Unraveling Structure and Device Operation of Organic Permeable Base Transistors


Organic permeable base transistors (OPBTs) are of great interest for flexible electronic circuits, as they offer very large on-current density and a record-high transition frequency. They rely on a vertical device architecture with current transport through native pinholes in a central base electrode. This study investigates the impact of pinhole density and pinhole diameter on the DC device performance in OPBTs based on experimental data and TCAD simulation results. A pinhole density of NPin = 54 µm−2 and pinhole diameters around LPin = 15 nm are found in the devices. Simulations show that a variation of pinhole diameter and density around these numbers has only a minor impact on the DC device characteristics. A variation of the pinhole diameter and density by up to 100% lead to a deviation of less than 4% in threshold voltage, on/off current ratio, and sub-threshold slope. Hence, the fabrication of OPBTs with reliable device characteristics is possible regardless of statistical deviations in thin film formation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Darbandy, G., Dollinger, F., Formánek, P., Hübner, R., Resch, S., Roemer, C., et al. (2020). Unraveling Structure and Device Operation of Organic Permeable Base Transistors (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. https://doi.org//10.1002/aelm.202000230
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