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    Growth of crystalline phase change materials by physical deposition methods
    (Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Group, 2017) Boschker, Jos E.; Calarco, Raffaella
    Phase change materials are a technologically important materials class and are used for data storage in rewritable DVDs and in phase change random access memory. Furthermore, new applications for phase change materials are emerging. Phase change materials with a high structural quality, such as offered by epitaxial films, are needed in order to study the fundamental properties of phase change materials and to improve our understanding of this materials class. Here, we review the progress made in the growth of crystalline phase change materials by physical methods, such as molecular beam epitaxy, sputtering, and pulsed laser deposition. First, we discuss the difference and similarities between these physical deposition methods and the crystal structures of Ge2Sb2Te5, the prototype phase change material. Next, we focus on the growth of epitiaxial GST films on (0 0 1)- and (1 1 1)-oriented substrates, leading to the conclusion that (1 1 1)-oriented substrates are preferred for the growth of phase change materials. Finally, the growth of GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices on amorphous and single crystalline substrates is discussed.
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    The spin-flip scattering effect in the spin transport in silicon doped with bismuth
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2017) Ezhevskii, A.A.; Detochenko, A.P.; Soukhorukov, A.V.; Guseinov, D.V.; Kudrin, A.V.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Riemann, H.
    Spin transport of conduction electrons in silicon samples doped with bismuth in the 1.1•1013 - 7.7•1015 cm-3 concentration range was studied by the Hall effect measurements. The dependence of the Hall voltage magnitude on the magnetic field is the sum of the normal and spin Hall effects. The electrons are partially polarized by an external magnetic field and are scattered by the bismuth spin-orbit potential. Spin-flip scattering results in the additional electromotive force which compensates the normal Hall effect in strong magnetic fields.
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    Competing Inversion-Based Lasing and Raman Lasing in Doped Silicon
    (College Park, Md. : APS, 2018) Pavlov, S. G.; Deßmann, N.; Redlich, B.; van der Meer, A. F. G.; Abrosimov, N. V.; Riemann, H.; Zhukavin, R. Kh.; Shastin, V. N.; Hübers, H.-W.
    We report on an optically pumped laser where photons are simultaneously generated by population inversion and by stimulated Raman scattering in the same active medium, namely crystalline silicon doped by bismuth (SiBi). The medium utilizes three electronic levels: ground state [|1
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    Coherent Rabi dynamics of a superradiant spin ensemble in a microwave cavity
    (College Park, Md. : APS, 2017) Rose, B.C.; Tyryshkin, A.M.; Riemann, H.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Becker, P.; Pohl, H.-J.; Thewalt, M.L.W.; Itoh, K.M.; Lyon, S.A.
    We achieve the strong-coupling regime between an ensemble of phosphorus donor spins in a highly enriched 28Si crystal and a 3D dielectric resonator. Spins are polarized beyond Boltzmann equilibrium using spin-selective optical excitation of the no-phonon bound exciton transition resulting in N=3.6×1013 unpaired spins in the ensemble. We observe a normal mode splitting of the spin-ensemble–cavity polariton resonances of 2g√N=580  kHz (where each spin is coupled with strength g) in a cavity with a quality factor of 75 000 (γ≪κ≈60  kHz, where γ and κ are the spin dephasing and cavity loss rates, respectively). The spin ensemble has a long dephasing time (T∗2=9  μs) providing a wide window for viewing the dynamics of the coupled spin-ensemble–cavity system. The free-induction decay shows up to a dozen collapses and revivals revealing a coherent exchange of excitations between the superradiant state of the spin ensemble and the cavity at the rate g√N. The ensemble is found to evolve as a single large pseudospin according to the Tavis-Cummings model due to minimal inhomogeneous broadening and uniform spin-cavity coupling. We demonstrate independent control of the total spin and the initial Z projection of the psuedospin using optical excitation and microwave manipulation, respectively. We vary the microwave excitation power to rotate the pseudospin on the Bloch sphere and observe a long delay in the onset of the superradiant emission as the pseudospin approaches full inversion. This delay is accompanied by an abrupt π-phase shift in the peusdospin microwave emission. The scaling of this delay with the initial angle and the sudden phase shift are explained by the Tavis-Cummings model.
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    First Terahertz-range Experiments on Pump – Probe Setup at Novosibirsk free Electron Laser
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2016) Choporova, Yulia Yu.; Gerasimov, Vasily V.; Knyazev, Boris A.; Sergeev, Sergey M.; Shevchenko, Oleg A.; Zhukavin, Roman K.; Abrosimov, Nikolay V.; Kovalevsky, Konstantin A.; Ovchar, Vladimir K.; Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm; Kulipanov, Gennady N.; Shastin, Valery N.; Schneider, Harald; Vinokurov, Nikolay A.
    A single-color pump-probe system has been commissioned at the Novosibirsk free electron laser. The laser emits a tunable monochromatic terahertz radiation. To prove the proper system operation, we investigated the time-resolved absorption of a sample of n-type germanium doped with antimony, which was previously investigated at the FELBE facility, in the temperature range from 5 to 40 K. The measured relaxation time amounted to about 1.7 ns, which agreed with the results obtained at the FELBE. The results of pump-probe measurements of non-equilibrium dynamics of hot electrons in the germanium crystal at cryogenic temperatures are presented for wavelengths of 105, 141 and 150 μm.
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    Characterization of the Si:Se+ Spin-Photon Interface
    (College Park, Md. [u.a.] : American Physical Society, 2019) DeAbreu, Adam; Bowness, Camille; Abraham, Rohan J.S.; Medvedova, Alzbeta; Morse, Kevin J.; Riemann, Helge; Abrosimov, Nikolay V.; Becker, Peter; Pohl, Hans-Joachim; Thewalt, Michael L.W.; Simmons, Stephanie
    Silicon is the most-developed electronic and photonic technological platform and hosts some of the highest-performance spin and photonic qubits developed to date. A hybrid quantum technology harnessing an efficient spin-photon interface in silicon would unlock considerable potential by enabling ultralong-lived photonic memories, distributed quantum networks, microwave-to-optical photon converters, and spin-based quantum processors, all linked with integrated silicon photonics. However, the indirect band gap of silicon makes identification of efficient spin-photon interfaces nontrivial. Here we build upon the recent identification of chalcogen donors as a promising spin-photon interface in silicon. We determine that the spin-dependent optical degree of freedom has a transition dipole moment stronger than previously thought [here 1.96(8) D], and the spin T1 lifetime in low magnetic fields is longer than previously thought [here longer than 4.6(1.5) h]. We furthermore determine the optical excited-state lifetime [7.7(4) ns], and therefore the natural radiative efficiency [0.80(9)%], and by measuring the phonon sideband determine the zero-phonon emission fraction [16(1)%]. Taken together, these parameters indicate that an integrated quantum optoelectronic platform based on chalcogen-donor qubits in silicon is well within reach of current capabilities.
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    Computational Simulations of the Lateral-Photovoltage-Scanning-Method
    (London [u.a.] : Institute of Physics, 2018) Kayser, S.; Lüdge, A.; Böttcher, K.
    The major task for the Lateral-Photovoltage-Scanning-Method is to detect doping striations and the shape of the solid-liquid-interface of an indirect semiconductor crystal. This method is sensitive to the gradient of the charge carrier density. Attempting to simulate the signal generation of the LPS-Method, we are using a three dimensional Finite Volume approach for solving the van Roosbroeck equations with COMSOL Multiphysics in a silicon sample. We show that the simulated LPS-voltage is directly proportional to the gradient of a given doping distribution, which is also the case for the measured LPS-voltage.
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    Towards a life-time-limited 8-octave-infrared photoconductive germanium detector
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Pavlov, S.G.; Deßmann, N.; Pohl, A.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Mittendorff, M.; Winnerl, S.; Zhukavin, R.K; Tsyplenkov, V.V.; Shengurov, D.V.; Shastin, V.N.; Hübers, H.-W.
    Ultrafast, ultra-broad-band photoconductive detector based on heavily doped and highly compensated germanium has been demonstrated. Such a material demonstrates optical sensitivity in the more than 8 octaves, in the infrared, from about 2 mm to about 8 μm. The spectral sensitivity peaks up between 2 THz and 2.5 THz and is slowly reduced towards lower and higher frequencies. The life times of free electrons/holes measured by a pump-probe technique approach a few tenths of picoseconds and remain almost independent on the optical input intensity and on the temperature of a detector in the operation range. During operation, a detector is cooled down to liquid helium temperature but has been approved to detect, with a reduced sensitivity, up to liquid nitrogen temperature. The response time is shorter than 200 ps that is significantly faster than previously reported times.
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    Terahertz emission from lithium doped silicon under continuous wave interband optical excitation
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Andrianov, A.V.; Zakhar'in, A.O.; Zhukavin, R.K.; Shastin, V.N.; Abrosimov, N.V.
    We report on experimental observation and study of terahertz emission from lithium doped silicon crystals under continuous wave band-to-band optical excitation. It is shown that radiative transitions of electrons from 2P excited states of lithium donor to the 1S(A1) donor ground state prevail in the emission spectrum. The terahertz emission occurs due to capture of nonequilibrium electrons to charged donors, which in turn are generated in the crystal as a result of impurity assisted electron-hole recombination. Besides the intracentre radiative transitions the terahertz emission spectrum exhibits also features at about 12.7 and 15.27 meV, which could be related to intraexciton transitions and transitions from the continuum to the free exciton ground state.
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    Study on the Properties of High Purity Germanium Crystals
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Yang, G.; Mei, H.; Guan, Y.T.; Wang, G.J.; Mei, D.M.; Irmscher, K.
    In the crystal growth lab of South Dakota University, we are growing high purity germanium (HPGe) crystals and using the grown crystals to make radiation detectors. As the detector grade HPGe crystals, they have to meet two critical requirements: an impurity level of ∼109 to 10 atoms /cm3 and a dislocation density in the range of ∼102 to 104 / cm3. In the present work, we have used the following four characterization techniques to investigate the properties of the grown crystals. First of all, an x-ray diffraction method was used to determine crystal orientation. Secondly, the van der Pauw Hall effect measurement was used to measure the electrical properties. Thirdly, a photo-thermal ionization spectroscopy (PTIS) was used to identify what the impurity atoms are in the crystal. Lastly, an optical microscope observation was used to measure dislocation density in the crystal. All of these characterization techniques have provided great helps to our crystal activities.