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Verified modeling of a low pressure hydrogen plasma generated by electron cyclotron resonance

2022, Sigeneger, F., Ellis, J., Harhausen, J., Lang, N., van Helden, J.H.

A self-consistent fluid model has been successfully developed and employed to model an electron cyclotron resonance driven hydrogen plasma at low pressure. This model has enabled key insights to be made on the mutual interaction of microwave propagation, power density, plasma generation, and species transport at conditions where the critical plasma density is exceeded. The model has been verified by two experimental methods. Good agreement with the ion current density and floating potential—as measured by a retarding energy field analyzer—and excellent agreement with the atomic hydrogen density—as measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence—enables a high level of confidence in the validity of the simulation.

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Spectroscopic study of plasma nitrocarburizing processes with an industrial-scale carbon active screen

2020, Puth, A., Kusýn, L., Pipa, A.V., Burlacov, I., Dalke, A., Hamann, S., van Helden, J.H., Biermann, H., Röpke, J.

The active screen plasma nitrocarburizing technology is an improvement of conventional plasma nitrocarburizing by providing a homogeneous temperature distribution within the workload and reducing soot formation. In this study, an industrial-scale active screen (AS) made of carbon-fibre-reinforced carbon serves as the cathode as well as the carbon source for the plasma-chemical processes taking place. The pulsed dc discharge was maintained at a few mbar of pressure while simultaneously being fed with a mixed gas flow of hydrogen and nitrogen ranging from 10 to 100 slh. Using in situ infrared laser absorption spectroscopy with lead salt tuneable diode lasers and external-cavity quantum cascade lasers, the temperatures and concentrations of HCN, NH3, CH4, C2H2, and CO have been monitored as a function of pressure and total gas flow. To simulate industrial treatment conditions the temperature of the sample workload in the centre of the reactor volume was kept at 773 K by varying the plasma power at the AS between 6 and 8.5 kW. The resulting spectroscopically measured temperatures in the plasma agreed well with this value. Concentrations of the various species ranged from 6 × 1013 to 1 × 1016 cm−3 with HCN being the most abundant species.

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Terahertz absorption spectroscopy for measuring atomic oxygen densities in plasmas

2023, Wubs, J.R., Macherius, U., Weltmann, K.-D., Lü, X., Röben, B., Biermann, K., Schrottke, L., Grahn, H.T., van Helden, J.H.

This paper describes the first implementation of terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy on plasmas. Absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen were directly obtained by using the fine structure transition at approximately 4.75 THz. Measurements were performed on a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency oxygen discharge. The detection limit in this arrangement was found to be 2 × 10 13 cm−3, while the measurement accuracy was within 5%, as demonstrated by reference measurements of a well-defined ammonia transition. The results show that the presented method is well suited to measure atomic oxygen densities, and it closes the THz gap for quantitative atomic density measurements in harsh environments such as plasmas.

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Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy of atoms and ions in plasmas

2023, Lü, X., Röben, B., Biermann, K., Wubs, J.R., Macherius, U., Weltmann, K.-D., van Helden, J.H., Schrottke, L., Grahn, H.T.

We report on terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) based on GaAs/AlAs heterostructures, which exhibit single-mode emission at 3.360, 3.921, and 4.745 THz. These frequencies are in close correspondence to fine-structure transitions of Al atoms, N+ ions, and O atoms, respectively. Due to the low electrical pump power of these THz QCLs, they can be operated in a mechanical cryocooler in continuous-wave mode, while a sufficient intrinsic tuning range of more than 5 GHz is maintained. The single-mode operation and the intrinsic tuning range of these THz QCLs allow for the application of these lasers as radiation sources for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy to determine the absolute densities of Al atoms, N+ ions, and O atoms in plasmas.

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The spatial distribution of HO2 in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet investigated by cavity ring-down spectroscopy

2020, Klose, S.-J., Manfred, K.M., Norman, H.C., Ritchie, G.A.D., van Helden, J.H.

Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets make important contributions to a range of fields, such as materials processing and plasma medicine. In order to optimise the effect of those plasma sources, a detailed understanding of the chemical reaction networks is pivotal. However, the small diameter of plasma jets makes diagnostics challenging. A promising approach to obtain absolute number densities is the utilisation of cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy methods, by which line-of-sight averaged densities are determined. Here, we present first measurements on how the spatial distribution of HO2 in the effluent of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet can be obtained by cavity ring-down spectroscopy in an efficient way. Instead of recording fully wavelength resolved spectra, we will demonstrate that it is sufficient to measure the absorption coefficient at two wavelengths, corresponding to the laser being on and off the molecular resonance. By sampling the effluent from the 1.6 mm diameter nozzle in the radial direction at various axial positions, we determined that the distances over which the HO2 density was distributed were (3.9 ± 0.5) mm and (6.7 ± 0.1) mm at a distance of 2 mm and 10 mm below the nozzle of the plasma jet, respectively. We performed an Abel inversion in order to obtain the spatial distribution of HO2 that is presented along the symmetry axis of the effluent. Based on that localised density, which was (4.8 ± 0.6) ⋅ 1014 cm−3 at the maximum, we will discuss the importance of the plasma zone for the production of HO2.

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Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy of atoms and ions in plasmas

2023, Lü, X., Röben, B., Biermann, K., Wubs, J.R., Macherius, U., Weltmann, K.-D., van Helden, J.H., Schrottke, L., Grahn, H.T.

We report on terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) based on GaAs/AlAs heterostructures, which exhibit single-mode emission at 3.360, 3.921, and 4.745 THz. These frequencies are in close correspondence to fine-structure transitions of Al atoms, N+ ions, and O atoms, respectively. Due to the low electrical pump power of these THz QCLs, they can be operated in a mechanical cryocooler in continuous-wave mode, while a sufficient intrinsic tuning range of more than 5 GHz is maintained. The single-mode operation and the intrinsic tuning range of these THz QCLs allow for the application of these lasers as radiation sources for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy to determine the absolute densities of Al atoms, N+ ions, and O atoms in plasmas.