Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration by attosecond-controlled forward rescattering in silver clusters


In the strong-field photoemission from atoms, molecules, and surfaces, the fastest electrons emerge from tunneling and subsequent field-driven recollision, followed by elastic backscattering. This rescattering picture is central to attosecond science and enables control of the electron's trajectory via the sub-cycle evolution of the laser electric field. Here we reveal a so far unexplored route for waveform-controlled electron acceleration emerging from forward rescattering in resonant plasmonic systems. We studied plasmon-enhanced photoemission from silver clusters and found that the directional acceleration can be controlled up to high kinetic energy with the relative phase of a two-color laser field. Our analysis reveals that the cluster's plasmonic near-field establishes a sub-cycle directional gate that enables the selective acceleration. The identified generic mechanism offers robust attosecond control of the electron acceleration at plasmonic nanostructures, opening perspectives for laser-based sources of attosecond electron pulses.

Passig, J., Zherebtsov, S., Irsig, R., Arbeiter, M., Peltz, C., Göde, S., et al. (2017). Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration by attosecond-controlled forward rescattering in silver clusters ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK). [London] : Nature Publishing Group UK.
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