High field superconducting properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films


The film investigated grew phase-pure and highly textured with in-plane and out-of-plane full width at half maximum, FWHM, of = 0.74° and = 0.9°, Suppl. S1. The sample, however, does contain a large density of ab-planar defects, as revealed by transition electron microscope (TEM) images of focused ion beam (FIB) cuts near the microbridges, Fig. 1. These defects are presumably stacking faults (i.e. missing FeAs layers)20. The reason for this defect formation (also observed on technical substrates)21 is not fully understood. Possible reasons are a partial As loss during deposition22, and relaxation processes in combination with the Fe buffer layer23. Estimating the distance between these intergrowths leads to values varying between 5 and 10 nm. Between the planar defects, an orientation contrast is visible in TEM (inset Fig. 1b), i.e. the brighter crystallites are slightly rotated either around (010) (out-of-plane spread, ) or around (001) (in-plane spread, ) and enclosed by dislocation networks or small-angle GBs. Since the crystallites are sandwiched between planar defects, an in-plane misorientation is most likely. The out-of-plane misorientation, on the other hand, is visible as a slight tilt of the ab-planar defects with respect to each other, especially in the upper part of the sample. No globular or columnar precipitates were found.

Hänisch, J., Iida, K., Kurth, F., Reich, E., Tarantini, C., Jaroszynski, J., et al. (2015). High field superconducting properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films (London : Nature Publishing Group). London : Nature Publishing Group. https://doi.org//10.1038/srep17363
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