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On the Markov inequality in the L2-norm with the Gegenbauer weight

2017, Nikolov, Geno P., Shadrin, Alexei

Let wλ(t):=(1−t2)λ−1/2, where λ>−12, be the Gegenbauer weight function, let ∥⋅∥wλ be the associated L2-norm, |f∥wλ={∫1−1|f(x)|2wλ(x)dx}1/2, and denote by Pn the space of algebraic polynomials of degree ≤n. We study the best constant cn(λ) in the Markov inequality in this norm ∥p′n∥wλ≤cn(λ)∥pn∥wλ,pn∈Pn, namely the constant cn(λ):=suppn∈Pn∥p′n∥wλ∥pn∥wλ. We derive explicit lower and upper bounds for the Markov constant cn(λ), which are valid for all n and λ.

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Generalized killing spinors and Lagrangian graphs

2014, Moroianu, Andrei, Semmelmann, Uwe

We study generalized Killing spinors on the standard sphere S3, which turn out to be related to Lagrangian embeddings in the nearly Kähler manifold S3×S3 and to great circle flows on S3. Using our methods we generalize a well known result of Gluck and Gu [6] concerning divergence-free geodesic vector fields on the sphere and we show that the space of Lagrangian submanifolds of S3×S3 has at least three connected components.

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Central limit theorems for the radial spanning tree

2014, Schulte, Matthias, Thäle, Christoph

Consider a homogeneous Poisson point process in a compact convex set in d- dimensional Euclidean space which has interior points and contains the origin. The radial spanning tree is constructed by connecting each point of the Poisson point process with its nearest neighbour that is closer to the origin. For increasing in- tensity of the underlying Poisson point process the paper provides expectation and variance asymptotics as well as central limit theorems with rates of convergence for a class of edge functionals including the total edge length.

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A generalization of the discrete version of Minkowski’s Fundamental Theorem

2014, González Merino, Bernardo, Henze, Matthias

One of the most fruitful results from Minkowski’s geometric viewpoint on number theory is his so called 1st Fundamental Theorem. It provides an optimal upper bound for the volume of an o-symmetric convex body whose only interior lattice point is the origin. Minkowski also obtained a discrete analog by proving optimal upper bounds on the number of lattice points in the boundary of such convex bodies. Whereas the volume inequality has been generalized to any number of interior lattice points already by van der Corput in the 1930s, a corresponding result for the discrete case remained to be proven. Our main contribution is a corresponding optimal relation between the number of boundary and interior lattice points of an o-symmetric convex body. The proof relies on a congruence argument and a difference set estimate from additive combinatorics.

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An extension problem and trace Hardy inequality for the sublaplacian on H-type groups

2017, Roncal, Luz, Thangavelu, Sundaram

In this paper we study the extension problem for the sublaplacian on a H-type group and use the solutions to prove trace Hardy and Hardy inequalities for fractional powers of the sublaplacian.

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Getzler rescaling via adiabatic deformation and a renormalized local index formula

2016, Bohlen, Karsten, Schrohe, Elmar

We prove a local index theorem of Atiyah-Singer type for Dirac oper- ators on manifolds with a Lie structure at infinity (Lie manifolds for short). After introducing a renormalized supertrace on Lie manifolds with spin structure, defined on a suitable class of rapidly decaying functions, the proof of the index theorem relies on a rescaling technique similar in spirit to Getzler's rescaling. With a given Lie manifold we associate an appropriate integrating Lie groupoid. We then describe the heat kernel of a geometric Dirac operator via a functional calculus with values in the convolution algebra of sections of the rescaled bundle over the adiabatic groupoid and introduce a rescaling of the heat kernel encoded in a vector bundle over the adiabatic groupoid. Finally, we calculate the right coefficient in the heat kernel expansion using the Lichnerowicz theorem on the fibers of the groupoid and the Lie manifold.

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Gradient canyons, concentration of curvature, and Lipschitz invariants

2017, Paunescu, Laurentiu, Tibăr, Mihai-Marius

We find new bi-Lipschitz invariants of holomorphic functions of two variables by using the gradient canyons and by combining analytic and geometric viewpoints on the concentration of curvature.

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Height functions on quaternionic Stiefel manifolds

2015, Macías-Virgós, Enrique, Oprea, John, Strom, Jeff, Tanré, Daniel

In this note, we study height functions on quaternionic Stiefel manifolds and prove that all these height functions are Morse-Bott. Among them, we characterize the Morse functions and give a lower bound for their number of critical values. Relations with the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category are discussed.

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Alexander r-tuples and Bier complexes

2016, Jojic, Dusko, Nekrasov, Ilya, Panina, Gaiane, Zivaljevic, Rade

We introduce and study Alexander r-tuples K = Kiir i=1 of simplicial complexes, as a common generalization of pairs of Alexander dual complexes (Alexander 2-tuples) and r-unavoidable complexes of [BFZ-1]. In the same vein, the Bier complexes, defined as the deleted joins K delta of Alexander r-tuples, include both standard Bier spheres and optimal multiple chessboard complexes (Section 2.2) as interesting, special cases. Our main results are Theorem 4.3 saying that (1) the r-fold deleted join of Alexander r-tuple is a pure complex homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres, and (2) the r-fold deleted join of a collective unavoidable r-tuple is (n - r - 1)-connected, and a classification theorem (Theorem 5.1 and Corollary 5.2) for Alexander r-tuples and Bier complexes.

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Abstract bivariant Cuntz semigroups

2017, Antoine, Ramon, Perera, Francesc, Thiel, Hannes

We show that abstract Cuntz semigroups form a closed symmetric monoidal category. Thus, given Cuntz semigroups S and T, there is another Cuntz semigroup JS, TK playing the role of morphisms from S to T. Applied to C*-algebras A and B, the semigroup JCu(A),Cu(B)K should be considered as the target in analogues of the UCT for bivariant theories of Cuntz semigroups. Abstract bivariant Cuntz semigroups are computable in a number of interesting cases. We explore its behaviour under the tensor product with the Cuntz semigroup of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras and the Jacelon-Razak algebra. We also show that order-zero maps between C*-algebras naturally define elements in the respective bivariant Cuntz semigroup.