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    Variational approaches and methods for dissipative material models with multiple scales
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Mielke, Alexander
    In a first part we consider evolutionary systems given as generalized gradient systems and discuss various variational principles that can be used to construct solutions for a given system or to derive the limit dynamics for multiscale problems. These multiscale limits are formulated in the theory of evolutionary Gamma-convergence. On the one hand we consider the a family of viscous gradient system with quadratic dissipation potentials and a wiggly energy landscape that converge to a rate-independent system. On the other hand we show how the concept of Balanced-Viscosity solution arise as in the vanishing-viscosity limit. As applications we discuss, first, the evolution of laminate microstructures in finite-strain elastoplasticity and, second, a two-phase model for shape-memory materials, where H-measures are used to construct the mutual recovery sequences needed in the existence theory.
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    Free energy, free entropy, and a gradient structure for thermoplasticity
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Mielke, Alexander
    In the modeling of solids the free energy, the energy, and the entropy play a central role. We show that the free entropy, which is defined as the negative of the free energy divided by the temperature, is similarly important. The derivatives of the free energy are suitable thermodynamical driving forces for reversible (i.e. Hamiltonian) parts of the dynamics, while for the dissipative parts the derivatives of the free entropy are the correct driving forces. This difference does not matter for isothermal cases nor for local materials, but it is relevant in the non-isothermal case if the densities also depend on gradients, as is the case in gradient thermoplasticity. Using the total entropy as a driving functional, we develop gradient structures for quasistatic thermoplasticity, which again features the role of the free entropy. The big advantage of the gradient structure is the possibility of deriving time-incremental minimization procedures, where the entropy-production potential minus the total entropy is minimized with respect to the internal variables and the temperature. We also highlight that the usage of an auxiliary temperature as an integrating factor in Yang/Stainier/Ortiz "A variational formulation of the coupled thermomechanical boundary-value problem for general dissipative solids" (J. Mech. Physics Solids, 54, 401-424, 2006) serves exactly the purpose to transform the reversible driving forces, obtained from the free energy, into the needed irreversible driving forces, which should have been derived from the free entropy. This reconfirms the fact that only the usage of the free entropy as driving functional for dissipative processes allows us to derive a proper variational formulation.
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    On thermodynamical couplings of quantum mechanics and macroscopic systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Mielke, Alexander
    Pure quantum mechanics can be formulated as a Hamiltonian system in terms of the Liouville equation for the density matrix. Dissipative effects are modeled via coupling to a macroscopic system, where the coupling operators act via commutators. Following Öttinger (2010) we use the GENERIC framework to construct thermodynamically consistent evolution equations as a sum of a Hamiltonian and a gradient-flow contribution, which satisfy a particular non-interaction condition: q̇ = J(q)DE(q) + K(q)DS(q). We give three applications of the theory. First, we consider a finite-dimensional quantum system that is coupled to a finite number of simple heat baths, each of which is described by a scalar temperature variable. Second, we model quantum system given by a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator connected to a onedimensional heat equation on the left and on the right. Finally, we consider thermoopto-electronics, where the Maxwell-Bloch system of optics is coupled to the energydrift-diffusion system for semiconductor electronics.
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    Deriving amplitude equations via evolutionary [Gamma]-convergence
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Mielke, Alexander
    We discuss the justification of the GinzburgLandau equation with real coefficients as an amplitude equation for the weakly unstable one-dimensional SwiftHohenberg equation. In contrast to classical justification approaches we employ the method of evolutionary [Gamma]-convergence by reformulating both equation as gradient systems. Using a suitable linear transformation we show [Gamma]-convergence of the associated energies in suitable function spaces. The limit passage of the time-dependent problem relies on the recent theory of evolutionary variational inequalities for families of uniformly convex functionals as developed by Daneri and Savare 2010. In the case of a cubic energy it suffices that the initial conditions converge strongly in L2, while for the case of a quadratic nonlinearity we need to impose weak convergence in H1. However, we do not need wellpreparedness of the initial conditions.
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    On the relation between gradient flows and the large-deviation principle, with applications to Markov chains and diffusion
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Mielke, Alexander; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    Motivated by the occurence in rate functions of time-dependent large-deviation principles, we study a class of non-negative functions L that induce a flow, given by L(pt, pt) = 0. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique existence of a generalized gradient structure for the induced flow, as well as explicit formulas for the corresponding driving entropy and dissipation functional. In particular, we show how these conditions can be given a probabilistic interpretation when L is associated to the large deviations of a microscopic particle system. Finally, we illustrate the theory for independent Brownian particles with drift, which leads to the entropy-Wasserstein gradient structure, and for independent Markovian particles on a finite state space, which leads to a previously unknown gradient structure.
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    Gradient structures and geodesic convexity for reaction-diffusion systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Liero, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander
    We consider systems of reaction-diffusion equations as gradient systems with respect to an entropy functional and a dissipation metric given in terms of a so-called Onsager operator, which is a sum of a diffusion part of Wasserstein type and a reaction part. We provide methods for establishing geodesic lambda-convexity of the entropy functional by purely differential methods, thus circumventing arguments from mass transportation. Finally, several examples, including a drift-diffusion system, provide a survey on the applicability of the theory. We consider systems of reaction-diffusion equations as gradient systems with respect to an entropy functional and a dissipation metric given in terms of a so-called Onsager operator, which is a sum of a diffusion part of Wasserstein type and a reaction part. We provide methods for establishing geodesic lambda-convexity of the entropy functional by purely differential methods, thus circumventing arguments from mass transportation. Finally, several examples, including a drift-diffusion system, provide a survey on the applicability of the theory.
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    On microscopic origins of generalized gradient structures
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Liero, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D.R. Michiel
    Classical gradient systems have a linear relation between rates and driving forces. In generalized gradient systems we allow for arbitrary relations derived from general non-quadratic dissipation potentials. This paper describes two natural origins for these structures. A first microscopic origin of generalized gradient structures is given by the theory of large-deviation principles. While Markovian diffusion processes lead to classical gradient structures, poissonian jump processes give rise to cosh-type dissipation potentials. A second origin arises via a new form of convergence, that we call EDP-convergence. Even when starting with classical gradient systems, where the dissipation potential is a quadratic functional of the rate, we may obtain a generalized gradient system in the evolutionary Gamma-limit. As examples we treat (i) the limit of a diffusion equation having a thin layer of low diffusivity, which leads to a membrane model, and (ii) the limit of diffusion over a high barrier, which gives a reaction-diffusion system.
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    Balanced-Viscosity solutions for multi-rate systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Mielke, Alexander; Rossi, Riccarda; Savaré, Giuseppe
    Several mechanical systems are modeled by the static momentum balance for the displacement u coupled with a rate-independent flow rule for some internal variable z. We consider a class of abstract systems of ODEs which have the same structure, albeit in a finite-dimensional setting, and regularize both the static equation and the rate-independent flow rule by adding viscous dissipation terms with coefficients α and , where 0<<1 and α>0 is a fixed parameter. Therefore for α different from 1 the variables u and z have different relaxation rates. We address the vanishing-viscosity analysis as tends to 0 in the viscous system. We prove that, up to a subsequence, (reparameterized) viscous solutions converge to a parameterized curve yielding a Balanced Viscosity solution to the original rate-independent system and providing an accurate description of the system behavior at jumps. We also give a reformulation of the notion of Balanced Viscosity solution in terms of a system of subdifferential inclusions, showing that the viscosity in u and the one in z are involved in the jump dynamics in different ways, according to whether α >1, α=1, or 0<α<1.
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    Uniform asymptotic expansions for the infinite harmonic chain
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Mielke, Alexander; Patz, Carsten
    We study the dispersive behavior of waves in linear oscillator chains. We show that for general general dispersions it is possible to construct an expansion such that the remainder can be estimated by 1/t uniformly in space. In particalur we give precise asymptotics for the transition from the 1/t1/2 decay of nondegenerate wave numbers to the generate 1/t1/3 decay of generate wave numbers. This involves a careful description of the oscillatory integral involving the Airy function.
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    Spectrum and amplitude equations for scalar delay-differential equations with large delay
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Yanchuk, Serhiy; Lücken, Leonhard; Wolfrum, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander
    The subject of the paper are scalar delay-differential equations with large delay. Firstly, we describe the asymptotic properties of the spectrum of linear equations. Using these properties, we classify possible types of destabilization of steady states. In the limit of large delay, this classification is similar to the one for parabolic partial differential equations. We present a derivation and error estimates for amplitude equations, which describe universally the local behavior of scalar delay-differential equations close to the destabilization threshold.