Large pinning forces and matching effects in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films with Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 nano-precipitates


The addition of mixed double perovskite Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 (BYNTO) to YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) thin films leads to a large improvement of the in-field current carrying capability. For low deposition rates, BYNTO grows as well-oriented, densely distributed nanocolumns. We achieved a pinning force density of 25 GN/m3 at 77 K at a matching field of 2.3 T, which is among the highest values reported for YBCO. The anisotropy of the critical current density shows a complex behavior whereby additional maxima are developed at field dependent angles. This is caused by a matching effect of the magnetic fields c-axis component. The exponent N of the current-voltage characteristics (inversely proportional to the creep rate S) allows the depinning mechanism to be determined. It changes from a double-kink excitation below the matching field to pinning-potential-determined creep above it.

Opherden, L., Sieger, M., Pahlke, P., Hühne, R., Schultz, L., Meledin, A., et al. (2016). Large pinning forces and matching effects in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films with Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 nano-precipitates (London : Nature Publishing Group). London : Nature Publishing Group.
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