On the $L^p$-theory for second-order elliptic operators in divergence form with complex coefficients
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WIAS Preprints
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Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
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Given a complex, elliptic coefficient function we investigate for which values of p the corresponding second-order divergence form operator, complemented with Dirichlet, Neumann or mixed boundary conditions, generates a strongly continuous semigroup on Lp(Ω). Additional properties like analyticity of the semigroup, H∞-calculus and maximal regularity arealso discussed. Finally we prove a perturbation result for real coefficients that gives the whole range of p's for small imaginary parts of the coefficients. Our results are based on the recent notion of p-ellipticity, reverse Hölder inequalities and Gaussian estimates for the real coefficients.
ter Elst, A. F. M., Haller-Dintelmann, R., Rehberg, J., & Tolksdorf, P. (2019). On the $L^p$-theory for second-order elliptic operators in divergence form with complex coefficients (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik). Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik. https://doi.org//10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.2590
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