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- ItemUnraveling Structure and Device Operation of Organic Permeable Base Transistors(Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Darbandy, Ghader; Dollinger, Felix; Formánek, Petr; Hübner, René; Resch, Stefan; Roemer, Christian; Fischer, Axel; Leo, Karl; Kloes, Alexander; Kleemann, HansOrganic permeable base transistors (OPBTs) are of great interest for flexible electronic circuits, as they offer very large on-current density and a record-high transition frequency. They rely on a vertical device architecture with current transport through native pinholes in a central base electrode. This study investigates the impact of pinhole density and pinhole diameter on the DC device performance in OPBTs based on experimental data and TCAD simulation results. A pinhole density of NPin = 54 µm−2 and pinhole diameters around LPin = 15 nm are found in the devices. Simulations show that a variation of pinhole diameter and density around these numbers has only a minor impact on the DC device characteristics. A variation of the pinhole diameter and density by up to 100% lead to a deviation of less than 4% in threshold voltage, on/off current ratio, and sub-threshold slope. Hence, the fabrication of OPBTs with reliable device characteristics is possible regardless of statistical deviations in thin film formation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
- ItemTuning Magnetic and Transport Properties in Quasi-2D (Mn1−xNix)2P2S6 Single Crystals(Basel : MDPI, 2021) Shemerliuk, Yuliia; Zhou, Yonghui; Yang, Zhaorong; Cao, Gang; Wolter, Anja U.; Büchner, Bernd; Aswartham, SaicharanWe report an optimized chemical vapor transport method to grow single crystals of (Mn1−xNix)2P2S6 where x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1. Single crystals up to 4 mm × 3 mm × 200 μm were obtained by this method. As-grown crystals are characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction measurements. The structural characterization shows that all crystals crystallize in monoclinic symmetry with the space group C2/m (No. 12). We have further investigated the magnetic properties of this series of single crystals. The magnetic measurements of the all as-grown single crystals show long-range antiferromagnetic order along all principal crystallographic axes. Overall, the Néel temperature TN is non-monotonous; with increasing Ni2+ doping, the temperature of the antiferromagnetic phase transition first decreases from 80 K for pristine Mn2P2S6 (x = 0) up to x = 0.5 and then increases again to 155 K for pure Ni2P2S6 (x = 1). The magnetic anisotropy switches from out-of-plane to in-plane as a function of composition in (Mn1−xNix)2P2S6 series. Transport studies under hydrostatic pressure on the parent compound Mn2P2S6 evidence an insulator-metal transition at an applied critical pressure of ~22 GPa.
- ItemApplications of nanogenerators for biomedical engineering and healthcare systems(Weinheim : Wiley, 2021) Wang, Wanli; Pang, Jinbo; Su, Jie; Li, Fujiang; Li, Qiang; Wang, Xiaoxiong; Wang, Jingang; Ibarlucea, Bergoi; Liu, Xiaoyan; Li, Yufen; Zhou, Weijia; Wang, Kai; Han, Qingfang; Liu, Lei; Zang, Ruohan; Rümmeli, Mark H.; Li, Yang; Liu, Hong; Hu, Han; Cuniberti, GianaurelioThe dream of human beings for long living has stimulated the rapid development of biomedical and healthcare equipment. However, conventional biomedical and healthcare devices have shortcomings such as short service life, large equipment size, and high potential safety hazards. Indeed, the power supply for conventional implantable device remains predominantly batteries. The emerging nanogenerators, which harvest micro/nanomechanical energy and thermal energy from human beings and convert into electrical energy, provide an ideal solution for self‐powering of biomedical devices. The combination of nanogenerators and biomedicine has been accelerating the development of self‐powered biomedical equipment. This article first introduces the operating principle of nanogenerators and then reviews the progress of nanogenerators in biomedical applications, including power supply, smart sensing, and effective treatment. Besides, the microbial disinfection and biodegradation performances of nanogenerators have been updated. Next, the protection devices have been discussed such as face mask with air filtering function together with real‐time monitoring of human health from the respiration and heat emission. Besides, the nanogenerator devices have been categorized by the types of mechanical energy from human beings, such as the body movement, tissue and organ activities, energy from chemical reactions, and gravitational potential energy. Eventually, the challenges and future opportunities in the applications of nanogenerators are delivered in the conclusive remarks. The combination of nanogenerator and biomedicine have been accelerating the development of self‐powered biomedical devices, which show a bright future in biomedicine and healthcare such as smart sensing, and therapy.
- ItemHigh-performance electronics and optoelectronics of monolayer tungsten diselenide full film from pre-seeding strategy(Weinheim : Wiley, 2021) Zhang, Shu; Pang, Jinbo; Cheng, Qilin; Yang, Feng; Chen, Yu; Liu, Yu; Li, Yufen; Gemming, Thomas; Liu, Xiaoyan; Ibarlucea, Bergoi; Yang, Jiali; Liu, Hong; Zhou, Weijia; Cuniberti, Gianaurelio; Rümmeli, Mark H.Tungsten diselenide (WSe2) possesses extraordinary electronic properties for applications in electronics, optoelectronics, and emerging exciton physics. The synthesis of monolayer WSe2 film is of topmost for device arrays and integrated circuits. The monolayer WSe2 film has yet been reported by thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach, and the nucleation mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report a pre-seeding strategy for finely regulating the nuclei density at an early stage and achieving a fully covered film after chemical vapor deposition growth. The underlying mechanism is heterogeneous nucleation from the pre-seeding tungsten oxide nanoparticles. At first, we optimized the precursor concentration for pre-seeding. Besides, we confirmed the superiority of the pre-seeding method, compared with three types of substrate pretreatments, including nontreatment, sonication in an organic solvent, and oxygen plasma. Eventually, the high-quality synthetic WSe2 monolayer film exhibits excellent device performance in field-effect transistors and photodetectors. We extracted thermodynamic activation energy from the nucleation and growth data. Our results may shed light on the wafer-scale production of homogeneous monolayer films of WSe2, other 2D materials, and their van der Waals heterostructures.
- ItemSequentially Processed P3HT/CN6-CP•−NBu4+ Films: Interfacial or Bulk Doping?(Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Karpov, Yevhen; Kiriy, Nataliya; Formanek, Petr; Hoffmann, Cedric; Beryozkina, Tetyana; Hambsch, Mike; Al-Hussein, Mahmoud; Mannsfeld, Stefan C.B.; Büchner, Bernd; Debnath, Bipasha; Bretschneider, Michael; Krupskaya, Yulia; Lissel, Franziska; Kiriy, AntonDerivatives of the hexacyano-[3]-radialene anion radical (CN6-CP•−) emerge as a promising new family of p-dopants having a doping strength comparable to that of archetypical dopant 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyano-quinodimethane (F4TCNQ). Here, mixed solution (MxS) and sequential processing (SqP) doping methods are compared by using a model semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and the dopant CN6-CP•−NBu4 + (NBu4 + = tetrabutylammonium). MxS films show a moderate yet thickness-independent conductivity of ≈0.1 S cm−1. For the SqP case, the highest conductivity value of ≈6 S cm−1 is achieved for the thinnest (1.5–3 nm) films whereas conductivity drops two orders of magnitudes for 100 times thicker films. These results are explained in terms of an interfacial doping mechanism realized in the SqP films, where only layers close to the P3HT/dopant interface are doped efficiently, whereas internal P3HT layers remain essentially undoped. This structure is in agreement with transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and Kelvin probe force microscopy results. The temperature-dependent conductivity measurements reveal a lower activation energy for charge carriers in SqP samples than in MxS films (79 meV vs 110 meV), which could be a reason for their superior conductivity. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
- ItemSelf-assembly as a tool to study microscale curvature and strain-dependent magnetic properties(London : Springer Nature, 2022) Singh, Balram; Otálora, Jorge. A.; Kang, Tong H.; Soldatov, Ivan; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Becker, Christian; Schäfer, Rudolf; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Neu, Volker; Schmidt, Oliver G.The extension of 2D ferromagnetic structures into 3D curved geometry enables to tune its magnetic properties such as uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Tuning the anisotropy with strain and curvature has become a promising ingredient in modern electronics, such as flexible and stretchable magnetoelectronic devices, impedance-based field sensors, and strain gauges, however, has been limited to extended thin films and to only moderate bending. By applying a self-assembly rolling technique using a polymeric platform, we provide a template that allows homogeneous and controlled bending of a functional layer adhered to it, irrespective of its shape and size. This is an intriguing possibility to tailor the sign and magnitude of the surface strain of integrated, micron-sized devices. In this article, the impact of strain and curvature on the magnetic ground state and anisotropy is quantified for thin-film Permalloy micro-scale structures, fabricated on the surface of the tubular architectures, using solely electrical measurements.
- ItemTranslational plasma stomatology: Applications of cold atmospheric plasmas in dentistry and their extension(Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2017) Li, He‐Ping; Zhang, Xiao‐Fei; Zhu, Xiao‐Ming; Zheng, Miao; Liu, Shu‐Fang; Qi, Xuan; Wang, Kai‐Peng; Chen, Jian; Xi, Xiao‐Qing; Tan, Jian‐Guo; Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)In recent years, translational plasma medicine (TPM), as a novel application area of plasmas, has attracted much attention of experts from both academic and clinical fields. State-of-the-art of the lab-scale research and clinical trials of the cold atmospheric plasmas (CAPs) in the stomatology are reviewed in detail from the direct and indirect applications of the CAPs. Based on the discussions concerning the relationship between the plasma stomatology and the plasma medicine, it is indicated that it would be an important reference for promoting the TPM starting from the fundamental and application studies in the field of dentistry, which is also one of the most three promising application fields of plasma medicine.
- ItemEmploying Hybrid AI Systems to Trace and Document Bias in ML Pipelines(New York, NY : IEEE, 2024) Russo, Mayra; Chudasama, Yasharajsinh; Purohit, Disha; Sawischa, Sammy; Vidal, Maria-EstherArtificial Intelligence (AI) systems can introduce biases that lead to unreliable outcomes and, in the worst-case scenarios, perpetuate systemic and discriminatory results when deployed in the real world. While significant efforts have been made to create bias detection methods, developing reliable and comprehensive documentation artifacts also makes for valuable resources that address bias and aid in minimizing the harms associated with AI systems. Based on compositional design patterns, this paper introduces a documentation approach using a hybrid AI system to prompt the identification and traceability of bias in datasets and predictive AI models. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we instantiate our pattern in two implementations of a hybrid AI system. One follows an integrated approach and performs fine-grained tracing and documentation of the AI model. In contrast, the other hybrid system follows a principled approach and enables the documentation and comparison of bias in the input data and the predictions generated by the model. Through a use-case based on Fake News detection and an empirical evaluation, we show how biases detected during data ingestion steps (e.g., label, over-representation, activity bias) affect the training and predictions of the classification models. Concretely, we report a stark skewness in the distribution of input variables towards the Fake News label, we uncover how a predictive variable leads to more constraints in the learning process, and highlight open challenges of training models with unbalanced datasets. A video summarizing this work is available online (https://youtu.be/v2GfIQPAy_4?si=BXtWOf97cLiZavyu),and the implementation is publicly available on GitHub (https://github.com/SDM-TIB/DocBiasKG).
- ItemCauseKG: A Framework Enhancing Causal Inference With Implicit Knowledge Deduced From Knowledge Graphs(New York, NY : IEEE, 2024) Huang, Hao; Vidal, Maria-EstherCausal inference is a critical technique for inferring causal relationships from data and distinguishing causation from correlation. Causal inference frameworks rely on structured data, typically represented in flat tables or relational models. These frameworks estimate causal effects based only on explicit facts, overlooking implicit information in the data, which can lead to inaccurate causal estimates. Knowledge graphs (KGs) inherently capture implicit information through logical rules applied to explicit facts, providing a unique opportunity to leverage implicit knowledge. However, existing frameworks are not applicable to KGs due to their semi-structured nature. CauseKG is a causal inference framework designed to address the intricacies of KGs and seamlessly integrate implicit information using KG-specific entailment techniques, providing a more accurate causal inference process. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of CauseKG against benchmarks constructed from synthetic and real-world datasets. The results suggest that CauseKG can produce a lower mean absolute error in causal inference compared to state-of-the-art methods. The empirical results demonstrate CauseKG's ability to address causal questions in a variety of domains. This research highlights the importance of extending causal inference techniques to KGs, emphasising the improved accuracy that can be achieved by integrating implicit and explicit information.
- ItemRobust Fusion of Time Series and Image Data for Improved Multimodal Clinical Prediction(New York, NY : IEEE, 2024) Rasekh, Ali; Heidari, Reza; Hosein Haji Mohammad Rezaie, Amir; Sharifi Sedeh, Parsa; Ahmadi, Zahra; Mitra, Prasenjit; Nejdl, WolfgangWith the increasing availability of diverse data types, particularly images and time series data from medical experiments, there is a growing demand for techniques designed to combine various modalities of data effectively. Our motivation comes from the important areas of predicting mortality and phenotyping where using different modalities of data could significantly improve our ability to predict. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a new method that uses two separate encoders, one for each type of data, allowing the model to understand complex patterns in both visual and time-based information. Apart from the technical challenges, our goal is to make the predictive model more robust in noisy conditions and perform better than current methods. We also deal with imbalanced datasets and use an uncertainty loss function, yielding improved results while simultaneously providing a principled means of modeling uncertainty. Additionally, we include attention mechanisms to fuse different modalities, allowing the model to focus on what's important for each task. We tested our approach using the comprehensive multimodal MIMIC dataset, combining MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-CXR datasets. Our experiments show that our method is effective in improving multimodal deep learning for clinical applications. The code for this work is publicly available at: https://github.com/AliRasekh/TSImageFusion.