Electrically-Pumped Wavelength-Tunable GaAs Quantum Dots Interfaced with Rubidium Atoms


We demonstrate the first wavelength-tunable electrically pumped source of nonclassical light that can emit photons with wavelength in resonance with the D2 transitions of 87Rb atoms. The device is fabricated by integrating a novel GaAs single-quantum-dot light-emitting diode (LED) onto a piezoelectric actuator. By feeding the emitted photons into a 75 mm long cell containing warm 87Rb vapor, we observe slow-light with a temporal delay of up to 3.4 ns. In view of the possibility of using 87Rb atomic vapors as quantum memories, this work makes an important step toward the realization of hybrid-quantum systems for future quantum networks.

Huang, H., Trotta, R., Huo, Y., Lettner, T., Wildmann, J. S., Martín-Sánchez, J., et al. (2017). Electrically-Pumped Wavelength-Tunable GaAs Quantum Dots Interfaced with Rubidium Atoms (Washington, DC : ACS). Washington, DC : ACS. https://doi.org//10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00935
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