Nanographene-Based Heterojunctions for High-Performance Organic Phototransistor Memory Devices.


Organic phototransistors can enable many important applications such as nonvolatile memory, artificial synapses, and photodetectors in next-generation optical communication and wearable electronics. However, it is still a challenge to achieve a big memory window (threshold voltage response ∆V ) for phototransistors. Here, a nanographene-based heterojunction phototransistor memory with large ∆V responses is reported. Exposure to low intensity light (25.7 µW cm ) for 1 s yields a memory window of 35 V, and the threshold voltage shift is found to be larger than 140 V under continuous light illumination. The device exhibits both good photosensitivity (3.6 × 10 ) and memory properties including long retention time (>1.5 × 10  s), large hysteresis (45.35 V), and high endurance for voltage-erasing and light-programming. These findings demonstrate the high application potential of nanographenes in the field of optoelectronics. In addition, the working principle of these hybrid nanographene-organic structured heterojunction phototransistor memory devices is described which provides new insight into the design of high-performance organic phototransistor devices.

Bai, S., Yang, L., Haase, K., Wolansky, J., Zhang, Z., Tseng, H., et al. (2023). Nanographene-Based Heterojunctions for High-Performance Organic Phototransistor Memory Devices. (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH.
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