influence the secondary or the tertiary structure. Herein, we combine solid-state NMR, atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy and all-atom explicit molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the effects of the deletion mutation and the N- and the C-terminal extension of this mutant on the structure. Our main findings show that the deletion mutation induces the formation of small aggregates, such as oligomers, and reduces the formation of fibrils. However, the extensions in the N- or the C-terminus revealed more fibril formation than small aggregates. Further, in the deletion mutation only one structure is preferred, while the N- and the C-terminal extensions strongly lead to polymorphic states. Finally, our broad and combined experimental and computational techniques provide direct structural information regarding ΔK280 tau R2 repeat mutant aggregates and their extensions in the N- and C-terminii by one residue.
Electronic structure and morphology of dark oxides on zinc generated by electrochemical treatment
2013, Chen, Y., Schneider, P., Liu, B.-J., Borodin, S., Ren, B., Erbe, A.
Oxides formed by electrochemical treatment of metals frequently have properties and structures very different from the respective bulk oxides. Here, electronic structure and chemical composition were investigated for the oxide formed on polycrystalline zinc after electrochemical oxidation, and after subsequent reduction, in a Na2CO3 electrolyte. Photoluminescence and spectroscopic ellipsometry show the presence of states deep in the ZnO band gap in the oxidized sample, which consists of a highly disordered oxide. These states determine the absorption of light in the visible spectral range. After reduction, the characteristics of the ZnO electronic structure have disappeared, leaving a defect-dominated material with a band gap of ∼1.8 eV. Complementary detailed analysis of the morphology of the resulting surfaces shows hexagon-shaped metallic Zn-"nanoplates" to be formed in the reduction step. The optical appearance of the surfaces is dark, because of their efficient extinction of light over a large part of the visible spectrum. The optical appearance is a result of changed surface morphology and electronic structure of the oxide film. Such materials may possess interesting applications in photocatalysis or photoelectrochemistry.
Probing the dynamics of plasmon-excited hexanethiol-capped gold nanoparticles by picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy
2014, Zamponi, F., Penfold, T.J., Nachtegaal, M., Lübcke, A., Rittmann, J., Milne, C.J., Chergui, M., van Bokhoven, J.A.
Picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is used to investigate the electronic and structural dynamics initiated by plasmon excitation of 1.8 nm diameter Au nanoparticles (NPs) functionalised with 1-hexanethiol. We show that 100 ps after photoexcitation the transient XAS spectrum is consistent with an 8% expansion of the Au-Au bond length and a large increase in disorder associated with melting of the NPs. Recovery of the ground state occurs with a time constant of ∼1.8 ns, arising from thermalisation with the environment. Simulations reveal that the transient spectrum exhibits no signature of charge separation at 100 ps and allows us to estimate an upper limit for the quantum yield (QY) of this process to be <0.1.
Novel ruthenium-catalyst for hydroesterification of olefins with formates
2014, Profir, I., Beller, M., Fleischer, I.
An alternative ruthenium-based catalyst for the hydroesterification of olefins with formates is reported. The good activity of our system is ensured by the use of a bidentate P,N-ligand and ruthenium dodecacarbonyl. A range of formates can be used for selective alkoxycarbonylation of aromatic olefins. In addition, the synthesis of selected aliphatic esters is realized. The proposed active ruthenium complex has been isolated and characterized.