Optical and geometrical aerosol particle properties over the United Arab Emirates


One year of ground-based night-time Raman lidar observations has been analysed under the Optimization of Aerosol Seeding In rain enhancement Strategies (OASIS) project, in order to characterize the aerosol particle properties over a rural site in the United Arab Emirates. In total, 1130 aerosol particle layers were detected during the 1-year measurement campaign which took place between March 2018 and February 2019. Several subsequent aerosol layers could be observed simultaneously in the atmosphere up to 11 km. The observations indicate that the measurement site is a receptor of frequent dust events, but predominantly the dust is mixed with aerosols of anthropogenic and/or marine origin. The mean aerosol optical depth over the measurement site ranged at 0.37±0.12 and 0.21±0.11 for 355 and 532 nm, respectively. Moreover, mean lidar ratios of 43±11 sr at a wavelength of 355 nm and 39±10 sr at 532 nm were found. The average linear particle depolarization ratio measured over the course of the campaign was 15±6% and 19±7% at the 355 and 532 nm wavelengths, respectively. Since the region is both a source and a receptor of mineral dust, we have also explored the properties of Arabian mineral dust of the greater area of the United Arab of Emirates and the Arabian Peninsula. The observed Arabian dust particle properties were 45±5 (42±5) sr at 355 (532) nm for the lidar ratio, 25±2% (31±2 %) for the linear particle depolarization ratio at 355 (532) nm, and 0.3±0.2 (0.2±0.2) for the extinction-related Angstrom exponent (backscatterrelated Angstrom exponent) between 355 and 532 nm. This study is the first to report comprehensive optical properties of the Arabian dust particles based on 1-year long observations, using to their fullest the capabilities of a multi-wavelength Raman lidar instrument. The results suggest that the mineral dust properties over the Middle East and western Asia, including the observation site, are comparable to those of African mineral dust with regard to the particle depolarization ratios, but not for lidar ratios. The smaller lidar ratio values in this study compared to the reference studies are attributed to the difference in the geochemical characteristics of the soil originating in the study region compared to northern Africa. © 2020 Royal Society of Chemistry. All rights reserved.

Filioglou, M., Giannakaki, E., Backman, J., Kesti, J., Hirsikko, A., Engelmann, R., et al. (2020). Optical and geometrical aerosol particle properties over the United Arab Emirates (Katlenburg-Lindau : EGU). Katlenburg-Lindau : EGU. https://doi.org//10.5194/acp-20-8909-2020
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