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    Convergence analysis of the FEM coupled with Fourier-mode expansion for the electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Hu, Guanghui; Rathsfeld, Andreas
    Scattering of time-harmonic electromagnetic plane waves by a doubly periodic surface structure in R3 can be simulated by a boundary value problem of the time-harmonic curl-curl equation. For a truncated FEM domain, non-local boundary value conditions are required in order to satisfy the radiation conditions for the upper and lower half spaces. Alternatively to boundary integral formulations, to approximate radiation conditions and absorbing boundary methods, Huber et al. [11] have proposed a coupling method based on an idea of Nitsche. In the case of profile gratings with perfectly conducting substrate, the authors have shown previously that a slightly modified variational equation can be proven to be equivalent to the boundary value problem and to be uniquely solvable. Now it is shown that this result can be used to prove convergence for the FEM coupled by truncated wave mode expansion. This result covers transmission gratings and gratings bounded by additional multi-layer systems.
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    Scattering of time harmonic electromagnetic plane waves by perfectly conducting diffraction gratings
    (Berlin: Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Hu, Guanghui; Rathsfeld, Andreas
    Consider scattering of time-harmonic lectromagnetic plane waves by a doubly periodic surface in R^3. The medium above the surface is supposed to be homogeneous and isotropic with a constant dielectric coefficient, while below is a perfectly conducting material. This paper is concerned with the existence of quasiperiodic solutions for any frequency of incidence. Based on an equivalent variational formulation established by the mortar technique of Nitsche, we verify the existence of solutions for a broad class of incident waves including plane waves, under the assumption that the grating profile is a Lipschitz biperiodic surface. Our solvability result covers the resonance case where a Rayleigh frequency is allowed. Non-uniqueness examples are also presented in the resonance case and the TE or TM polarization case for classical gratings.
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    PML and high-accuracy boundary integral equation solver for wave scattering by a locally defected periodic surface
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2021) Yu, Xiuchen; Hu, Guanghui; Lu, Wangtao; Rathsfeld, Andreas
    This paper studies the perfectly-matched-layer (PML) method for wave scattering in a half space of homogeneous medium bounded by a two-dimensional, perfectly conducting, and locally defected periodic surface, and develops a high-accuracy boundary-integral-equation (BIE) solver. Along the vertical direction, we place a PML to truncate the unbounded domain onto a strip and prove that the PML solution converges to the true solution in the physical subregion of the strip with an error bounded by the reciprocal PML thickness. Laterally, we divide the unbounded strip into three regions: a region containing the defect and two semi-waveguide regions, separated by two vertical line segments. In both semi-waveguides, we prove the well-posedness of an associated scattering problem so as to well define a Neumann-to-Dirichlet (NtD) operator on the associated vertical segment. The two NtD operators, serving as exact lateral boundary conditions, reformulate the unbounded strip problem as a boundary value problem over the defected region. Due to the periodicity of the semi-waveguides, both NtD operators turn out to be closely related to a Neumann-marching operator, governed by a nonlinear Riccati equation. It is proved that the Neumann-marching operators are contracting, so that the PML solution decays exponentially fast along both lateral directions. The consequences culminate in two opposite aspects. Negatively, the PML solution cannot converge exponentially to the true solution in the whole physical region of the strip. Positively, from a numerical perspective, the Riccati equations can now be efficiently solved by a recursive doubling procedure and a high-accuracy PML-based BIE method so that the boundary value problem on the defected region can be solved efficiently and accurately. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the PML solution converges exponentially fast to the true solution in any compact subdomain of the strip.
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    Radiation conditions for the Helmholtz equation in a half plane filled by inhomogeneous periodic material
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2020) Hu, Guanghui; Rathsfeld, Andreas
    In this paper we consider time-harmonic acoustic wave propagation in a half-plane filled by inhomogeneous periodic medium. If the refractive index depends on the horizontal coordinate only, we define upward and downward radiating modes by solving a one-dimensional Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem with a complex-valued periodic coefficient. The upward and downward radiation conditions are introduced based on a generalized Rayleigh series. Using the variational method, we then prove uniqueness and existence for the scattering of an incoming wave mode by a grating located between an upper and lower half plane with such inhomogeneous periodic media. Finally, we discuss the application of the new radiation conditions to the scattering matrix algorithm, i.e., to rigorous coupled wave analysis or Fourier modal method.
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    Finite element method to fluid-solid interaction problems with unbounded periodic interfaces
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Hu, Guanghui; Rathsfeld, Andreas; Yin, Tao
    Consider a time-harmonic acoustic plane wave incident onto a doubly periodic (biperiodic) surface from above. The medium above the surface is supposed to be filled with a homogeneous compressible inviscid fluid of constant mass density, whereas the region below is occupied by an isotropic and linearly elastic solid body characterized by its Lamé constants. This paper is concerned with a variational approach to the fluid-solid interaction problems with unbounded biperiodic Lipschitz interfaces between the domains of the acoustic and elastic waves. The existence of quasi-periodic solutions in Sobolev spaces is established at arbitrary frequency of incidence, while uniqueness is proved only for small frequencies or for all frequencies excluding a discrete set. A finite element scheme coupled with Dirichlet-to-Neumann mappings is proposed. The Dirichlet-to-Neumann mappings are approximated by truncated Rayleigh series expansions, and, finally, numerical tests in 2D are performed.