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- ItemCharacterization of self-modulated electron bunches in an argon plasma(Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018) Gross, M.; Lishilin, O.; Loisch, G.; Boonpornprasert, P.; Chen, Y.; Engel, J.; Good, J.; Huck, H.; Isaev, I.; Krasilnikov, M.; Li, X.; Niemczyk, R.; Oppelt, A.; Qian, H.; Renier, Y.; Stephan, F.; Zhao, Q.; Brinkmann, R.; Martinez de la Ossa, A.; Osterhoff, J.; Grüner, F.J.; Mehrling, T.; Schroeder, C.B.; Will, I.The self-modulation instability is fundamental for the plasma wakefield acceleration experiment of the AWAKE (Advanced Wakefield Experiment) collaboration at CERN where this effect is used to generate proton bunches for the resonant excitation of high acceleration fields. Utilizing the availability of flexible electron beam shaping together with excellent diagnostics including an RF deflector, a supporting experiment was set up at the electron accelerator PITZ (Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, Zeuthen site), given that the underlying physics is the same. After demonstrating the effect [1] the next goal is to investigate in detail the self-modulation of long (with respect to the plasma wavelength) electron beams. In this contribution we describe parameter studies on self-modulation of a long electron bunch in an argon plasma. The plasma was generated with a discharge cell with densities in the 1013 cm-3 to 1015 cm-3 range. The plasma density was deduced from the plasma wavelength as indicated by the self-modulation period. Parameter scans were conducted with variable plasma density and electron bunch focusing.
- ItemTailoring the stoichiometry of C3N4 nanosheets under electron beam irradiation(Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2021) Mendes, Rafael G.; Ta, Huy Q.; Yang, Xiaoqin; Bachmatiuk, Alicja; Praus, Petr; Mamakhel, Aref; Iversen, Bo B.; Su, Ren; Gemming, Thomas; Rümmeli, Mark H.Two-dimensional polymeric graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a low-cost material with versatile properties that can be enhanced by the introduction of dopant atoms and by changing the degree of polymerization/stoichiometry, which offers significant benefits for numerous applications. Herein, we investigate the stability of g-C3N4 under electron beam irradiation inside a transmission electron microscope operating at different electron acceleration voltages. Our findings indicate that the degradation of g-C3N4 occurs with N species preferentially removed over C species. However, the precise nitrogen group from which N is removed from g-C3N4 (C–N–C, [double bond, length as m-dash]NH or –NH2) is unclear. Moreover, the rate of degradation increases with decreasing electron acceleration voltage, suggesting that inelastic scattering events (radiolysis) dominate over elastic events (knock-on damage). The rate of degradation by removing N atoms is also sensitive to the current density. Hence, we demonstrate that both the electron acceleration voltage and the current density are parameters with which one can use to control the stoichiometry. Moreover, as N species were preferentially removed, the d-spacing of the carbon nitride structure increased. These findings provide a deeper understanding of g-C3N4.
- ItemPolymeric monolithic materials: Syntheses, properties, functionalization and applications(Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007) Buchmeiser, M.R.The synthetic particularities for the synthesis of polymer-based monolithic materials are summarized. In this context, monoliths prepared via thermal-, UV- or electron-beam triggered free radical polymerization, controlled TEMPO-mediated radical polymerization, polyaddition, polycondensation as well as living ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) will be covered. Particular attention is devoted to the aspects of controlling pore sizes, pore volumes and pore size distributions as well as functionalization of these supports. Finally, selected, recent applications in separation science, (bio-) catalysis and chip technology will be summarized. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- ItemMerging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Fabricate Artificial Photonic Nanomaterials with a Deterministic Electric and Magnetic Response(Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2020) Dietrich K.; Zilk M.; Steglich M.; Siefke T.; Hübner U.; Pertsch T.; Rockstuhl C.; Tünnermann A.; Kley E.-B.Artificial photonic nanomaterials made from densely packed scatterers are frequently realized either by top-down or bottom-up techniques. While top-down techniques offer unprecedented control over achievable geometries for the scatterers, by trend they suffer from being limited to planar and periodic structures. In contrast, materials fabricated with bottom-up techniques do not suffer from such disadvantages but, unfortunately, they offer only little control on achievable geometries for the scatterers. To overcome these limitations, a nanofabrication strategy is introduced that merges both approaches. A large number of scatterers are fabricated with a tailored optical response by fast character projection electron-beam lithography and are embedded into a membrane. By peeling-off this membrane from the substrate, scrambling, and densifying it, a bulk material comprising densely packed and randomly arranged scatterers is obtained. The fabrication of an isotropic material from these scatterers with a strong electric and magnetic response is demonstrated. The approach of this study unlocks novel opportunities to fabricate nanomaterials with a complex optical response in the bulk but also on top of arbitrarily shaped surfaces. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
- ItemAn electron beam profile instrument based on FBGs(Basel : MDPI AG, 2014) Sporea, D.; StÇŽncÇŽlie, A.; Becherescu, N.; Becker, M.; Rothhardt, M.Along with the dose rate and the total irradiation dose measurements, the knowledge of the beam localization and the beam profile/energy distribution in the beam are parameters of interest for charged particle accelerator installations when they are used in scientific investigations, industrial applications or medical treatments. The transverse profile of the beam, its position, its centroid location, and its focus or flatness depend on the instrument operating conditions or on the beam exit setup. Proof-of-concept of a new type of charged particle beam diagnostics based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) was demonstrated. Its operating principle relies on the measurement of the peak wavelength changes for an array of FBG sensors as function of the temperature following the exposure to an electron beam. Periodically, the sensor irradiation is stopped and the FBG are force cooled to a reference temperature with which the temperature influencing each sensor during beam exposure is compared. Commercially available FBGs, and FBGs written in radiation resistant optical fibers, were tested under electron beam irradiation in order to study their possible use in this application.
- ItemPhysical regimes of electrostatic wave-wave nonlinear interactions generated by an electron beam propagating in a background plasma(Melville, NY : AIP, 2022) Sun, Haomin; Chen, Jian; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Khrabrov, Alexander; Sydorenko, DmytroElectron-beam plasma interaction has long been a topic of great interest. Despite the success of the quasilinear and weak turbulence theories, their validities are limited by the requirements of a sufficiently dense mode spectrum and a small wave amplitude. In this paper, we extensively study the collective processes of a mono-energetic electron beam emitted from a thermionic cathode propagating through a cold plasma by performing high-resolution two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations and using analytical theories. We confirm that, during the initial stage of two-stream instability between the beam and background cold electrons, it is saturated due to the well-known wave-trapping mechanism. Further evolution occurs due to strong wave-wave nonlinear processes. We show that the beam-plasma interaction can be classified into four different physical regimes in the parameter space for the plasma and beam parameters. The differences between the regimes are analyzed in detail. We identify a new regime in the strong Langmuir turbulence featured by what we call electron modulational instability (EMI) that could create a local Langmuir wave packet growing faster than the ion plasma frequency. Ions do not have time to respond to EMI in the initial growing stage. On a longer timescale, the action of the ponderomotive force produces very strong ion density perturbations, and eventually, the beam-plasma wave interaction stops being resonant due to the strong ion density perturbations. Consequently, in this EMI regime, electron beam-plasma interaction occurs in a repetitive (intermittent) process. The beam electrons are strongly scattered by waves, and the Langmuir wave spectrum is significantly broadened, which in turn gives rise to strong heating of bulk electrons. Associated energy transfer from the beam to the background plasma electrons has been studied. A resulting kappa (κ) distribution and a wave-energy spectrum E2(k)∼k-5 are observed in the strong turbulent regime.